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Author Topic: Japanese 8.8 Earthquake.  (Read 18232 times)

Offline linkfan112

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Re: Japanese 8.8 Earthquake.
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2011, 03:36:41 PM »
I've never been there,i have heard tho that the people are nice, and considering their not comunists i dont have anything against them. The losses are terrible what is it now? 200k+ deaths? Its terrible and i pray for them every night.

Hati was worse civilization wise but i think japan has suffered more death and thats what really matters.

(just so people know i would still pray for a country if it was communist im just saying that communism and me dont agree)
You show your education well there, and you also show that you watch the news often. No, the deaths has not reached 200,000, that was the nukes from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The current death count is almost 6000 however with many more missing.

Haiti has most likely suffered more in several ways, that earthquake ravaged the mainland and didn't go in the sea, if that had happened in Japan there could be death tolls in the millions, luckily this did not happen. Also, you're still an idiot for even mentioning that they're not communists that you got nothing against them...

Well excuse me if I'm posting my opinions, and i find that it is important that they are not communists, mabye to you it dosn't matter because your a communist yourself or you don't care if your rights were taken away. :P

To Silver- How do i deserve to be sent down "a peg"? Because i have my own opinions? or because i had a winning arguement? which is it please do tell.
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Pray for those in Japan.

Offline Baka

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Re: Japanese 8.8 Earthquake.
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2011, 03:50:26 PM »
You speak of rights, and think socialism takes these away from you. Sure, things are a tad more strict, but at least private companies don't get to treat their employees like crap. Also, the country keeps some wealth, rather than keeping it all to investors.

I'm more to the right than I am to the left, but to hate communists is just stupid. China is a communist state, and yet the people there are awesome too.

Also, please don't go off topic.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 03:52:13 PM by Baka »

Offline linkfan112

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Re: Japanese 8.8 Earthquake.
« Reply #32 on: March 23, 2011, 04:05:23 PM »
You speak of rights, and think socialism takes these away from you. Sure, things are a tad more strict, but at least private companies don't get to treat their employees like crap. Also, the country keeps some wealth, rather than keeping it all to investors.

I'm more to the right than I am to the left, but to hate communists is just stupid. China is a communist state, and yet the people there are awesome too.

Also, please don't go off topic.

Yes i speak of rights, in communism or socialism(both the same) you lose your rights specifically, your freedom of speech, and freedom of want. Communism is only good for the people in high places, for everyone else its same car, same house, same food, same pay. In a Non-communist country you have the right to be richer then everyone else, have a good car, have a good house, buy what you want, and you get payed depending on your brains. Oh and i forgot that in most communist countrys you can only have 1 child and in China even if you have a child, he/she gets taken away from you to be sent to a school where you get to see them 2 times a year. So whats better?, Communism or Freedom? I know what I'll pick. ;D
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Pray for those in Japan.

Offline Baka

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Re: Japanese 8.8 Earthquake.
« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2011, 04:25:55 PM »
The children situation in china is not because of communism, but because of overpopulation.

You also have to understand that some people are born fortunate, and others are not. While in some capitalistic countries people are overly arrogant, and only care about money and status, in China everyone is the same to a certain level. This causes a more friendly environment. Of course, if you work enough, even in China you can own a company and get a good car. Frankly some people care more about being with others, than to own a ferrari.
Nothing is perfect however, but that's not the point. You don't have to hate communists because they're not following your life style. You can pick whatever you want, that's why you live where you do.

Offline TrainerX

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Re: Japanese 8.8 Earthquake.
« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2011, 04:28:44 PM »
 I agree with Baka. I'm not Communist, and I don't agree with some of the things they do, but everything Baka said is true.

Offline linkfan112

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Re: Japanese 8.8 Earthquake.
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2011, 04:31:01 PM »
The children situation in china is not because of communism, but because of overpopulation.

You also have to understand that some people are born fortunate, and others are not. While in some capitalistic countries people are overly arrogant, and only care about money and status, in China everyone is the same to a certain level. This causes a more friendly environment. Of course, if you work enough, even in China you can own a company and get a good car. Frankly some people care more about being with others, than to own a ferrari.
Nothing is perfect however, but that's not the point. You don't have to hate communists because they're not following your life style. You can pick whatever you want, that's why you live where you do.

Very true....to a point. China isn't over populated, its just another way to gain control. And i never said i "hate" communists i just said me and communism don't agree.
I have 7 lvl 100s without cheating and a bag of BBQ chips.
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Pray for those in Japan.

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: Japanese 8.8 Earthquake.
« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2011, 09:39:23 PM »
China isn't over populated.
The population of China is 365 per square mile. To give you an idea of how dense their population is, the US has 84 people per square mile. China is overpopulated.

And on the subject of Communism, the very fact that you mentioned Japan isn't communistic when explaining why you're sad the earthquake hit shows what you think of communism. I know a guy who lived in Russia for twenty years before communism was voted out of their government. He loved it there, and he didn't know anybody who didn't. China, still currently communistic, happens to be the second wealthiest country in the world.

You know what the concept of Communism was? Equality. Granted, things got a little of hand, but compared to other governments out there, Communism is a dream. Somalia, for example, hasn't even HAD a government for over twenty years. I'm sure they'd welcome Communism with open arms.

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Re: Japanese 8.8 Earthquake.
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2011, 09:49:54 PM »
Guys, you want to go talk about politics, go elsewhere.
On behalf of the PU team, I'd like to express our condolences to anybody in Japan effected by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.