Pokémon Universe > Game Features

Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..

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--- Quote from: StarLite on March 23, 2011, 02:23:02 AM ---How about Guild Unions?

--- End quote ---

I agree with Jerry and everyone. Allowing a player to join multiple guilds at once is a terrible idea.  It would create a lot of unnecessary smaller guilds.  Everyone would try to start their own guild because they could still be apart of a larger guild as well.  It will lead to hundreds of failed guilds.

But every now and then two guilds working together against two other guilds could be a cool idea.

A guild union would actually be a good idea. Multiple guilds teaming up to become a union/alliance would make guild wars and pvp more fun.

that would be cool

I'm thinking more loma style, where you have to contribute to level up the guild, and gain skillpoints, etc. If you want to get rid of the leader, you have to pay the amount invested by him.

Well think about this you build up this amazing faction/guild/clan or w/e you wanna call it and then some new comer comes in challenges you and overthrows you taking over all your hard work and then ruins your faction/guild/clan or w/e that would just be a terrible idea all the guilds In PU would be chaotic and disorganized. This would just leave people QQing all the time about guilds and how they hate their own members


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