Pokémon Universe > Game Features

Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..

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 If more people want this system than I'll just state it: The Guild Master shouldn't be kicked out of the Guild because he lost. He gets punished enough by being Demoted. And being in the Guild for a certain amount of days is not enough for someone to challenge the Guild Master. Like I said, he should contribute the same amount or more to the Guild as the Guild Master so far has. That could mean coins, organizing Guild events etc., depending on how the Guild System will be like.

 Why do I say this? Because a person must be active in the Guild to be able to even dream about challenging the current Guild Master. How so? Imagine a guy who just joins the Guild, gets all of it's benefits, but doesn't contribute at all to it and just exists within the Guild. That inactive member wouldn't be chosen anyway since nobody would want him, but he still shouldn't have the right to challenge the Guild Master's authority. This is not a barbarian tribe where the strongest becomes chief, even if he is as dumb as they come.

 So if people would like the Challenge Guild Master option, I have to say:

- First, contribute the same or more amount to the Guild as the current Guild Master (nothing new there)
- Be chosen as a candidate by the Guild Members. (each guild member can vote once)
- And there should be a specific time of Guild Elections: a time where, if the current Guild Master
wishes to keep his post, should be able to prove his worth and not just the new candidate(s)

 I still oppose this idea, but like I said, if more people want it, than it should be a little bit more organized. It would prevent a nameless new Recruit from being elected as a Guild Master (just for the fun of it), and would prevent people who weren't entirely serious about the role itself, but just wanted the name and the status it brought with it.
                                                                              Cheers, Genbor

I guess the PU team will decide this in the end.

I would prefer it be something like official/unofficial ranking within the guild, so that only designated members can move forward to decide of the ownership of the guild, and decide whether or not to open votes and such in case the guild founder needs to be temporarily/permanently switched and things like that.

Pokemon battles are many a times based on luck and one match does not always mean that the winner is the best player. There's the element of luck which should also be considered.

But then, the easiest thing to do remains to quit the guild and form another.

Best 2 out of 3?

Guilds = Monarchy. If you don't like your guild or leader, leave.



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