Pokémon Universe > Game Features

Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..

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not really the only point of this thread.
Theres more than just that


--- Quote from: LeoReborn on May 10, 2011, 04:18:37 AM ---If that's the case, I would say one of these:
1) the guild disbands after the Leader is absent after 6 Months
2) The Highest Contributor not including the Leader takes the role of Leader after 6 months..

--- End quote ---

The option of a coleader may also give that person the same abilities and authority as the actual leader. The leader must be inactive for 30, 60, 90 or however many days before the co-leader can take over as leader.

About the cities idea. This can be an automated system instance that's paid for ingame. After a period of time, if not used, it's deleted.

If challenging the leader for ownership really is necessary, then have the tournament style-takeover automated with an NPC. The 4 or 8 people that would play the tourney must be decided by other members of the guild. After a maximum of 8 people signed up for the takeover-tournament and another wants to join, the first 8 to sign up at NPC will get the chance.

This means if lesser players sign up then they're easily dominated and booted from the tournament. Whoever wins the tournament and if they beat the current leader, there may be a limited time vote at the guild NPC for the members of the tournament to vote if they approve the new leader.

If not that, then only people that have contributed a certain amount close to what the guild leader has may enter the takeover-tournament to challenge him.

I like the Idea of a second in command.

Co-Guild Leaders exist elsewhere too so I guess that's plausible.

Im sorry i havent read all the post but as elemental elite`s creator i did not chose chad to lead the guild because of his prowess in battles.i dont think the guild leader in apokemon game should be determind by strength since a horrible trainer could become leader because he has all the right counter against someone few others could beat. I dont think leaders should just fight for their position there should be a test of something important and bfore that the guild should vote weather or not a person is worthy to tkae on the leader


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