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Author Topic: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..  (Read 25368 times)

Offline TrainerX

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #30 on: April 14, 2011, 01:00:03 AM »
No one would be able to be the leader of every guild.

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2011, 02:14:10 AM »
You can only be leader of ONE guild, due to being able to be in one guild.
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Offline shadowbt

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #32 on: May 10, 2011, 04:00:37 AM »
I agree with the others who say that this would be a bad idea.It would get pretty complicated.I mean one guild alone is alot of people.Maybe a guild could have allies with other guilds instead of combining a couple of guilds together.Also what if a member of a guild wants to be leader and they want to battle the leader to take his spot,but what if the leader is never online or is on vacation or something.
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Offline LeoReborn

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #33 on: May 10, 2011, 04:18:37 AM »
If that's the case, I would say one of these:
1) the guild disbands after the Leader is absent after 6 Months
2) The Highest Contributor not including the Leader takes the role of Leader after 6 months..
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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #34 on: May 11, 2011, 01:39:35 AM »
Or, there could be a coleader and when the leader isn't online for a long time,the colead would become the new leader.
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Offline LeoReborn

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #35 on: May 11, 2011, 02:53:44 AM »
I guess when the Pre-Beta comes, We'll find out then?
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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #36 on: May 11, 2011, 03:09:32 AM »
Ya, everyone will find out in good time.
All things come in good time.

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2011, 07:59:37 PM »
Where would there be a Guild-station?

The guild-station being a station for creation, and guild maintainence
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Offline genbor

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2011, 08:19:04 PM »
 I would say in some highly populated city that is the center of most activities. Not sure if there will be transportation like Ship Voyages and Railway systems with accessible trains, but a Port city or a City that connects all other Railways would be a good place to start to think about a Guild-station.
 Or it could be found in every city. I personally prefer choice #1.

Also I really like guardianAQ's idea:

it's definitely an interesting idea and a guild/clan system would be very good to have for a game like this...

But there would definitely need to be an instanced area for guild members to meet, and a tournament system would be interesting although I'm not sure how that would work if battles were to be on such a large scale.

What if your guilds instanced area was a town, that only your guild and invited guests can access, in the beginning it is just a blank area but if you build up enough currency then you would be able to populate it with common buildings such as a pokecenter, a shop which with currency could be upgraded to house higher level items (pokeballs and other things of the sorts)

Heck maybe it could go as far as to be able to set up your own personal gym, which guild members would be able to practice on, the leader of the guild would be able to set up the AI and which pokemon they use and possibly even what skills they have so that the guild members and guests could practice, they would not be able to gain and xp but the guild leader may be able to set prizes from his own inventory for defeating the gym.

So as an example, say the guild leader is a really experienced player and has high level items that most lower level players couldn't afford, he could place one of them as a prize if they defeat his gym (though he would have to set it fairly high)

at the moment I'm tired and can't think of any more ideas but I'll come up with more another time.

Since player housing is a possibility, and creating your own guild center is also one, why not have a Guild City under the Guild's control? The price to be paid would have to be really really high though. But it could be worth it with all the customization that would be available. But don't make it only accessible to the Guild members and invited guests. Why not make it accessible to all, so that whatever they do (Buy potions in a Guild Managed Mart, etc.) would be a good income for the Guild.
 - While we are at the Guilds and Marts, why not also include Guild Merchandize... T-shirt with Guild Logo (in-game of course) Guild Logo hat, etc.
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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2011, 06:28:49 PM »
Well about leaders:

I think once a semester there should be a vote for the leader battle. I mean there are quite a lot leaders sitting on their fat ass, doing nothing. In this way leaders have to keep their members happy, which makes the position of leader less interesting (who cares since it is a bad idea to have half your guild wanting to be the leader), but it makes it fun for the member.

About the city idea:

It's great, but the guild will need its own financial leaders which are mappers, this should be a very high function (just under the leader)
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Offline Wire

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #40 on: June 01, 2011, 09:25:15 PM »
Well there should be votes  every so often to see who should become or stay as leader its only fair its fun aswell your worst enemy could be apart of the same clan and wants you out of the leaders seat. Just makes everything interesting you need votes from your fellow members but at the same time cant trust everyone.

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #41 on: June 02, 2011, 10:56:30 AM »
 If it's the leaders... sure no problem. But like it's been mentioned before, I would say the Guild Master stays. He created the guild, his word is final. So if you don't like it, leave and go to another Guild, and get revenge! 8D
                                        Cheers, Genbor
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Offline Wire

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #42 on: June 03, 2011, 04:31:28 PM »
If that where the case everyone would make their own guild just so they could stay as a leader therefore this whole guild idea would be pointless. In the case of over throwing the leader you either need to be nominated by so many people in the clan or the top 3 people etc should be able to challenge the leader for it.

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #43 on: June 03, 2011, 04:46:07 PM »
 Many people will want to make their own Guilds either way (myself included), the difference is, that if they are not prepared to put a lot of effort into it, than less people will join their Guilds - or stay in them - and they would have less benefits. So people, like in most MMORPGs even now, would still join the already existing better Guilds. So just the appeal of being able to be the leader of an already existing Guild wouldn't stop people to make their own. Besides, in my experience, people are lazy so they most often than not, join an already existing Guild with good reputation, and stuff to offer.

 Of course I agree that if a Guild Master is inactive for a long time, there should be an option to replace him. But even that should be only possible after a set amount of inactivity, and the replacement candidate should contribute the same, or more to the Guild as the original creator/current Guild Master.
                                           Cheers, Genbor
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Offline Wire

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Re: Elaboration on the 'Guild' System..
« Reply #44 on: June 04, 2011, 04:24:41 PM »
The only way you can threaten the leaders position is to be in the guild for so many days/months. If you win you become a leader and nobody can threaten you for so long and if you lose you either leave the guild or you get punished.