Hello, Im Garu. I've read alot of the threads, but one can only read for so long.
So I thought I'd post my ideas?
I understand how you do the legendaries and I full heartedly love it.
Still, what if this game had a purity bar? Like in those big old council games? lol
It starts at 50. The lower it gets, the more evil kinda thing? Say it gets at a certain low, a group like team rocket, ect ect, auto invites you to join? I mean it'd have to be pretty low.
Or if it gets higher, the pokemon rangers invite you? But it'd have to be pretty high? lol
I mean, it would take alot to move the bar, not just a one day, join the rangers or rocket.
Also, these fluxes could influence ya pokemon. Like the berries or such, they could raise their happiness or sadness. Making them weaker or stronger.
This could also give players a choice in missions and challenges. Complete it with honor or destroy the mission in general?
I got alot more to add, but I wanna see what yall think.