Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Learn moves from friends

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since TM/HMs are something that you use one and you never get other could you add the feature to learn moves from a friend's pokemon?

i have a kadabra without shadow ball
my friend have an alakazam with shadow ball
so i could give my kadabra to my friend and after some time my kadabra could learn shadow ball too

of course this must have some requirements like some battles with your friend, same pokemon specie or evolution.
the most importantly is to make the gived pokemon unusable and return it to the OT after a period of time to prevent steal

also you could add the feature to "sell" this so the players could become the move tutors

this could use you 1 slot for the other's pokemon and you must also use the pokemon with the move to teach

sorry my bad english if its so bad that you dont understand something say me that ill try to explain better

Sorry dude I dont like this idea very much.

what if maybe there were certain moves that only other people could teach your pokemon, or that you can only learn from trading. kinda like in gsc charizard can only learn belly drum if it breeds with a snorlax. make it harder to get stacked moves, but a nice benefit for the extra time

I don't quite like it either. But since there will be trade facilities, and people will be able to teach moves to any pokemon, trading pokemon, teaching them moves then trading back cannot be prevented.

However, it would be good if pokemon who have learnt an HM cannot be traded over, except if they forget that HM move.

I like this in principle, but it makes it too easy to get a move that would otherwise take a lot of effort.


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