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Author Topic: Do PU Staff Hate Kids/Teens?  (Read 9865 times)

Offline PkMn Trainer Black

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Re: Do PU Staff Hate Kids/Teens?
« Reply #15 on: March 18, 2011, 07:02:02 AM »
The mage is the girl I'm trying to save from death. Dakentio is Lloyd Irving, the Dual Swordsman the right side of my picture is who I look like. and if i knew i was in, i didn't know if
i could join midgame.
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Offline Raikt

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Re: Do PU Staff Hate Kids/Teens?
« Reply #16 on: March 18, 2011, 07:44:57 AM »
I don't hate anyone.

But, having to look over a thousand different topics that make little sense, seem to have been written by a child, are just down right insulting to read, or make about as much sense as tackling a cactus is not fun. In fact, having to browse all of the threads made regularly, lock the ones that are pointless or grounds for flame wars, and keeping up with people who refuse to act civilly (RE: Silver's post.) is annoying.

This is a forum, so everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, moderators (RE: the staff) are here to make sure that things do not get out of hand. You can dislike us for that all you want, we keep the peace and we like it peaceful.

On to my final point, yes. I will lock this thread. Because it falls under "grounds for flame wars" as I mentioned earlier. It only serves as an antagonistic approach to getting us to reply, angers anyone who has come to consider us friends or peers on the forums, and serves no purpose outside of that.

If you have any further complaints, bring it up in IRC or PM me or someone else.
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Re: Do PU Staff Hate Kids/Teens?
« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2011, 04:04:21 PM »
Do us all a favor and just An Hero, PowerPoke, you are too retarded even for a 12 year old, if you had stopped posting crap and contributed something of value then you'd be more liked, this counts for anybody.

The reason we tell people to stop acting like 12 year olds is because that IS the behavior of a 12 year old. Mind you, I am not a part of the PU Team, and I hate you as a person, not because of your age.

Offline Baka

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Re: Do PU Staff Hate Kids/Teens?
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2011, 06:19:33 AM »
While I agree that Shashi's use of words, and intention was rather bad timed, and unnecessary I cannot fail but to agree with him.
I locked this thread before he posted that, because I knew things would get out of hand, and I don't understand why someone opened it again.

Anyhow. I WILL NOT TOLERATE the actions that were just performed. While giving Shashi a warning is ok, I condemn the fact that someone banned him from the forum.

This isn't a sociopath school for teaching trouble kids how to behave. While we have a lot of children in our audience, PowerPoke supersedes all barriers. I cannot comprehend if this person is trolling, or is serious, in which case he has serious problems.

I banned PowerPoke out of VALID reasons, and I will specify them below:
- Spamming the forum with pointless threads and posts that may potentially harm peoples interest for the project.
- Not listening to my warnings, and threatening to abuse the report feature in order to spam staff e-mail addresses.
- Spamming the IRC channel, and insulting contributing members.
- Spamming the RolePlay forum
- Insulting people on their profile comment field, after being warned and muted, and somehow unbanned by a staff member.

PowerPoke's ban WILL REMAIN, I repeat, IT WILL REMAIN, and I will NOT tolerate that this fact is changed. ANYTHING else will harm the PU community.