Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Wild Pkmn

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but, but spirit! you're a story writer, it's your job to make stuff up xD haha peace ;D

as for socrates' idea, i like the that pokemon walking thing. pokemon seldom appearing then disappearing. but only as an npc or display and not for catching =x

I have thought about this idea couple of months ago, but we've come to the conclusion it's better to keep it the old way by just randomly getting attacked by a wild Pokémon.

cool but not for this maybe for one like emerald one thats noy local so your the only one after it

To many sprites for this idea.  Just imagine the lag!


--- Quote from: Dellancher on February 05, 2010, 11:03:36 PM ---To many sprites for this idea.  Just imagine the lag!

--- End quote ---

Nah if programmed right you'll get no lag. Just check out Tibia, they spawn all their monsters into the world but no lag.


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