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Author Topic: [RP] Unova Tales!  (Read 88812 times)

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Unova Tales!
« Reply #240 on: May 03, 2011, 10:47:54 PM »
I brought Justice and Hunter to the Pokecenter and got them healed up. While I was out I felt the presence of a pokemon in the city... but I could see none that matched its profile...
Spike, track the aura of the hidden pokemon, keep in touch, I want to see this pokemon...
He nodded and ran off...The lady came out and gave me my pokemon, Justice was running around in circles barking. He wanted to evolve into Arcanine. I don't even know where to get a fire stone. Spike came running up to me and told me the best he could that he had found the pokemon. I called my pokemon back and ran twords Spike the best I could.

When I got there I couldn't believe my eyes... a Thundurus!
« Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 11:31:49 PM by Mr._Rex »

Offline PkMn Trainer Black

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Re: [RP] Unova Tales!
« Reply #241 on: May 05, 2011, 04:27:29 AM »
Sorry for interrupting ya'll battle, Matt, Alex.
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

Showdown Username: Shining Darkness

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Unova Tales!
« Reply #242 on: May 05, 2011, 10:27:56 PM »
Thundorus looked at me and just sat there. Then it started to make a storm, I started walking twords it. As I got closer the storm got worse. I got close to it and the storm stopped, it looked at me and flew off... I had a feeling that I would see it again. I walked back in the direction of Driftveil city...

Offline PkMn Trainer Black

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Re: [RP] Unova Tales!
« Reply #243 on: May 08, 2011, 07:10:45 AM »
See ya.

I took off to Route 3.
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

Showdown Username: Shining Darkness

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP] Unova Tales!
« Reply #244 on: May 14, 2011, 01:22:43 PM »
Welcome to Accumula Town!
That sign was a pleasant greeting, considering what happened with the grunt.
It turned out there was a contest today, and knowing this, I ran for the Stadium.

-Hello, and Welcome to the Accumula contest hall. Would you like to register for our contest this evening?

"Yes, please."
-Since this is your first time, you will need a Contest Pass, a Dress, and a Seal Kit. Here is your contest pass. You are allowed three pokemon, two will be used in the Appeal round cooperatively, meaning that you need them to perform together. The Third pokemon joins them in the Triple Battle round, and the Final Match will be a Rotation Battle.

"Understood, thank you."
First things first, I went in search of a dress, and after I found it. In my eyes, it was beautiful because it represented me.
It matched my hair, in its Sky Blue streams, and the bottom of the dress was designed in a way that walking was comfortable. This dress had short sleeves instead of straps, and the had a ribbon design on it..
Paying the Shopkeeper, and smiling as I did so, he offered me 6 Ball capsules and some Seals as a gift.

Heading to the contest hall, I let Cara and Ruby down off my Shoulders. I also let out my Snivy, introducing him to the others.
"I'll be right back."
I returned after I had changed into my dress.

"Alright, are you ready for your first contest? Cara and Ruby are up first."
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline PkMn Trainer Black

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Re: [RP] Unova Tales!
« Reply #245 on: May 14, 2011, 06:35:40 PM »
As I walked through Route 3, a heard something sounding like a sword fight and saw sparks. I peeked around the left corner and was hit directly in the face with a bird
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

Showdown Username: Shining Darkness

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP] Unova Tales!
« Reply #246 on: June 24, 2011, 03:32:41 AM »

I gave the Mursharna back to Fennel.
"Good job Matt, I can tell you'll be a great trainer."
"Now, I said something about a reward. What would you like?"
"You wouldn't happen to have an everstone would you?"
"Of course I do! Take this as well."
It was a weird looking stone.
"Thanks what does it do?"
I don't know, but what I do know, its in good hands now."
"Thanks, Wattson. But we've got to be off!"
"Good luck you two!"
"Thanks Wattson."
"Cya!" "Bye!" We left.

We headed down to Nacrene City, we were on Route 3 now.
"Hey... Matt?"

"Uh, I was thinking. I might want to go on the rest of the Journey alone, to bond with my Pokemon."
"Well, whatever you wanna do."
"Yeah, I'm sure we'll see each other all the time on the trip. Right?"
"Totally. And we'll keep in touch."
"Thanks for everything. Cya around!"
"Bye Adam!"
He left.
I wasn't sure what I felt, but it would probably pass. I was glad for Adam. I went on in Nacrene City.
"Hm, what is they're to do here. I should probably heal up first, top priority."

I walked into the Pokemon Center.
"Hello, are you Matt?"
"Yes, who are you?"
"My name would be Dave."
"Ah... what do you, uh, want?"
"You are getting quite a reputation. Everything thinks you could the the next Hilbert."
"Really, that's quite amazing. I'm glad!"
"I'll be watching, don't let Unova down."
"That makes me feel a lot of pressure you know."
Dave went upstairs.
"Hel-""Don't worry about him, he likes to worry people, you'll do great."
"Thanks. Could you heal my Team?"
"Sure thing, Matt."
She put them on the recovery, place.
"So did you e-"
The window on top of the Pokemon Center broke, and three people ran through. They were facing the other way, towards the pokemart part.
My Pokemon finished healing, and I flipped behind the desk. took my Pokeballs, and hid.
"What are you-!?"
They turned around.
"We're Team Plasma. And we're gonna need all of you peoples Pokemon."
"What're you gonna do?"said one women.
"What're we gonna do? Admin Dave. Come down please."
Dave walked downstairs.
"Oh, sorry, I wanted to be fashionably late. Like in the movies!"
"Haha, good one (you know this is a crucial mission!)"
"Yes, I do know that, but I'm an Admin, and I just don't really care."
Dave called out a Tyranitar.
"And that's what we'll do miss." said the grunt.
Everyone threw their Pokeballs on the ground.
"You people don't have to listen to him!"
"TYRANITAR, Hyper Beam the ignorant child."
The Hyper Beam struck me and my body, like a ragdoll flew and broke through the window behind the Pokemon Center, I hit a tree, at full speed and it broke[Frenchfry? You see what I did thar?" xD]

The nurse ran through the front door and came over to me,
"are you alright?"
I choked up some blood.
"Uhm, no I'm...I'm alright."
We walked-well I struggled back inside. But it was to late. They were gone.
"It's OK Matt, you tried your best."
"You think I'm done? I'm-ugh-going after them."
"In this shape? You don't even have your Pokeballs."
"Maybe, not, but I have these empty ones, and I planned on getting another Pokemon anyways. It's OK Nurse. I'll get those Pokemon back."
I walked slowly out of the door.
"OK, now, to find me a Pokemon."

Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline PkMn Trainer Black

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Re: [RP] Unova Tales!
« Reply #247 on: July 10, 2011, 12:08:33 AM »
As I opened my eyes, there was a Pidove and a Starly staring down at me. I used my stone to hear them, which they immedeately stared at.

Phantom- What happened?

Starly-Sorry, Phantom. I am Moonlight.

Pidove- Moonlight knocked a blow at me, Sunset.

Phantom How do you know my name?

Both birds- by the stone. Seraphim had it and was captured by Ghetis. We can help.

Phantom-The more, the merrier, but I would like to see your abilities first.

Both moonlight ans Sunset allowed me to get up. They both used Brave Bird standing still. Suddenly their flames Blasted out and their bodies were golden. they then activated Steel wing and flapped them, making something as a Steel Razor Leaf.

Phantom-Pokeballs Go!

I caught Moonlight and Sunset. and made my way to the Pokemon Center in the next city.

(Dark_Soul, dont mind me any attention for now.)
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

Showdown Username: Shining Darkness