Pokémon Universe > Game Features
i tought while i was sitting and then i had a idea what if you can name your pokemon
like in place of pikachu
i call you Thunderrat
could you please spell right? ???
EDIT:i thank you for learning to spell
Meowth, your English is crap, so you really shouldn't be calling other people out on spelling.
We've been over nicknames before, with no definite answer. On one hand, we have the issue of people abusing it and making ASCII penises for nicknames, as well as foul language.
On the other, I'll need a way to tell apart my vast army of Zubats.
IMO, all problems could be easily stopped by having a soft keyboard appear onscreen for you to type the nickname into.
--- Quote from: Frenchfry on March 21, 2011, 02:52:59 AM ---IMO, all problems could be easily stopped by having a soft keyboard appear onscreen for you to type the nickname into.
--- End quote ---
You could always call your metapod penis...
It was all in caps and it was in cellphone language
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