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Author Topic: Pokemon Games  (Read 4656 times)

Offline Rolien

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Pokemon Games
« on: March 23, 2011, 05:49:20 AM »
Nintendo has created tons of Pokemon games which is great. (Then again I was kinda disappointed with a few of the designs of the newer pokemon...)

I recently just finished Pokemon white and noticed. You dont see any of the older pokemon until pretty much the end of the game.

Which to me that really just sucks imo. I mean yay new Pokemon but...I want some of my old favorites.
I'm really unsure if I am the only one who feels this way.

But anyhow does anyone else wish that Nintendo would actully make a Pokemon game that included all the area's, gyms, and Pokemon?

Offline Astrid

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Re: Pokemon Games
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2011, 11:37:44 AM »
Yes of course. But they wont.

Nintendo are money-makers. That's what the games development world is. Making things that make lots of money.

They'll make more by having several games instead of one big one. Also I don't think the DS card has enough memory for a an all-region Pokegame.

Offline crozza159

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Re: Pokemon Games
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 11:43:12 AM »
I have mixed feelings about that as a game, i mean they would need a fairly good story line for it to work, yay i beat kanto's gyms, elite 4 and champion, cool im going to johto, i beat their gyms, elite four and champion. hoenn. hmm, rock gym again, seriously a level 15 geodude, thats what your using. etc.

to make that more interesting, or plausible as a game, one would have to beat the elite four and champion of Kanto, move all their pokemon into the boxes, start in their next region of choice, choose a new starter (the boxes in kanto dont join with the new region until you reach the elite four.

seriously, it could be an awesome game if theyy put a great story into it (Team rocket has a mass falling out, Johto rocket team wages war against Kanto rocket team) (Team Aqua wages war against Team Magma) (Team Galactic wages war against Team Plasma)

It doesnt matter what you do to it, the game will become very repetitious unless someone has a GRAND idea for the story.

oh and legies wouldnt be catchable til after you have all 40 gym badges.

Thanks to cortexjs for making this banner.

Offline Bing

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Re: Pokemon Games
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2011, 01:09:20 PM »
I actually liked the fact that you couldn't catch the older pokemon until you basically finish the game. The only thing that disappointed me was the length of the game.  I mean halfway around the world and I've already beaten all the gyms and the elite four?!?!?!? WTF?  They should have spread the gyms out more, Extended the Team Plasma story line.  Make it so when you finally face the elite four you have level 80 or so pokemon.  I mean don't you ever feel kinda disappointed each time you own the elite four with level 45 pokemon, I do.

For me these are much needed changes to make pokemon the greatest game ever.  Oh and also better online play, (random matchup, except your pokemon are not forced to level 50.  Just program it to find trainers with similar level pokemon to the ones in your party.)
While friend codes are great, I'm a closet nerd/geek so most of my friends don't really play pokemon so a better random matchup would be great, and the extralink... that should be random, you walk into someone's world at random and randomly help them.   That would be great!!!!!!!!  I'll never use it because like I said my friends don't play pokemon.

Offline Rolien

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Re: Pokemon Games
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2011, 04:59:55 PM »
Well they could always make it for the Wii which would solve the whole space problem for a DS game.

Also if they made it for the Wii it could have much better graphics, could be more of like a adventure such as instead of having all HM's (like Rockclimb) your character could climb some walls, make it so your character has the ability to jump. Yeah you would still need HM's for like Surf, Cut stuff like that.

As for story line each individual game's story line always sort of confused me honestly I mean technically they are all the same. Why are there so many elite 4 and then there is more than one champion. The champion is supposed to be the best trainer if i'm correct right?

So if they made all the games combined on the Wii. They could make it so you have to go through each area. You choose the area you start in kanto, johto, ect. When you get all 8 badges you fight the elite four and the champion for that specific area and earn another badge this badge being for the last pokemon league where the true best of the best pokemon trainers are.

After you have that badge you can choose to go to a different area the next area's level will be what the designers think your pokemon should be after beating the elite four.

For instance you start in kanto the elite four there is around level 40ish you beat them the game automatically sets the next area you pick to be say 45ish so the games level would always be around what level you should be.

But thats just my idea

Offline Desbear

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Re: Pokemon Games
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 05:21:45 PM »
i'm just glad i didn't run into zubat and geodude

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: Pokemon Games
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2011, 10:15:38 PM »
They said they wanted to make it feel, like the first games. I loved, but I can understand why you feel that way.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.