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Author Topic: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights  (Read 2871620 times)

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5835 on: November 13, 2012, 12:54:20 PM »
Blades, something I learned VERY fast, is that Kai's RPs are always, very, uh, different. Anyway, I'll let Havoc know during lunch today. *tiredly munching on donut*

*just heard the 4kids voice of Sanji*
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 11:57:55 PM by Ayara012 »
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5836 on: November 14, 2012, 02:42:21 AM »

1.) Yeah.... learned that. I also learned, that nothing beats Nerraw.

2.) ikr?! It is disturbing...

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5837 on: November 14, 2012, 03:17:26 AM »
Seriously! I heard it and I FREAKED OUT. Like, I was on skype with my friend with the time, and this is the convo that occurred:
Friend: Brooklyn accent?!?! DA FUQ?!
Me: Huh?
Friend: It says on the wikia page for the Baratie arc that 4Kids gave Sanji a Brooklyn accent!!
Me: *twitch*
Friend: Oh. Fuq. WORSE.
Kuina, apparently, was only injured and unable to fight!! That completely runis Zoro's past!!
Friend: (Maybe that's not worse than Sanji with a Yankee accent... xDDx)
Me: (It’s not.)
(But it’s still bad.)
Friend: Damn 4Kids... The world would be a better, more anime-friendly place without them.
Me: Definately.
oh gods.
Okay, watch this:
It has the FUNi version, and then 4kids.
Friend: Oh noes...
Friend: What?
Friend: Oh no...
Friend: Funimation, or 4Kids?
Me: 4kids, of course. I LIKE Eric Vale’s voice, and it suits Sanji.
Friend: I dun like anyone but Hiroaki Hirata... But, he's not the worst.
Me: HAve you gotten to the 4kids part of the vid yet?
It’s disturbing.
I’m quite literally covered in goosebumps.
Friend: No, not yet.
Me: it starts around 2 minutes in.
Friend: Grape juice... No effing grown up drinks grape juice at a restaurant, especially not a classy one.
Me: wait till you get to Sanji’s voice.
It’s disturbing.
Friend: O_O
There are no words.
Me: No, WORSE than disturbing!
Friend: That's a meathead voice!
It's not suave and awesome like Sanji!
Me: See why I freaked out
Friend: Da fuq, 4Kids?!
Sounds like he's got a terrible cold, and an IQ of less than 40...
Me: All I know is that it’s disturbing.
I have goosebumps.
Friend: Blegh. Now I want to find the Japaneeeeese version!
Me: No, I just need to listen to a FUNi version soon, or my head’s gonna implode.
Friend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYYNyrfhgI8&feature=relmfu
I don't know if you watch that one, but srsly Ussop? Who the hell plays him?
Me: Usopp, never throw a pillow at Zoro. XD
Friend: That was awesome though. Zoro's got a good voice.
Me: I love the english FUNi voices for them.
Friend: OMG, Chopper's giggle in Japanese is the cutest thing~!
Me: Sanji sounds sexy in Japanese. XD
Friend: IKR?!
Friend: The difference from clip to clip... The voices in 4Kids... *dies, and not in a good way*
Me: Gods. They’re all weird, buT Sanji’s is the WORST.
Friend: Agreed.
Censoring insults just makes them all sound like overgrown children....
Me: Even my MOM thinks Sanji’s voice is disturbing.
And she’s otaku-ingnorant!
Friend: xD That speaks volumes about 4Kids.
Me: Yes, yes it does.
Before she even heard it, I told her, “he’s like, sorta gentlemanly. He has an image. He’s...suave, sorta.” And she’s like, “Okay.” And I say “And they give him a BROOKLYN ACCENT. It’s DISTURBING!” And she’s like, “That IS disturbing.” and made her equivalent of the “._.” face
and then when she heard it, she’s like “Yeah, that’s...”
Friend: xD My sister would probably make barfing sounds, but I don't think my mom would have anything to say... That would be something to test.

My apologies that that's so super long...But, as you can tell, neither I nor my friend have any love for 4kids. >.>
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5838 on: November 14, 2012, 03:53:00 AM »
I have one thing to say. I didn't get into One Piece until a few years ago, and the first one I watched was a 4kids episode.

Me: They act like 2 year olds.

*Watches the real version*

Did Luffy just say damn? Ah, much better.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5839 on: November 14, 2012, 04:51:57 AM »
I'm proud to say that I started with the Real version, and up until now, had only ever seen screen shots of the 4kids version. Now, of course, I've heard their *coughdisturbingcough* voices, too.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline John Flame

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5840 on: November 14, 2012, 11:15:44 AM »
Wtf Ayara . _ .

Didn't even bother to read that wall of text xD

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5841 on: November 14, 2012, 12:47:04 PM »
Didn't figure everyone would. Basically, it was me and my friend totally freaking out when we heard the 4kids voice of Sanji, from One Piece.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5842 on: November 16, 2012, 02:39:13 AM »
Ayara wanted me to get on? Wanted me to get on? Fine, i'll get on.
And now, Words of the day with WhatThePumpkin.
The words of the day are Viscus, Vivisection, and Flow.
Viscus. Noun, referring to a singular internal organ. Viscera refers to multiple organs, usually the bowels.
Vivisection: Noun. A practice of anatomy in which the subject is drugged, and cut open while alive. This is illegal to use on humans, and is usually frowned upon with animals. That hasn't stopped anyone yet.
Flow. A term used to describe a mental state of focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the activity being preformed.

This has been, Words of the Day, with WhatThePumpkin.

ps. Blades, you're gonna pay for blowing up my boyfriend. Don't think you can get away with it.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Desbear

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5843 on: November 16, 2012, 03:28:01 AM »
Don't hurt blades. I was the one that convinced them to RP XD

Yeah... but if you do end up coming for us. go for the mod. not the OC's.

Yeah. what he said.

what they said ._.

Did you hear something?


...Cortex. please don't ban me from the RP's for this .-.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5844 on: November 16, 2012, 03:31:17 AM »
WTP, you're boyfriend slammed Warren's head in the dirt, CANON WARREN!

He was asking to meet Nerraw...

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5845 on: November 16, 2012, 03:37:36 AM »
I knew Havoc'd be mad...Btw, Havoc, good to see you on~
Twins: We have an idea.
Ayara: If you do decide to punish someone, you should punish them all.
Artemis: I'm sure you have plenty of ideas of how to do so, Shock-mod.
Blades, I wouldn't try that if I were you. Havoc's gonna get madddddd...
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5846 on: November 16, 2012, 03:40:43 AM »
Eh, I'm really not worried about it. Nerraw is Nerraw, he blows poop up. It's been like that sense the beginning of time.  Nerraw will continue to blow things up, because Nerraw is god.

That is my story, that is the truth. XD

« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 03:54:18 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5847 on: November 16, 2012, 04:06:34 AM »
Did I mention our disease of the day?  Ebola. A beautiful disease, that, once caught, slowly destroys your viscera. It liquifies your intestines, and causes you to vomit up every other organ in your body. A fitting way to go, if you ask me.

And, lol. I'm not mad, Blades. I know that he tends to go OP, even more than you XD he reserves his good RPs for me :P
*casually grabs a rusty, lead pipe* However....
hey, I'm about to do a Let's Play C: My dad's in the hospital, unfortunately, so I'll be up all night. Is anyone interested in seeing it? .w. it's a game called .flow, which is awesome, because it easily describes a day in the life of W.T.P. Anyone interested...?
Oh, and...Ayara...*cracks neck in both directions, purrs, and smirks menacingly*
I will punish them all...but I think I'll start with you. I haven't toyed with your psyche yet....It might be a good time to see how brittle and blunt your mind actually is...
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5848 on: November 16, 2012, 04:08:38 AM »
WTP, I wanna watch an LP of yours. And, when you get the chance, I need more friends on Steam! and, I'm REALLY trying to break my OP habit.

Nerraw didn't come out, until Kai took both Warren's daggers through the chest, ab\nd healed himself. NO HEALING IN COC!

P.S Hope your Dad's okay.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 04:23:32 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #5849 on: November 16, 2012, 04:47:39 AM »
D: I hope your dads okay!

If he's not get me some samples of his bl-*Shot by mod*

If it wasn't for the fact that mikto is..mikto, I would shoot him again because, well, uh, he be inconsiderate..

Also, I'd watch the thingymajiggy C: