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Author Topic: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights  (Read 2873500 times)

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6645 on: February 25, 2013, 01:46:00 AM »

Offline Sazaraki

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6646 on: February 26, 2013, 07:00:27 AM »

Hi :D Awesome signature by the way.
Also, awesome comic Nex!

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6647 on: February 26, 2013, 01:17:51 PM »
Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :D
. . .

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6648 on: February 28, 2013, 04:34:45 AM »

Each of you make a chansey profile out of this! Feel my pain! MAKE IT!

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6649 on: February 28, 2013, 04:56:01 AM »
Yikes. Been spending a lot of time profiling, Blades? (That honestly looks like Hell...)
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6650 on: February 28, 2013, 04:57:21 AM »
Cramming for tests and working on that. My head feels like someone beat it. With a hammer. The size of Canada. Twice.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6651 on: February 28, 2013, 05:04:45 AM »
This is actually similar to what I use, although there are a few differences, and I never thought there would be a part of writing that I didn't enjoy' that it, until now.
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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6652 on: February 28, 2013, 05:09:18 AM »
Eyes: His eyes were once a rich chocolate-brown, but labeled as trouble his mother cursed him with stormy gray eyes. To warn anyone who saw him of one thing: Trouble would soon follow. In his youth his eyes had been like a hawks; clipped and precise, taking in every detail. But as he matured, his eyes became weary. He still never missed a detail, but his eye became weighed down by bags and they no longer held the passion they once had.

This is what I do. horribly describe thing in stupidly long length. Oh and Fenror, what be de differences speaking you of?

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6653 on: February 28, 2013, 05:16:49 AM »
Some things are condensed int 1 category, like turn ins and turn offs. There's also main problem for character as the story begins, what character does to potentially worsen this problem, how this problem effects other characters, where the character lives, what it is it like, why do they live there, etc. I'm not putting in as much detail as you, though, as I'm just getting my ideas down now and detailing it later. And as I've told you before, I need to plan out an entire story before I write it, using outlines and a bunch of other stuff, so that way when I write, even starting with my rough draft, I can focus on the details and work out problems in my story/writing more easily, ensuring in the best possible final draft I can get.
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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6654 on: February 28, 2013, 05:18:44 AM »
That is where we differ. These are my general profiles. I haven't started ANYTHING specific to a story yet.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6655 on: February 28, 2013, 05:32:33 AM »
Ah. Well they way I write and come up with my stories, I find working out the basics of the characters, then developing them fully as the story progresses works best for me, burI won't go into those details now. As for the outline alone, I have more than one. I'll write it, developing on my characters based on how my story pans out, then rewrite it using the newly detailed characters to improve on the story. Then I may edit the outline again, and the. I'm ready to start writing. I haven't started on that first outline yet, though, as I have some other stuff to plan out first. An you think character profiles are hard? Try creating an antagonist, who has as many details, if not more than the main character, is featured fr less than he protagonist, must have some way to show development without the story focusing on them at all, and, well I think you get it. And also, for the character profiles, for me one of the most difficult, but most important parts are:

How should readers react/feel about his character?

Why should readers care about this character?
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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6656 on: February 28, 2013, 05:33:30 AM »

Each of you make a chansey profile out of this! Feel my pain! MAKE IT!

Challenge accepted. I shall allow everyone to try it here as well, opening the thread to all profiles for the time being.


Full Name: Kotan DeBarone

Nick Name(s): Ko

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Birthday/year: September 6, 2057

Marital Status: Single

Spouse: None

Hair: Long white hair, doesn't really style it.

Eyes: Red demon eyes

Origin: Born in Barone, he left his home at fifteen after it mysteriously was destroyed by a massive fire.

Language(s): English, Latin, Abysmal

Blood Type: Black Demon Blood

Height: 6'2"

Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: 240 lbs. Medium build. Flawless complexion. Face can easily fool people.

Race/Species: Half Demon

Parents/Elders/Guardians: None, he killed his mother, never speaks with his father

Siblings: None

Friends/Allies: None. He only has minions, and these dwindle when he gets bored

Enemies: Pretty much anyone related to a person he killed, sealed, stole from, etc.

Beliefs/Religion: Only follows his primal instincts for destruction, and believes only in chaos

Career/Past Careers: Former mercenary. His powers made it pretty easy. Now he travels and reeks destruction as a full time, self proclaimed destroyer.

Dreams/Life Goals: To watch the entire world, part of the moon, and Saturn to burn.

Hobbies: Demolition, arson, taxidermy, and metal working.

Likes: The smell of burnt flesh and the screams of pain

Loves: The smell of death and the howls of anguish

Dislikes: Being bored

Loathes: His father, who owes him at least ten years of presents

Fears: Nothing

Strengths: Convincing leader, he can command entire armies at a glance. He also has a knack for smithing, but he doesn't like to boast on it too much.

Weakness: Water. He can't swim, doesn't like to bathe, and finds it a pointless part of the earth. (He hasn't figured out how to set it on fire yet.)

Good Qualities: Surprisingly loyal despite his radical behavior.

Bad Habits: Has a tendency to clean his teeth with his sword.

Turn Ons: The color red, fire, death, skulls, swords, dismemberment, impaling his victims. Let's chalk it up to inflicting pain.

Turn Offs: Flatulence

Natural Talents: He has a great singing voice, and an exceptional dancer

Supernatural Powers & Abilities: He has the powers of a demon, which means he does pretty much what he wants, when he wants. His most noted powers are conjuring fire, transforming into a spider/bear/hawk/lion/giraffe creature, summoning lesser demons into battle, super strength and speed, as well as reviving corpses for a zombie assualt. There may be more, but not a lot survive, or retain sanity after an encounter with Ko.

Temperament: Easily bored, and goes to extremes to cure that boredom.


Background: Kotan was the spawn of a demon lord and a mortal. At an early age, he was able to obtain a grasp on his powers, starting off by burning small animals with a simple thought, and then his mother when she scolded him. He had an easy life, and by age ten, took over his town and became the king of Barone, further developing his powers to unstoppable proportions. At the age of fifteen, he grew bored and left, but not before having the place erupt in a massive fireball.

He became a mercenary at seventeen, finding that in order to truly make a living, he needed money. His first job was during world war three, working for western army. His powers brought many victories, and enough money for him to party forever. When he was approaching his twenty-first birthday, the war was won, and he found himself bored again. He began devising a plan to start another war, as it allowed him to kill the most things at once. It took only sixth months to amass an army to his liking, and started the last world war. Midway in a battle, he grew bored once again, and lay waste to everything in his path.

During his travels, he got a reputation for being a very evil man, and is generally avoided where he goes. No land is safe from his obsession to end his boredom.

Now, this is not a real profile for anything, but this was pretty easy to write. Don't know whet you're talking about blades. :P
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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6657 on: February 28, 2013, 05:35:40 AM »
I'm sorry Cortex, this may sound foreign but... Profile denied. More detail.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6658 on: February 28, 2013, 05:42:10 AM »
This is even more vague than mine!  :P And also, absolutely everything, EVERY SINGLE detail about your character should have a reason behind it. You should have a reason why they were born on that specific date, why they have a certain hair color, why you have them at a certain age, etc. You should be able to answer ANY question someone may ask you about any of your characters, and you should have a legitimate reason to support your answer, even if the character is some measly soldier that dies in battle, and his name is never even mentioned. Every character in every serious piece of literature you write should have a full profile, because every character is significant to your story, and any of your characters may impact a reader in a way you never imagined.
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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #6659 on: February 28, 2013, 05:45:44 AM »
Who was that to? If it was to me...

Full Name: Warren Nathaniel Renniger

Nick Name(s): To very few people, he is known as Ren.

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Birthday/year: April 27, 1975

Marital Status: Single, though he is in love with Silene.

Spouse: Silene. The relationship is bumpy, as even Silene has a limit to her patience, and Warren tests it at every turn. All she wants is the truth, and for him to open up, but he is constantly falling back to his poker face, and hiding in his web of lies.

Hair: A mane of golden blonde hair hangs to the nape of his neck, splotched with light brown streaks here and there.

Eyes: His eyes were once a rich chocolate-brown, but labeled as trouble his mother cursed him with stormy gray eyes. To warn anyone who saw him of one thing: trouble would soon follow. In his youth his eyes had been like a hawks; clipped and precise, taking in every detail. But as he matured, his eyes became weary. He still never missed a detail, but his eye became weighed down by bags and they no longer held the passion they once had.

Origin: Born in New York, the back alleys were his haunts from a young age.

Language(s): Kiswahili, Latin, Greek, French, English, and little bits of Spanish.

Blood Type: O+

Height: 6'3

Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: 179 pounds, with a lean, athletic frame. His major fault is his right knee, as even though no one but him knows it, the bone is slowly wearing away. It becomes increasingly painful to do trivial things such as walk, but with the hep of medication he numbs the pain enough to fight. As a result, his endurance to pain is unnaturally high. Scars span across his body. A blotchy red mark from shoulder to hip he got from a minotaur, four scissor tipped marks exactly twelve inches from each other on his side he received from a hydra bite, pale marks running across his throats he received from the talons of a gryphon, and the most recent a bit of his earlobe taken off by the bite of a hell-hound.

Race/Species: Demigod. The son/daughter of a god and a mortal, they have a wide arsenal of powers, from the ability to shoot lightning from their hand to being able to charm anyone into anything. They are near immortal, and will not die from sickness or old age. They can, however, be killed.

Parents/Elders/Guardians: Athena, goddess of Wisdom, and a doctor from New York. However, he grew up with his grandfather in the slums. because his father mysteriously 'disappeared.' Strangely enough, it was not a bad life, as his grandfather was a jolly old man, but one day it all came crashing down as his mother 'side' of the family became active in his life.

Siblings: His deceased grandfather and father, and his deity of a mother.

Friends/Allies: Tylan and Daylin, his disciples, Silene his lover, Jacen and Primrose, his children, Jake, his best friend and rival, and Aaron, his leader.

Enemies: Zeta. His "dark side" brought to life. Everything Warren hates and fears is in this man. They are two sides of the same coin.

Beliefs/Religion: Although he doesn't worship them, he knows the Greek gods are real.

Career/Past Careers: In a simpler time, before the war had picked up, Warren was a part-time instructor, and the general of the demigod army

Dreams/Life Goals: Warren once dreamed of becoming a writer, now his only goal is to outlive this war, and settling down.

Hobbies: Writing.

Likes: Warren likes to read, and debate. He craves the challenge that comes with debating, trying to outwit your opponent at every turn.

Loves: He loves to write, to weave worlds from simple words. Unlike most books, his stories are just about day-to-day life, he already has enough adventure. He also, in some sick way, loves to lie. He loves the thrill, never knowing if you'll be caught.

Dislikes:Mortals. He risks his life to defend them everyday, and he envies them for that. He does the work, while they continue with their normal lives. He wants that, to not have to lie, to not have to wonder if your friends will ever return when they walk out the door.

Loathes: Himself. Warren is not arrogant, and he knows his flaws. He wishes to get stronger, to guarantee safety. He views everything as his fault. And he hates himself for it.

Fears: Death, and not being strong enough to protect the ones he loves. And even though he puts on his poker face when asked about it, he fears to truly love.

Strengths: Despite his faults, Warren has just as many strengths. He is highly intelligent, and unrivaled when it comes to knife throwing. He is a brilliant liar, and has mastered hundreds of accents, allowing him to act as a great spy. Warren also radiates confidence, and can make it seem like everything will be alright.

Weakness: He is highly intelligent, and assumes everyone thinks like him, occasionally over predicting. And while being able to bull's-eye a target from nearly a mile away with a knife, he is easily outclassed in brute strength, and avoids major physical battles. He also tends to fall back on lying, a lot.

Good Qualities: Courageous, protective, and proud. He will go to the grave to carry out his goal.

Bad Habits: When his nerves are on edge, he bites his nails until they bleed. And out of habit, he twirls his hair into knots. He also has a very pessimistic attitude, refusing to allow his hopes to rise and risk having them shattered.

Turn Ons: Considering himself strange compared to most men, he is really not turned on by women in tight clothing. His major turn on, is oddly enough, seeing Silene wearing nothing but one of his shirts, which are too big, and a pair of worn out short shorts. Nothing seductive, just...natural. He is also turned on by his partner taking charge. Warren is the lead strategist, the best general ever seen; thousands would die on his command. He relishes when someone else takes charge.

Turn Offs:

Natural Talents: Warren is born leader, a diplomat. He is also naturally skilled with his daggers, and an unbelievably good spy.

Supernatural Powers & Abilities: Telepathy and telekinesis. Both inherited from his mother, he has theorized it is because he can use all parts of his brain at once, his intellect so vast he was able to tamper with certain things, but nothing has been proven.

Temperament: Quiet and introverted.


Yeah. And I'm still working out kinks.

Daylin: 35/100