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Author Topic: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights  (Read 2874199 times)

Offline Humen

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7470 on: May 12, 2013, 11:31:05 PM »
I'm not sure about any of this stuff cause I'm still new but can you tell me where these serious RPs are? i'd like to see the difference between those the ones here.
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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7471 on: May 13, 2013, 12:26:07 AM »
They are all over the internet.

Here is something considered casual in a serious RP:

"Tarion nodded, drawing only his aegis. He would not need his blade for this, the man was shaking like a leaf. He adopted a slack stance, shield at the ready, and allowed the bandit to charge at them.

As the man reached them, he swung the small dagger in a sloppy slash at Tarion. The elf raised his shield, the dagger digging into its outer covering of steel, and then brought his free hand around, catching the bandit in the jaw. The punch made him stagger and release his grip on the knife, and a powerful bash from the Grey Warden's aegis brought him to the ground.

Tarion wrapped his slender fingers around the hilt of the of the dagger, pulling it from his shield, and plunging it into the bandit's heart. "May Falon'Din guide you to an eternal rest." He whispered under his breath, pulling the dagger from the man's chest. He wiped the gleaming red blood off the metal, and inspected it.

"Roughly a third the size of a sword, double-edged, and the material seems to be Grey Iron, quite rare. It's not the most potent I've ever seen of this particular metal, but it is a good blade, and would fetch a decent price if sold." He gave it a quick once over for the last time, then tossed it to the strange girl. "Keep it as a keepsake. And you can still have a seventh of the reward, even if there was eight.... And Brailwyn, if my memory serves correctly, I killed just as many darkspawn as you, possibly even more."

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7472 on: May 13, 2013, 04:39:26 AM »
I honestly have no beef with any of the old RPers, really, so I honestly don't need to continue this in PM. Thank you for being civil about it, Simulacrum.
No problem, thank you for not getting all butthurt about it (as so many people on the internet would).

I'm not sure about any of this stuff cause I'm still new but can you tell me where these serious RPs are? i'd like to see the difference between those the ones here.
As The-Blades-slave said, they're all over the internet, but I'll give you another example. This one is from an RP that I had joined early on, but was unable to find the time to make decent posts soon afterward, forcing me to quit.

"Fredriq was buried. Trapped in a cave of unknown twists, turns and ends. Surrounded, entombed and alone. All around him were piled data slates, books of all shapes and sizes, a personal holofield projection unit for reading mem-crystals, a local data-web uplink monitor, even some sheaves of manuscript. He was exactly where he wanted to be. Lost, spiralling through the collected knowledge, factoids, history and dramas of a new world; content.

He sat, head down and rapt, in the Main Reading Hall of the Librarium Administratum of St. Jerome the Bookkeeper. A fine building, he supposed. Architecturally speaking it was nothing compared to, say, the Gran Bibliotéqa de Malazar, far off in the Hespix Sector, with its vaulted ceilings and Rhatongan Revival buttresses fashioned from exquisite chrydite marble. Now that was a fine building. But this, a more... humble edifice, hid its treasure well, but my what treasure it was.

Fredriq had unearthed what appeared to be an original fourth edition copy of Gulden-Locke's Treatise on the Formation of Planets Hospitable to the Human Species or the Elements Required for Their Survival, an exceedingly rare find which he was presently savouring like some might a liquor's familiar burn or a lover's fleeting touch.

Of course, he was already familiar with the work and the conclusions drawn by Gulden-Locke, as any man of learning in the Imperium should be. Nevertheless, he was enthralled. To see with his own eyes the perfection of the cartographic diagrams, the subtle brilliance of the ancient typeface illuminating the masterfully wrought hypotheses with which the work triumphantly, boldly finishes, aroused a flurry of excitement emanating from the ancient paper sheets through his fingertips and into his soul itself.

His enjoyment was rather rudely interrupted by a sudden, high pitched chime and Fredriq was ungratefully teleported back to the here and now. Snatching his wide-framed spectacles from where they perched at the tip of his broad nose, he glared around for the source of the noise, jet black eyes shooting daggers at any who dared interrupt the gentle, rhythmic patterns of this temple of the intellect.

Around him the librarium maintained its steady buzz of activity: the muted clack-clack of the auto-scribe servitors, the hum of atmospheric stabilisers and the shuffling of robed Administratum officials as they went about their unending work - all continued at their steady pace, the entire scene the picture of reverential purpose. Quite what the source of the most unwelcome distraction had been, he could not ascertain.

At the only other occupied public table a lecturer from the local university glanced at Fredriq, his sallow, angular face wearing an irate expression of forbearance. Fredriq motioned a sigh of understanding in his general direction before returning his attention to the detritus of his own table, piled with knowledge given physical form. Perhaps it was for the best, he had been drifting for quite some time from the purpose at hand, frustrating as it was.

He was here on secondment to one Lord Sidonis, an Inquisitor of some standing in the Ixaniad Sector. Though he had not personally met the Inquisitor. Nor even his Interrogator. What was his name? Jove, or some such. Imagine the discoureteousness, having a xenologist of his standing be dispatched from Ixaniad Sector Inquisitorial Command to this backwater, with very little by way of explanation, no proper resources for research, and then to have a lackey, a servant, meet him at the starport...

Heaving a deep sigh that filled his lungs and shook his small frame, Fredriq ceased that line of thinking as fruitless. It would only raise his ire; already he felt a heat rising in his lined face as he flushed at the ignominy to which he had been subjected. Despite these things not all was lost; were he not dispatched to this humble librarium he might never have beheld the glorious tome which he had just been perusing.

Indeed Venatora itself, world and system both, was possessed of some remarkable stories of great personal and academic interest to him. With the planet's archives largely at his fingertips, even those sections normally beyond access of the common researcher thanks to the partial Inquisitorial privileges granted to him, he was largely content to while away his hours here until such a time as that Black fellow called upon him.

Not two Terran minutes had passed, and just as he was beginning to sink back into the soft embrace of his studies, than the ghastly chime sounded once more, if anything louder this time. Reaching for his nose to clutch his spectacles in anger, he realised that he had not replaced them following their previous usage as an expression of his irritation. He no longer required the glasses for reading thanks to some bionic implants which, as an aside to their primary functions, had fully restored his vision. Still, he had become somewhat attached to his reading glasses, they just seemed to fit, and so he had the lenses replaced with clear glass so as to allow him to wear them and not return to the level of hindrance their absence once caused.

Instead he reached and plucked them from atop a precarious pile of data slates as he levelled his gaze around the room searching for the continued source of his annoyance. And all the saints bedamned if he didn’t see that local university professor glaring quite heatedly at him as if he were the source of the confounded noise! Fredriq returned his steely gaze for a moment before pointedly replacing his glasses to their rightful place, perched low at the very tip of his nose, exaggeratedly turning ever so slightly away from the man and resuming his reading.

“Well plague rot the felcher’s beady eyes,” thought Fredriq, bristling at the man’s presumptuousness. Looking at him as if he had no right to be there. Why in his previous visits to the librarium the ‘professor’ had explained to him that he was a teacher of agri-science at the local university, and that he was researching the use of grox manure in the fertilisation of arid soil. Imagine, a man who made his life’s work the investigation of the bowel functions of a vile and beastly creature, an expert of the scatological. Some of his subject matter may have seeped into his thick skull, to give Fredriq such a look.

Bristling away to himself he resumed his research of the history of the Venatora System, particularly the events of M37 which led to the destruction of its moon. Fascinating stuff, once he had gone beyond the official reports and prop-vids of the defeat of the alien threat by dint of his Inquisitorial override commands.

Having not been permitted access to any of the supposed xenos artefacts being smuggled in the system these pages were his best diversion, and at least tangentially related to his reason for being here. Fredriq settled back in his seat with a particular eye-witness report dating from early M37 and began to sink into the account; it really was a romping tale, the Guardsman relating the occurrences in a far more satisfactory fashion than the dry and dusty matter-of-factness of the official historia and…

Louder than ever that blasted chime. A string of curses ready on his lips, Fredriq was half way out of his chair when a shadow fell over him. The professor was standing over him, threateningly close and looming, his lips drawn tight in a scowl. When he spoke, his words were of that awful Venatoran vernacular.

“Excuse me, but would answer that vox, for Throne’s sake?” he growled.

Fredriq blinked once or twice, confused, not following what the professor was saying. Suddenly he remembered the personal hand-held secure vox unit Marcus Black had provided him with upon arrival on the world. He searched for it beneath the piles of books and manuscripts, eventually ferreting it out as the professor resumed his seat with a hostile backwards glance.

Keying in his encryption codes Fredriq saw that there was indeed a message from Black. Entering a further encryption code, a transcribed message read: +++ Ordo Team, this is Marc. Schafer’s arrived early, and so have the explorators. He’s going to escort them down and wants us to meet him up on the landing pad. +++

Fredriq swore quietly to himself and stood up. Beckoning to the one attendant librarian, shawled in the ubiquitous grey robes of the Administratum’s Librariam, he snatched up his grox-hide coat and tossed it over his shoulders. As the Librarian approached with a long-suffering expression written across his face Fredriq blurted, “sir, I have an important matter to attend to, please see that my materials remain untouched until my return.”

Warp take him but the man had the temerity to respond! This would never have happened in the sprawling libraries at Inquisitorial Command. As Fredriq rooted out his personal datapad from the teetering mountain on his table, the fellow bustled about in protest. “But Professor Klimpf, you can’t possibly just abandon your borrowings like this. They must be returned to their rightful place in the archives.” His voice was raising to a yell as Fredriq made his way brusquely to the door. “The correct paperwork has yet to be filed! Professor!”

But Fredriq was gone, his data-slate stowed alongside the vox-receiver and his ident-card proclaiming him as Professor Hermann Flimpf of the Imperial History faculty of the Universitas Majoria Ixaniad in the inside pocket of his jacket. He joined the steady trickle of people making their way down the enclosed thoroughfare outside the Librariam Administratum of St. Jerome the Bookkeeper, terminating in one of the city's major trans-hubs. The last thing Fredriq saw as the enviro-barriers clamped shut was the beady-eyed faecal professor shaking his head in disgust."

And that was just his first post. I'm sure he probably has posts of similar quality in the thread by now.

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7473 on: May 13, 2013, 05:38:25 AM »
Well, I'm glad that's all settled then. Well, I have one request. Can we change the subject, cause all this talk of RP's is starting to get a little stale. Don't take it the wrong way, I noticed the community roleplay project thread, and feel that RP discussions should go there from now on. I've been thinking it's time to put the guild back on track, but I have no idea on how to do that, as the game is still in development. Any ideas?
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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7474 on: May 13, 2013, 05:42:08 AM »
I honestly have no beef with any of the old RPers, really, so I honestly don't need to continue this in PM. Thank you for being civil about it, Simulacrum.
I know that conversation would effect some people so I stopped it before it came to that. I'm tired of this same thing coming up over and over. Every time it starts arguments. Luckily this time it was avoided. Thankfully this should be the last that it is mentioned on this topic.

Humen, I see you on PO a lot but you don't stay long and by the time I notice you were there it's to late. Next time your on try pinging me to see if I'm there. To ping me all you have to do is type my name in chat.
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Offline Arctus

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7475 on: May 13, 2013, 11:38:52 AM »
I've been thinking it's time to put the guild back on track, but I have no idea on how to do that, as the game is still in development. Any ideas?

It's a little hard to do that as i'm fairly sure we've already covered most of the things we can pre game. So about the most I can think of is if either people have come up with new ideas since we last spoke about them, or if we just turn the general chat in this thread into a more PU related topic.

Offline BlazingNinetails

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7476 on: May 13, 2013, 02:07:43 PM »
Uhm i always had an idea but i never talked about it and i forgot what it was.
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Likes chewing on fire stones and has split tails like Vulpix and can uses it's ability like Zoroark to change into people.

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7477 on: May 13, 2013, 05:29:04 PM »
Well, I'm glad that's all settled then. Well, I have one request. Can we change the subject, cause all this talk of RP's is starting to get a little stale. Don't take it the wrong way, I noticed the community roleplay project thread, and feel that RP discussions should go there from now on. I've been thinking it's time to put the guild back on track, but I have no idea on how to do that, as the game is still in development. Any ideas?

I agree with Cortex. He didn't make this guild to talk about RP's, that's what the Roleplay Corner section of the forum is for. Also, I agree with the fact that the guild has gotten off track, but as of not I've no ideas on how to fix it.
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Offline Ayara012

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7478 on: May 14, 2013, 02:51:26 AM »
Um, okay, topic...Well, I can't think of anything new, but since I think we've gotten some newer members (and it's just been a really long time), why don't we review what we've decided about when the game does open?
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7479 on: May 14, 2013, 02:57:53 AM »
I like that idea. I don't even know/remember most of that.
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Offline Humen

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7480 on: May 14, 2013, 03:09:29 AM »
Wait you guys already have a set plan plan on what to do when the game starts great that's a great way to start off the 500th page of this guild.
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7481 on: May 14, 2013, 03:21:43 AM »
lol, it was discussed quite a long time ago, I believe, Humen. I actually read the pages of the guild (up until the mid 200s) and I think I may have seen some of the stuff, including some sort of squads or something. I don't really remember it too well, as that was a while ago.
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Offline Ayara012

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7482 on: May 14, 2013, 04:01:44 AM »
Humen, the stuff we've decided is about our guild, and the way it's gonna be set up/work once the game is running. The organization and whatnot.
We've gone over it about twice, I think. It's almost an annual thing. But it's been so long since the last time that I can barely remember what we HAD decided.
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
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Offline BlazingNinetails

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7483 on: May 14, 2013, 04:08:12 AM »
xD lol i guess everyone has been forgeting their past lately

just in case this is on the 500th page

Lets start a party!
*grabs pinkie pie*
PokeDex Info:
Fox Pokemon
Likes chewing on fire stones and has split tails like Vulpix and can uses it's ability like Zoroark to change into people.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« Reply #7484 on: May 14, 2013, 04:33:09 AM »
Allow me to remind everyone. This time, copy and paste it, print it out, and put it in a place so you know for the future. :)

Basically, we are a community guild. What does that mean? We offer our assistance in the game in any of these three ways:

1. Adventurer- You join squads to help people complete quests/raids. To be an adventurer, you must have some battling experience, as well as be able to work in a team. Your role can be anything from medic (stockpiling healing items for your squadmates), leader (acting as the voice of the team while also devising strategies), and pretty much anything you can think of.

2. Scribe- The data collectors that answer questions for the new people. This requires little to no battle experience. You take the time memorize events, how to complete quests, or answer general questions. You can even take it a step further and narrow down your knowledge to certain aspects of the game i.e breeding, battle sets, pokemon locations, towns, gym leaders, etc. This is a highly flexible section, as there is no limit to what you want to be an expert in.

3. Fighters- The section that helps other players train. To do this, you need to have extensive battle experience, and that means on a competitive level. You can act as a sparring partner, a trainer (help newbies learn the ropes of competitive battles), and you will be the face of the guild for tournaments.

Of course, you can switch between any of these as often as you wish, you don't have to stick to one.

Now there are names for these three sections as well, just so you can make it your title if you wish:

1. Questing Knight ( this one needs work, if you have something better, just say what you got.)

2. Knight's Scribe

3. Battle Knight

As for the squad system, we changed it Open Squads. This means that you can form squads at any time, with anyone, inside and outside the guild. Adventurers will be using this system more than the others. For example, let's say Arctus is going to head out for a quest, but wants some people to tag along. He requests for a squad. He gets three replies (standard squad), on from the knights, one from EE, and one from a player that has no guild. He accepts these people in his squad, and they head off to complete the quest.

Hope that answers every question. Also, vulpix, make anpther MLP reference, and I will rain down my wrath upon you with the rage of a thousand rampaging elephants with amok syndrome.
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