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Author Topic: This has to end.. NOW!  (Read 4374 times)

Offline LeoReborn

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This has to end.. NOW!
« on: March 26, 2011, 02:58:39 PM »
I really don't feel apreciated, not anymore.

Just go ahead and Report Everyone.
See what happens.
I REALLY hate to be a Troll, but I've Had it. I'm sick of it.

This whole COMMUNITY has gone downhill, since Angel left.

I'm not going to be here when this place crashes.

I got a warning, Fry got a warning, even Mr POKEMON.

This is total bullcrap, and I'm not going to take this.

and you guys, the Team, you won't listen to me at all. Powerpoke is a human, you guys can't reason with him via warnings.

I am PROOF, that warnings only PISS US OFF!
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Offline UnationConsideration

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Re: This has to end.. NOW!
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2011, 03:03:24 PM »
So like I'm back and um, oh too late? Well Star apparently this has become more than a simple children's game. This isn't my thread so I should go nao.
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Offline Astrid

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Re: This has to end.. NOW!
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2011, 03:09:31 PM »
I've not been here long and I probably have no right in speaking now. I don't think you understand how difficult it is to run a massive community like this. When there are more than a few hundred people to control it becomes very very difficult.

The mods are only being mature, and are acting for the sake of the forums and their game. If the younger members of the community could act more serene and left the shenanigans for another place (there's a thing called MSN groups) then this frustration wouldn't have to happen on both ends.

The team is working very very hard to bring everyone a Pokemon Game which is what this forum is all about. It is stressful, time-consuming and the last thing they need is to be moderating petty outbursts which are made.

Please come to reason with this. This place isn't about you or anyone else you feel has been victimised; this is about Pokemon Universe.

Offline Level5Pidgey

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Re: This has to end.. NOW!
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2011, 03:11:23 PM »
Starlight, could you please stop posting topics that you know we'll have to close - and then getting mad at us for doing our job?
You're putting us in a crappy position because, I don't want to lock your threads and make you angry, but it is my duty to ensure that behavior on these forums is acceptable, and that the forum does not have to endure flame wars, harassment and privacy issues.

Further more, you are a moderator of one of our boards. I would expect that as a moderator, you would understand why we are doing what we are doing. I would also expect you to be a role model for our other members.
Currently you are not demonstrating qualities that I would expect from a moderator - this distresses me.

If I was making these threads flaming you on the RP forum, you would lock them, yes?
This is why, when you make these threads on other forums, I am locking them.

These threads lead to nothing but argument. Please, take a few hours to cool off - or I will have to warn you next time.
I feel that I have been rather lenient on you thus far - but I'm afraid I won't be able to justify it any further. If you think I have been abusing my moderator powers - you are heavily mistaken.

I hate to admit that I have been terribly biased in these recent threads - as if this behaviour was coming from a regular member, I would have given them a temporary ban by now.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 03:17:52 PM by Level5Pidgey »
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Offline Raikt

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Re: This has to end.. NOW!
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2011, 04:26:23 PM »
Starlight, could you please stop posting topics that you know we'll have to close - and then getting mad at us for doing our job?
You're putting us in a crappy position because, I don't want to lock your threads and make you angry, but it is my duty to ensure that behavior on these forums is acceptable, and that the forum does not have to endure flame wars, harassment and privacy issues.

Further more, you are a moderator of one of our boards. I would expect that as a moderator, you would understand why we are doing what we are doing. I would also expect you to be a role model for our other members.
Currently you are not demonstrating qualities that I would expect from a moderator - this distresses me.

If I was making these threads flaming you on the RP forum, you would lock them, yes?
This is why, when you make these threads on other forums, I am locking them.

These threads lead to nothing but argument. Please, take a few hours to cool off - or I will have to warn you next time.
I feel that I have been rather lenient on you thus far - but I'm afraid I won't be able to justify it any further. If you think I have been abusing my moderator powers - you are heavily mistaken.

I hate to admit that I have been terribly biased in these recent threads - as if this behaviour was coming from a regular member, I would have given them a temporary ban by now.

Pidgey is correct. Repeatedly opening topics to complain about the same thing, no matter how justified the complaint is, is nothing more than spamming and the topics will have to be locked. Otherwise, we are sending out the message that it is ok to spam the forums on a whim.

Which leads to his second point that, yes, we are moderators and it is our job to keep the forum a fun and happy place to post. I understand that you're angry, and that you feel like you aren't getting your fair share, but is spamming the board that you've been a part of for so long really going to solve anything?

Just take a while to calm down, then come back and talk with us in a civil manner. It's not easy being a moderator, and it's not easy being the "bad guy", but sometimes we have to do it to keep order. And I will gladly have people think I'm the bad guy if it means keeping the forum a pleasant place for everyone.

Most of the team agrees, which is why we're going to (and have been) moderating it a lot more closely from now on.
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