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Author Topic: [RP] Advanced Portal  (Read 64208 times)

Offline DarK_SouL

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[RP] Advanced Portal
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:38:09 PM »
Okay, I've never made a non-Pokemon RP so bear with me please.

Basically, this RP is like the game contained in Orange Box and now avalible on XBLA, with a sequel coming soon. Portal is the name.

Now, it is a little bit different. Basically. This takes place after the 2nd Portal, the government has taken the Portal Gun out of testing at Aperture Science. They have now given it to a group of people called, Saviors. Aperture Science was not happy about this, and with their advanced technologies, they have created a race of demons. No one knows anything about them. And the government has somehow hidden it from regular people. So only Saviors, Aperture and the Government even know about this advanced race. And we, the Savior's have to stop them. We can pretty much do whatever we want, nor the government, nor Aperture really care about us or the demons. They both think we are trapped in this world. But there is a way out.

Setting: It takes place in a place created by Aperture and the Government. Even they can't control us in there. They can even reach us in here. Basically this is just like a video game. There are volcanoes, vast oceans, forests, fields, and even some testing chambers created by Aperture. Some are afraid to go in those because of Aperture's cameras. But Saviors, finally destroyed those, so they are safe.

Profile Skeleton:
PU Name: (Your name on Pokemon-Universe)
Character Name: (Your person's name)
Weapon: (Whatever it is. You either have a Portal Gun build in, or the weapon, and a Portal Gun.)
Personality: (What are they like)
Bio: (A paragraph or more about your character)
Image: (What does your person look like)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 07:13:35 PM by DarK_SouL »
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2011, 07:36:36 PM »

Everyone had gathered.

OK, this is our first day. And most of us, have experience, but we've never faced anything like this. Now, we are going to face so crazy things out there. But either way, we are comrades. I'm no leader. I'm to crazy to do that, hehehe. I know I mean seem like a leader because of this speech, but they told me to. But now that we're in here. They probably won't even contact us again. We're just pawns. They have millions of others they could send if needed, they probably don't even remember our names. But to start off, each of you should go into a different Testing Chamber, and get prepared, I've adjusted each to your skills, and difficulties. And to tell the truth, this war is gonna be a lot of fun. But a serious thing to. Saviors, it starts now.

[So in case you didn't get that, get your Character to go to a testing chamber, like the ones in the games, basically.]
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline TrainerX

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2011, 10:52:11 PM »


 Trystan stood in a small crowd of people. Trystan paid attention to what Eric was saying, but only because he would probably say something important.

"OK, this is our first day. And most of us, have experience, but we've never faced anything like this. Now, we are going to face so crazy things out there. But either way, we are comrades. I'm no leader. I'm to crazy to do that, hehehe. I know I mean seem like a leader because of this speech, but they told me to. But now that we're in here. They probably won't even contact us again. We're just pawns. They have millions of others they could send if needed, they probably don't even remember our names. But to start off, each of you should go into a different Testing Chamber, and get prepared, I've adjusted each to your skills, and difficulties. And to tell the truth, this war is gonna be a lot of fun. But a serious thing to. Saviors, it starts now"

 After Eric was done talking, Trystan walked to a Testing Chamber. Inside, he found many platforms. On some of the platforms, there were objects of different shapes. There were doorways on some of the platforms. There were a few platforms that had holes that looked like the objects would fit into. Some of the holes were simple shapes, like squares, but some of them were complex shapes that required multiple shapes to fill. Trystan pulled his portal gun off of his belt and started looking for a place to start solving the huge puzzle.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2011, 12:32:56 AM »


This was my first day outside of training in quite a while. It felt good. I stretched and looked around. Some of these kids were new. I could tell by the way they were looking around nervously. Not me, i had been in battle before, just not like this. I was looking forward to killing what ever it was I had to kill...

"OK, this is our first day. And most of us, have experience, but we've never faced anything like this. Now, we are going to face so crazy things out there. But either way, we are comrades. I'm no leader. I'm to crazy to do that, hehehe. I know I mean seem like a leader because of this speech, but they told me to. But now that we're in here. They probably won't even contact us again. We're just pawns. They have millions of others they could send if needed, they probably don't even remember our names. But to start off, each of you should go into a different Testing Chamber, and get prepared, I've adjusted each to your skills, and difficulties. And to tell the truth, this war is gonna be a lot of fun. But a serious thing to. Saviors, it starts now"

What a dork, but eh, we might get to be friends.
I walked back into the testing chamber I had just come out of and started to solve the puzzle...

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2011, 01:22:22 AM »

Wesker stood in the back of the room, observing the crowd. He towered over most of them.
Few of them appear to pose a threat to me. That's good. When this is over, the weaker they are, the better.
OK, this is our first day. And most of us, have experience, but we've never faced anything like this. Now, we are going to face so crazy things out there. But either way, we are comrades. I'm no leader. I'm to crazy to do that, hehehe. I know I mean seem like a leader because of this speech, but they told me to. But now that we're in here. They probably won't even contact us again. We're just pawns. They have millions of others they could send if needed, they probably don't even remember our names. But to start off, each of you should go into a different Testing Chamber, and get prepared, I've adjusted each to your skills, and difficulties. And to tell the truth, this war is gonna be a lot of fun. But a serious thing to. Saviors, it starts now.

Saviors. What a stupid, juvenile name. Pointless, too. They won't be saving anything. For now, however, they provide an excellent opportunity to gain credibility.
Straightening his sunglasses, Wesker moved to a 'training' chamber. Obliterating whatever obstacles put in place for him should be relatively amusing.

as the door closed behind him, the lights went out. Didn't matter. His improved body also enhanced his senses, and he could see in the dark fine. Across the room, there were roughly ten holes, from which items closely resembling missiles were being launched. At the same time, he heard a strange, robotic voice on the loudspeakers, speaking astronomically fast.
"During your training exercise, complex riddles will be given to you. Failure to answer these riddles in under fifteen seconds will result in your immediate failure and possible death. Please remember that this session is meant to be a fun and rewarding experience for you. Let's start:
You have been zapped into this room by means unknown. There are two doors on one side of the room, there are two computers. It even seems they are each guarding a door.

There are two signs, and a leper in the room with you.

The first sign reads:

"Behind one door is God realization. Behind the other door is a room painted entirely green. The only things in that room are a man and a ladder, both of which are painted entirely green. The man has been hired by the coalition of Gangsta Rappers to hurl a non-stop barrage of insults at anyone who enters the room. " (end sign 1)

The second sign sits between the two computers (also the two doors) and reads as follows:

"One of these computers is programmed to lie to you regardless of how friendly you are to the user interface, the other computer is programmed to tell the truth, regardless of your emotional state."

It is about this time that the gangrenous leper begins to speak "I get you deal on phone time $.08 minutes weekdays all odd hours. $.10 on Thursday except the hour between 2:00 and 3:00, or any registered birthday . . . "

He begins to - quite slowly - lurch towards you, he's already reaching out towards you, you get the sense he's a "touchy-feely" sorta person. You quickly calculate you have time to ask one computer one question before he reaches you. The riddle before you is this: What question do you ask, and to which computer do you pose your question?"

Wesker grimaced. This wasn't going to be fun.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2011, 02:48:47 AM »
The first room was easy enough. I had to get onto a ledge 30 feet in the air and if I fell death...
I made a blue portal (tell me if I am doing this wrong) right infront of the wall and a Orange portal in the wall, I made sure it was high enough that I would land on the ledge. When I was satified I jumped into the portal. I came flying out of the orange portal and landed on the ledge with a loud thud. The AI in my suit started talking.
Lance you need to be more careful, Your suit shield is down 50%.
I know, I can see it.
I am just here to remind you, if you die, I die. Please be careful.
Yes mother. Do I need to tell you that the shield comes back after 30 seconds of not getting hit?
Charlie was always doing that...
I went into the next room. This one must be the real challenge of this session. There were swinging blades that I had to construct portals around...

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2011, 02:55:49 AM »

I walked into my Chamber, that they had customized.
"This doesn't look like anything I've ever seen. This isn't going to be like a normal war. I like it."
"There will be three tests, the first will test your Physical Skill, the second your Mentality and the third your emotional stability, these will each be very complex, and they may kill you. They have now informed me, GLaDOS that the cake is a lie this time-it is a lie-a lie-alie-alie-ALIE..."
"Sounds like the robot shut down. That was strange. But lets see what this situation holds."

I walked into the first Chamber. There were three Turrets sitting in the middle of an empty room and a Trash Can to the side.
"Oh, I just have to destroy the turrets. Easy."
I walked in, ready to slash them up. Then they all pointed directly at me. I saw blood. But I threw my Gunsword in front of me, and ran out. Avoiding the remainder of bullets.
"Well, this might be harder then I thought."
I flipped the switch and the Portal Gun setting activated.
I flew in the room then shot a portal to the ground and another at the wall. Fell through. Came out the wall behind the turrets, the momentum gave me a start. I threw myself at the turrets, slashing them into the tiniest of pieces.
"Anything's possible with a Portal Gun."
The next room (Still physical) held a tiny ball in the center of it. Nothing else. I thought I knew what was going on. I shot it, just to be safe. it exploded, and another Re spawned there.
Then I looked up. High up on a ledge was a door.
"I assume I have to get up there to continue?"
I shot the Ball with a blizzard of bullets. This time the explosion was huge. I backed up. Then i hatch opened up at the side of the room. A rectangular item was sitting there. I picked it up, and was wrapped in a protective armor of some sort.
"Ah, this should keep me safe!"
After a few seconds it went away.
"Urgh, there has to be some way to get up there."
I flipped the switch and shot a Portal. It faded away.
I could tell the walls were Portal-proof. Well it was worth a shot. I looked at the stage for a minute.
"Aha, I think I get this."
I grabbed the Rectangle then threw myself at the Ball, while shooting at it, I thought maybe it was also a Portal of sorts. Then I flew back, my Armor wore off and I slammed against the wall.
"Ugh, well that didn't go as planned. I tried looking at the stage from different perspectives.
"Oh, I think I see a way."
I created a Blue Portal at the top of the room, way above the ball. An Orange one in the middle of the wall closest to the Rectangular object.
I grabbed the object, armor surrounded me. I ran through the Orange Portal. Fell through the Blue. Shot at the Ball. The explosion boosted me, I shot an Orange Portal on the ground atop the ledge. Since the momentum gave me a boost high enough to see the ledge. Then I feel to the ground. Seconds after, my Armor wore off.
I made a blue Portal on the ground below me, and fell through, then I can through the Orange Portal and landed on my feet.
"I still get dizzy when I do that."
I went through the next door.

Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2011, 03:12:57 AM »
"Ask either computer which door the other would say leads to the green room. Both doors will tell you which door leads to the green room. You take the other."
A few of the missile holes closed. The remaining openings were still firing small rocket-guided explosives at him every five seconds. Without his natural teleportation ability, Wesker would probably be dead, or at least very tired by now.
During a visit to a mental asylum, a man asked the Director what the criteria is that defines if a patient should be institutionalized.

"Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub. Then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup, and a bucket to the patient and ask the patient to empty the bathtub."

Okay, here's your test:
1. Would you use the spoon?
2. Would you use the teacup?
3. Would you use the bucket?

"Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would choose the bucket, as it is larger than the spoon."
What was the director's response?

Vanishing from the path of three missiles and reappearing some five feet to the left, Wesker replied.
"The director would institutionalize the visitor. Any sane man would simply remove the plug of the bathtub.
A few more of the holes closed. At this point, the missiles only had two entry points.
Excellent work, Mister Wesker. This is your last question.
Richard's height is six feet. He is an assistant at a butcher’s shop, and he wears size nine shoes. What does he weigh?

Stepping aside from one last missile, Wesker answered.
"Richard weights meat. That's his job."
The last entry point closed, and and the lights turned on.
Thank you for your participation, Mister Wesker. This room is complete. From this point on, we will be testing your problem solving skills in a physical format, with the Portal gun. Please advance to the next room.
A door opened. In the ceiling. Cute. Wesker teleported to the next room, leaving the Portal gun where it was. He wouldn't need it.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2011, 03:17:57 AM »
I looked at the walls, I could see 5 ledges that would offer a little foot hold. I shot a Blue Portal at the floor and an orange on as close as I could get to the ledge. I stepped through the portal and came out the orange one. I grabbed the ledge and started inching my way across it. I was thinking that I had a few tries, but as soon as I had a firm grip on the ledge the floor vanished. I had only one try...
I inched my way to the end of the first ledge and a blade started swinging in front of my making it imposable to jump. I made a Blue Portal on the wall where I was. and did my best to make an Orange one as close to the next ledge. It worked. Soon using the same strategy I was done with that room...
i went through the next door. There was nothing in this room.

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2011, 03:26:54 AM »
This room was relatively simple. Between him and the exit was a good fifteen feet of continuous flame, just outside Wesker's own range of teleportation. The flamethrowers jutting out of the walls, however, might serve as a decent foothold for a few seconds.
 Warping nine feet forward and two feet above the flame, Wesker landed on one of the machines. When he was ready again, he warped a second time, landing in front of the exit. The door opened, and he walked through.

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2011, 03:36:31 AM »

Stepping into my first challenge, I saw a lone sentry turret in the middle of the chamber.  It was scanning back and forth looking for a target.  A thin red line was drawn across the floor and from some corpses, I figured it marked the range of the turrets sight.

Taking a helmet that laid on the floor, I tossed it over the line and watched as the turret instantly locked on and blew it out of the air.  Before it even had a chance to begin descending.  This couldn't be any easier.

Slipping on my cloaking device, I walked right up to the turret and fired a shot with my Usp right into the controls.  Disabling it effortlessly.  As I walked though the door into the next chamber, a mechanical arm grabbed me and took my battle rife.  A voice echoed though the chamber.  You will need a portal gun from here on out, so we will be outfitting your battle rifle with one.

Once it was done, the arm dropped me and I gazed at my next challenge.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 04:38:15 AM by Bing »

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2011, 04:07:58 AM »
The third room they presented to Wesker was completely devoid of anything. It was a perfectly square, stark-white room with a wooden chair set in the center. He approached the chair, examined it for a moment, and brought his fist down onto the back, crushing the chair.
You have now destroyed essential testing equipment. As the test can no longer continue, you will now exit the training area. Excellent cheating, Mister Wesker.
A door opened. An exit to the testing area. Wesker stepped out.

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2011, 04:26:47 AM »
This chamber was dimly lit and had a wall with a small hole slanting up though it and nothing else. 
There was a thin sliver of light protruding though the hole.  Cute, but simple
I shot a portal down the hole, being cautious as not to have it hit the sides of the hole.  Then I shot a portal into the ground next to me.  I jumped in, ready to face what was next.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2011, 04:54:05 AM »
I walked around the room, there was no door, nothing. I sat down on the floor and felt heat. The floor was hot. I used my thermal scanner to see what was down there.
Charlie tell me that is not what I think it is.
Sorry Lance, but that is lava. And YES, it is rising. It should overtake the floor in 50 seconds.
I stared looking for the door, or where I went to get out. I was looking at the wall when I saw a crack in the wall, just big enough for a Portal shot to get through. I shot an Orange portal through the crack and a blue one at my feet. I stepped through just in time.
The door was golden, that usually meant you were done. I stepped through and was back in the large room I started in.

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2011, 05:09:51 AM »
I popped out of the portal into a free-fall.  Estimated 30 seconds, until lethal impact with the floor.  I pulled out my battle rifle and tried firing a portal, but it didn't work.  Some strage force in the room kept the portal from appearing. 20 seconds
I noticed a small target about the size of my fist, it was an estimated 200 yards away.  10 seconds  I took aim and fired. 5 seconds...
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 05:23:52 AM by Bing »