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Author Topic: [RP] Advanced Portal  (Read 64211 times)

Offline TrainerX

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2011, 01:29:06 PM »
  Trystan decided to start with the nearest hole. He shot an orange portal at the wall above him, and a blue portal on a platform below him. He jumped down and went through the portal. He landed on the platform, which was about 20 feet away. He looked at the shape on the other platform. He shot an orange portal on the ceiling, and a blue one on the platform he was standing on. He grabbed the shapes he would need and dropped the cubes into the portal. They came out the orange portal onto the platform. He couldn't go through the blue portal, because he would land on them. He noticed a platform near it. It was taller than the one below, but he could jump down onto it. Trystan created an orange portal, and stepped through the blue one. He was launched onto the platform. He jumped down onto the platform and put the shapes in the hole. They fit perfectly. He filled in the other holes, and stepped through the door.
  This room had demon-like creatures, that rushed towards him. They were obviously fake. They were probably just robots. Trystan pulled out his sword, and blocked an attack. He swung his sword up, an cut it's arm off. Trystan turned to the other one, and blocked four attacks by the other one. after the last one, he spun and cut it's head off. He turned to the other and stabbed it. Another door opened, and Trystan killed those too. The door kept opening, and the creatures kept coming out. Trystan used his portal gun to get behind two. It took a while for them to figure out what happened. Trystan killed them next to the door. When the door opened again, Trystan rushed through, and found a control panel. He smashed it, and the door opened. The elevator that was bringing up the creatures stopped. The door on the other side of the room opened, and he went through to the last room.

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2011, 08:49:48 PM »
A few others had made it into the room shortly after Wesker. No instructions now. All he had to do was wait.

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2011, 09:28:52 PM »
My bullet hit it's mark and a portal opened up in the floor.  I fell though it and landed in a deep pocket of water.  Climbing out of the water, I saw several platforms like the one I was currently standing on.  Sound seemed to echo abnormally loud throughout the chamber, because when I took a small step forward the sound echoed throughout the entire chamber.  There was a button located to my right.  I pushed it.  Suddenly a buzzing sound echoed throughout the chamber and the platforms began moving, including the one I was standing on.  The water started draining away, revealing spikes at the bottom of the floor.  I could see a few corpses impaled on them. 
I noticed the door on the other side of the chamber.  Then turrets appeared from the ceiling and began to open fire.  Simple enough.

I threw on my cloaking device and the turrets lost me, but only for a moment.  With my first step echoing in the room, the turrets seemed to be able to lock on to the sound.  Interesting.  I jumped from platform to platform, with bullets howling all around me. 

Finally, I made it though the last platform and through the door.  Breathing lightly, I noticed some other people in the room.  Must be the end of the training.

I sat down in a corner and began cleaning my Silenced Usp 45, a gun given to me by a long lost ally.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2011, 09:47:59 PM »
I waked up to the now closed weapons room, I looked around then kicked the door with all my might. The damn thing would not budge.
Why are you kicking that door Lance?
Because my Gravity Hammer is in there and I want it.
There is an easier way, plug me in.
I pulled Charlie out of my suit and put him in the door controls, and wallah, the door opened.
Thank you Charlie.
Not a problem, they need to work on their security systems here.
I walked into the room and found my weapon. I put the Energy Sword Where I had found my Gravity Hammer and left.
Can you close that Charlie?
The door slid shut.
I walked up to a guy cleaning a gun.
So how long have you been in the army?

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2011, 09:49:21 PM »
Wesker's phone rang for a split second. A text message. He pulled out his phone.

X isn't ready. we need more Y. Ho-

That was as far as he got before a small robotic hand burst from the wall and took his phone.
Cellular devices are not permitted within this area.
Reaching into his coat, Wesker removed another, identical phone, and opened the message again. The hand confiscated that one, too, repeating the same message. He procured ANOTHER phone.

The hand didn't come down this time.

-ok the Q's up when you can.

They need ME for that? Lazy. I'll have to cut their pay later.

Offline Mr Pokemon

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2011, 11:01:12 PM »
Orion went to his chamber. A generic female robotic voice spoke.
"We are already very confident in you physical abilities. Today we will be testing mental awareness and problem solving. Your first test will be a series of riddles that will increase in difficulty as you progress. Are you ready?"

Orion didn't answer.

"Okay. Here is your first riddle: Rabbits produce an average of 8 babies every month. They are able to reproduce when they reach the age of 1 year old. If you were to get a pet rabbit, and it and its children reproduced at this exact rate, and none died, how many rabbits would you have in 3 years."


"Correct. Your next riddle: There are 10 birds in a cage. A man predicts that when he hits the cage and the birds fly, the weight will drop because the birds are flying. Why is he wrong?"

"The birds must push down an equal force in order to lift themselves off of the ground."

Offline Bing

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2011, 11:09:27 PM »
 I was a member of the government army for 8 years.  Until tragically, I was forced to resign from my post.  How about you?

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2011, 11:23:12 PM »
5, I lost my men to an ambush and quit. Then this. Besides Charlie was getting bored and I could never leave him alone. What were you trained for?

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2011, 11:48:31 PM »

This room seemed to be the start of the next test.
There was a cube.
I heard a system boot up.
"I'm sorry, I lost control last time. You must have been suprized. Now the second test has begun. Emotional feelings. This cube is a Companion Cube, he will accompany you for the rest of this level."
"Wow, you really made that sound real, its just a robot."
"You may believe as you wish. I assure you it is not a robot."
"Yeah. OK."
"Also, there will not be any missiles in the test."
Missiles can from everywhere.
"We lied."
I looked around, there was no way out.
So I stood there. The missiles were headed for the cube anyhow.
"Oh, just a heads up. If the Companion Cube breaks. The test will end and you will die.
"Thanks for the info!"
"No problem."
"It was sarcasm!"
"We know."
I shot an Orange Portal beside me, and a Blue one under the Cube. I flew through.
The missiles hit the ground. But more came out. of the separate holes. There headed for the cube. I shot blue portals at all the holes. And one orange one, at a random spot. All the missiles went through and hit a wall. This process repeated for a little while. Then no more came out.
"You have passed. And remained emotionally stable even in the dangerous situation. You may proceed."
I went to the next room. There was a hole on the ground, and one in the ceiling. It was endless. People were falling out of a hole at the top, into the endless pit of a hole at the bottom.
"Those are robots."
"You can't know."
"You're right. But, I can't help them either way."
"Yes you can. Make a portal to stop them from falling."
I did that.
Then the people came through the orange portal I made in the wall.
They gained Guns, Swords, Staffs. You name it.
"They ran at me. They were real people.
I made an Orange Portal on the ground in front of me. And a Blue one back at the top. The people resumed falling. A door opened.
"Good, you have passed the next two tests. You remained stable, knowing you couldn't help them. You also remained stable when people were coming at you and you had to start the resumption of them dying. You may proceed."
"Oh goodies."
The next room was empty. I sat on the floor. After three minutes.
More people came charging out of no where.
"You can kill them or run."
I killed all of them.
"Hehehe. There is a certain thrill to it, doncha think?"

"We don't think, we only think when we think. Also great job, you passed the tests. You could've ran. But you couldn't survive the war if you can't even kill."
"I understand that."
"You may proceed."
"How many tests are there?"
"The number of tests that there are."
At the next room, there was a hole in the wall, I couldn't see the whole way.
"Now, you can't see how long it is. What shall you do."
I shot a bullet. after a little while. I heard a sound.
"Doesn't sound like my bullet. good try."
I shot a Portal.
"Why do that. You still don't know how long it is.
"Yes I do, you obviously did that just so you could block the actual sound."
A door opened. I went through.
"You've passed the last two tests in the emotion part. You didn't go through the room even though you were eager too, so you could proceed. And you realized that your bullet hit, even though we blocked you from hearing."
"Now, there are 20 tests for the Mental section."
"There are really only 2, you past the first. You didn't think about it as difficult, even though there was twenty."
"Just because there are twenty. They could be basic."
There was a desk. There were five questions on the paper. I picked up the pencil after making sure it wasn't dangerous.
The first question asked: 1+1=? Yes or no.
"No. One plus one equals Two, not Question Mark."
The second asked: The answer is: Yes or no.
"The answer is Yes."
The third question was: "A man has two buttons. He is in an empty room. Doesn't know what either does. Which does he press."
"Neither he is too lazy."
The rest was empty.
"We lied again. Now we know that was rather easy. But, we didn't know your IQ level."
"I don't really care, just wanna get out of here. See some corpses. See if everyone got out OK."
"Why do you care about them. You don't even know them. Also OK. You have finished. You may leave, after you answer."
"They are comrades. And I don't have a problem with any of them. I may be crazy. But not crazy not to care about people. That is selfish. Not crazy. Also, you must not be a Robot, if you ask questions."
"I guess you will never know what. I am."
"You have passed the true last parts. You didn't freak out because you couldn't know if I was a robot. And you didn' panic to leave... but we lied again. There is another part. If you will notice. The companion Cube is still behind you."
"True. Also that still doesn't mean you aren't a robot."
"Did you just say an emoticon?"
"Yes. Now to pass the last test and leave. You must obliterate it."
A hole came out of the wall. There was a fiery pit.
"Destroy it to leave."
"It isn't real."
I threw it into the pit. I opened and a women came out, and started burning.
"If you save her you will be trapped forever.
I shot a blue portal at the wall and an orange one beside me. She came out. I placed a Blue Portal above her and an orange below. She cooled off and I moved the blue portal so she finally stopped, and she was OK.
"You have passed the last two tests. You did what you had to the Cube, but saved the real women. You need to sacrifice sometimes. But save comrades. You have passed!"
Two doors opened.
"You go out the right, she goes out the left.
I was about to leave, when I heard.
"Also, I have become attached to you. You may not know if I am a Robot. But great job!"
I was confused in so many ways. So many tests. It was all crazy. But I heard emotion in those last words. I didn't know what was happening but I didn't mind it.
A saw that the door she shouldgo through led to some weird room. Mine led outside.
I grabbed her arm, and ran out the right door, that led outside.
I heard a voice again.
"You have passed the final test. The actual last test. Great job!"
I heard the emotion again.
"C'mon, I know a way out of this fake universe."
She followed behind me.
We reached a huge hole.
"Before everyone got here. I searched all over, and found this way out. Just in case, I ever got even crazier and had to leave. That was when I realized, we were still somehow on the Planet Earth. But, I've learned crazier things."
It was on a cliff. So I shot a Portal down onto a street, away for cars. Then I shot another beside us.
"Thank you." She placed something in my hands and skipped into the Portal.
"That was strange." I put it in my pocket, and walked the long walk back to the group.
Someone asked what took so long.
"Huh... oh long chamber. I think they really wanted to test me. I'm not even sure what was a test and what was my own imagination.............."
"Um. Is everyone back?"

(Sorry about the long post. I got caught up with character development. Fun fun fun!)
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2011, 11:59:13 PM »
"Um. Is everyone back?"
I pretty sure that some of the new guys are dead, but most of us are here. Including the guy with 12 cellphones.
Lance do you know about that guy? I have his records here. He is supposed to be locked in a luny bin. Don't talk to him.
(is it cool I i say this?)
Give it a break Charlie, I am going to be killing what ever it is with these men. Get used to it.
I walked up to him and said hi.
Yo, the name is Lance. So where do you come from?

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2011, 12:18:38 AM »
(I guess. :3)
One of the soldiers approached Wesker.
Yo, the name is Lance. So where do you come from?
Yo. What a childish greeting.
"My name is Wesker. AS had an agenda against me for some time, as I happened to steal something of great value to them. Our friends in the government saw it fit to bring me here."

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2011, 12:42:15 AM »
AS? What are you some kind of nut?

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2011, 12:43:28 AM »
"Please. Aperture Science is nothing to me. Childlike security."

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2011, 12:46:50 AM »
You might have been right Charlie.
Told you, I can pull anyone's records. He is a nut.
Lets go get some ammo for my shotty.

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Re: [RP] Advanced Portal
« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2011, 12:51:27 AM »
"Gentlemen, kindly hurry this up. I have important business to attend to after this."