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Author Topic: [Profiles] Advanced Portal.  (Read 5603 times)

Offline DarK_SouL

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[Profiles] Advanced Portal.
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:41:20 PM »
Okay here I will post profiles for my latest RP. You can go ahead and sent, but I won't add until it is approved by a moderator.

Profile Skeleton:
Profile Skeleton:
PU Name: (Your name on Pokemon-Universe)
Character Name: (Your person's name)
Weapon: (Whatever it is. You either have a Portal Gun build in, or the weapon, and a Portal Gun.)
Personality: (What are they like)
Bio: (A paragraph or more about your character)
Image: (What does your person look like)

Thanks. Also don't post it, send it to me, like I said, I will post if this RP is approved.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [Profiles] Advanced Portal.
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2011, 07:24:45 PM »
PU Name: DarK_SouL
Character Name: Eric
Weapon: Gunsword, build in PG.
Personality: Fast paced, twisted, fun, funny.
Bio: He was the first to join them, he is an equal. Not a leader. He has a sword that doubles as a gun. As well as a Portal Gun Build in. He is considered crazy. He thinks of himself more as unique. He isn't crazy though, just different. In a fun way.

PU Name: Frenchfry
Character Name: Wesker
Weapon: He'll kill them with his BEAR BARE hands!
Personality: No, he doesn't have one of those. Cold and emotionless. Except for maybe some anger occasionally.
Bio: Wesker has plans for the future, and nowhere in them does he stick with the Saviors forever. For the time being, he would join them. Once the Demon creatures are gone, however, he will move on. There will be many people that will need to be eliminated, not the least of which being the saviors. It'd be best that they never found out about that, however.
Wesker's strength was augmented through a stolen experiment from Aperture Science. The very same experiment gave him a natural teleportation ability, which, while it has a very limited range, means he doesn't have to lug around a portal gun everywhere he goes.

Profile Skeleton:
PU Name: Monzta
Character Name: Atznom
Weapon: Portal Gun, Grenade Launcher and a Dagger.
Personality: Immature but very smart.
Bio: His family tree were full of talented clowns, making children laugh, having happy times and killing political leaders. They used their cunning tricks, and finished their kill with a laugh (The Joker reference, anyone?). Atznom is the new generation, and is ready to kick ass.

Profile Skeleton:
PU Name: Bing
Character Name: Zero
Weapon: Energy Sword and Battle Rifle w/ built in portal gun. Usp 45 w/silencer and a cloaking device built into his armor.
Personality: Been a lone wolf most of his life, but can be an effective member of a team. Clam and collected even in the craziest of situations.   
Bio: An ex-government solider, who joined that saviors to fight the demons, as payment to a long dead ally.   An extremely lethal, stealth expert.

PU Name: Mr Pokemon
Character Name: Orion

Personality: Likes to keep mostly to himself, but opens up sometimes. A natural protector, will step in front of a bullet to save somebody's life.
Bio: Orion was born into a long line of Marines, and eventually, he ended up joining, too. At the age of 25, he was put in combat for the first time. After that, he decided that the Marines was too boring. He wanted something more exciting. He wanted to save lives. That's when Orion ended up with the Saviors. His skill with combat and weapons has caused him to become a vital member.

PU Name: Trainerx
Character Name: Trystan
Weapon:Sword and Plasma gun
Personality:He doesn't trust many people, and it is hard to earn his trust. He is quiet and probably crazy.
Bio: When the government forced Trystan to enter the world they had created, he went crazy. He talks to himself about random things, and sometimes he won't talk for hours when he starts thinking. He doesn't know who his parents were, because he was taken from them when he was little. He thinks a lot, and can use the portal gun very effectively.

JerryEdit: Applied the changes requested by Monzta.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 07:55:50 PM by Jerry »
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [Profiles] Advanced Portal.
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2011, 12:20:27 AM »
PU Name: Mr._Rex
Character Name: Lance
Weapon: Lance was trained in close quarters combat, An Energy Sword, and a Shotgun are his weapons.
Personality: Daring, Lance likes to take chances. he will even take a risk if it is not necessary.
Bio:    Lance grew up in a family that was dirt poor, so he never had any thing. He made his mind up that when he was older he would be some one. When he grew up he joined the army and there he thrived. He soon made rank of Lieutenant, and was put in charge of a small battalion of men. one day during one of his ops, he fell into a trap and all of his men were killed. He quit the army and went home. Then he was recruited for an experiment involving a new weapon.

JerryEdit:Changed image, if that's the profile of Rex... old one
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 07:54:38 PM by Jerry »
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.

Offline DarK_SouL

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Re: [Profiles] Advanced Portal.
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2011, 10:23:03 PM »
pu name: meowth 2126
rp name: renegade.
weapon: rocket launcher. energy sword. and portal gun.
personality: short temper.not fond of talking.and won't mind slicing a few demons in half.
bio:he was put in the savoirs because the military was hoping that he would get killed there he will fight to stay alive and isn't the nicest person around.
Friend DarkerSou1 on Xbox Live, tell me who you is tho.