Pokémon Universe > Game Features
Hidden items you place wherever
You can hide items on the floor like in the real pokemon game, and if anyone finds them on the ground you will be notified and can suggest an instant battle with that person. Also there can be some sort of special in-game prize you get for hidding an item for longer than persay a week or month without anyone finding it.
Wait, what? Please elaborate. I've never heard of hiding things on the floor in the original games. O.o
you know the items you cannont see on the ground but hitting the action button and it'll say"you found an ultra ball" those hidden items
Understand that when dealing with an MMO, we have a massive map to deal with.
That's a LOT of tiles.
Some crazed Newfag will spend day and night looking for random items on the floor, that noone would bother to place.
Astrid. Time to get your "In before the lock" meme ready
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