Name: Vaporeon
Number: 134
Type: Water
Abilities: Water Absorb, Hydration
Base Stats: 130 / 65 / 60 / 110 / 95 / 65
Level Up Move Edits:None
Move Tutor Move Edits:Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Heal Bell
Signal Beam
Egg Move Edits: None
Example Set ohdatVaporeon @ Leftovers
248 HP / 224 Def / 36 SpD
Water Absorb, Bold
- Wish
- Protect
- Surf
- Hidden Power Electric / Ice Beam / Toxic / Heal Bell
Explanation of SetIt can pass ridiculously bulky wishes due to the changes to wish in Gen V. If you want to regenerate yourself, use Wish + Protect - otherwise, Surf and use your final move whenever necessary.
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