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Author Topic: (RP Clan) Trainers Union.  (Read 3726 times)

Offline loudskies

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(RP Clan) Trainers Union.
« on: April 07, 2011, 09:02:33 PM »
Hello everyone, I am forming an RP guild known as "The Trainers Guild." Everyone is welcome, even if they need to be tought better Roleplaying skills, good, or Bad. I- We, don't care, everyone is open to Improvement.

This guild will be themed around this Pokemon Universe Story, Meaning it is a Union of Trainers coming together to create a Sturdy Network between Travelers, the guild Doesn't have a Unique Story yet.. but it is Open to have a Future one! our colors are Stripes representing FIRE, WATER, and GRASS which will be uploaded for templates as soon as I finish it!

Leader(1): Loudskies
Co leader(1): ??
Officers (3):??
Members (Unlimited):??

If you want a spot as the Co-Leader, or an Officer, Fill out this Application!

Rank I want:

Roleplaying skills (1-10):

History as being a High rank in something:

Why do you want this rank?:

Anything else you want to add?:


« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 05:19:24 PM by loudskies »

Maddie: My Roleplay Character:

Sprite borrowed from Nerya on Deviant art!