Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions
Generation Pokemon
Thats true, but since there are new new forms and pre-forms of the original 151 becoming familiar with the newer generation would be helpful in some way. EX's: Pikachu evolves from Pichu. Magmar evolves into Magmortar. Magneton evoles into Magnezone. rhydon evolves into Rhyperion. Electabuzz into Electivire, etc..
Having a range of generations in this game make all the new forms/moves sets more exciting to see and im sure other players will eventually catch on to the newer forms and get use to them..if not htye can trade them off for some of the original 151 pkmn they don't have in game.
Having this game with mixed pokemon is definitely the best idea. Not only will it make the game more diverse, but also many more people will be attracted to the game, depending on what gen of pokemon they like. Having it limited to one gen could create the game to become boring because you have been seeing the same thing for so long.
Eventually everyone's going to get bored with only the first 151 in game and want more evolutions and types to battle and train.
After all, it wouldn't be a true Pokemon game without all of the Pokemon in it.
We kinda need all Pokémon because our "region" is pretty big.
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