Pokémon Universe > Game Features

Proposal for Legendaries/Rares

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Now I know you said they would not be catchable but I would like to make a few propositions in terms of legendary pokemon.

I remember reading that you said they would appear as overworld bosses.

One idea is that after you have defeated them, perhaps there is a chance you could randomly run into them in very high level areas, now hear me out here, this would be an extremely rare occurrence that is unlikely to happen once in a year. I'm even thinking so rare that you could play 4 hours a day every day for a year and there is still a good chance you won't run into one. Thats how rare I'm talking about.

My other idea which may or not have been proposed is to have them as rewards for contests and/or winning official tournaments. This would keep it so that having a legendary is still special.

Another idea to go in conjunction with one of my ideas above is to have it so that depending on the rarity of the pokemon and the number of people playing there is only a specific number of them ever in circulation. So say the pokemon we are talking about is Mew, there would only be 1 mew for every thousand players, or maybe make it every 2000 players to keep it rare... I don't know... Now lets go down to a less rare pokemon (lets use moltres as an example) there might be 5 moltres for every 1000 players in circulation. Or possibly 1 for every 200 players. Depending on how the game calculates when to add another.

lets go with my first example of every 1000 players.

So when the game starts off there would be 1 mew, but say the game gained enough popularity to have 100000 players. Then there would 100 mews in circulation, after that it would be impossible to get mew unless you could convince a player who owns one to trade it for a very large sum of money and/or items.

This would allow for every Pokemon to be used while still keeping a balance and would allow for legendary Pokemon to be as powerful as they are meant to be while keeping the balance.

Another rule might be that a player can only ever own 1 legendary pokemon at a time. So if a player who owns mew wants to own a Lugia they would have to trade it off. Or perhaps only 1 of a single legendary pokemon and you can only have 1 in your current roster for a battle. That way you can't have a team of 6 legendary pokemon.

These are just some ideas that I came up with on the spot (which the devs may have already considered, I'm not sure as I just joined this site today) to include legendary pokemon as usable without upsetting the balance.

No legendaries will be caught.
The end.

Did you even read my idea or did you see legendaries and say no?

The Team is already 100% sure about no legends, at all. Because people could still be overpowered, even if they only have 1 Mew. Someone is overpowered. Also, maybe you can see, but all Pokeballs fail, that seems good to me.

Thank you for not being a n00b about and actually giving reasonable advice though.

Of course i'm not on the team, but I've been here a while.

Ya and I just noticed on the forum above this one that there is a pinned post with a similar idea, I guess I just figured maybe I had an idea that hadn't been considered yet.

Oh well, thank you for reading!


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