Entertainment > Other Entertainment

Best Movie Series?

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Why is Twilight even up there? Stephanie Meyer has the IQ and writing talent of a garden hose.

 Cause many peculiar beings from the female gender seem to think it's a work of art. To me, it seems she just wrote her on perversion in a book. :)

i voted for HP.


--- Quote from: genbor on June 28, 2011, 10:49:04 AM --- Cause many peculiar beings from the female gender seem to think it's a work of art. To me, it seems she just wrote her on perversion in a book. :)

--- End quote ---
Actually, that's not far from the truth. When asked about inspiration, Mrs. Meyer is quoted saying that she gained her inspiration from a dream she had where there was a really hot guy and he looked distraught.

Stars Wars and Lord of The Rings of course.


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