Entertainment > Other Entertainment

Best Movie Series?

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LotR and Pirates for me.

The Pirates ones aren't all amazing (3nd one particularly I wasn't a huge fan of) but... I still really liked them oddly.


--- Quote from: Level5Pidgey on June 28, 2011, 11:22:03 PM ---LotR and Pirates for me.

The Pirates ones aren't all amazing (3nd one particularly I wasn't a huge fan of) but... I still really liked them oddly.

--- End quote ---

The first 2 were okay, the third was passable, but the fourth is just awefull.
LOTR Is the best sries in my eyes.

I voted harry potter, but after i read some of the books i hate them now.

Twitards are diseased. D: Much like Zombies, only it spreads quicker.

 I go with LotR. I have yet to see a more carefully planned movie, and of course it IS the movie trilogy about my favorite book series... I'm also looking forward to the Hobbit.


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