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Author Topic: #297 - Hariyama  (Read 4390 times)

Offline Kamaran

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#297 - Hariyama
« on: April 21, 2011, 03:43:11 PM »
Name: Hariyama
Number: 297
Type: Fighting

Thick Fat
Sheer Force

Base Stats:
144 / 120 / 70 / 40 / 70 / 50

Level Up Move Edits:
Earth Power
Rock Climb
Zen Headbutt

Move Tutor Move Edits:
Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Body Slam (E/FR/LF move tutor)
Fire Punch (P/HG/SS move tutor)
Ice Punch (P/HG/SS move tutor)
Iron Head (P/HG/SS move tutor)
Thunderpunch (P/HG/SS move tutor)

Egg Move Edits:

Example Set 1
Hariyama @ Life Orb
4 HP / 252 ATK / 252 SPE
Sheer Force, Adamant
- Fire Punch
- Thunderpunch
- Ice Punch
- Force Palm

Explanation of Set
Taking advantage of Hariyama's huge amount of attack power and mulitplying that with Sheer Force, Life Orb and STAB and you get some pretty decent moves that will do a huge amount of damage.
 - Fire Punch: 75P * 1,3SF * 1,3LO = 126,75Power
 - Force Palm: 60P * 1,3SF * 1,3LO * 1,5STAB = 152,1Power
Sheer Force negates the Life Orb recoil damage and thus making this set a decent one for an all around attacker.

Example Set 2
Hariyama @ Toxic Orb / Flame Orb
252 ATK / 80 SPE / 178 SPD
Guts, Adamant
- Fake Out
- Close Combat
- Ice Punch / Stone Edge
- Payback

Explanation of Set
This set is the Hariyama Standard more or less. Once again we take advantage of his huge attack power and turn it into somethign deadly. However, this time we have more damage but also recoil.
 - Payback: 100P * 1,3LO = 130Power
 - Close Combat: 120P * 1,3LO * 1,5STAB = 234Power

Example Set 3 - By Fred
Hariyama @ Life Orb
252 ATK / 128 SPD / 128 DEF
Sheer Force, Adamant
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake
- Ice Punch
- Focus Punch/Close Combat/Force Palm

Explanation of Set
This set is similar to set 1, but assumes that Hariyama isn't going to be winning any speed races. Instead, he is given more defence to take the hits he will invariably have to face. Earthquake is instead of Thunderpunch to give better coverage, and will still get the life orb boost without the damage thanks to sheer force. Focus Punch and Close Combat also only get the life orb boost, but have incredible base power anyway. Choosing between these is a matter of preference, if you think you can out predict your opponent, Focus Punch; if you don't mind losing defence when you attack, Close Combat; otherwise, Force Palm.

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« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 05:45:41 AM by Level5Pidgey »
"Don't touch the poster at the Game Corner! There's no secret switch behind it!"