Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Making your Pokemon unique

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What kind of system would you use to make each pokemon more unique, even when it is the same species as someone else's?

Firstly... NO equipping pokemon with gear. This includes calling it something else, like "multiple hold items" or "pokeball enhancements".

As far as I see it, the closest you will get to "equipping" your pokemon will be hold items, and the permanent boosts to normal stats via the system replacing EVs. There will likely be many quests to help you gain points on normal stats for individual pokemon.

My (totally unofficial) idea would be the ability to add special stat boosts like critical hit, accuracy and evasion, or more unique bonuses like +1 turns on weather. These would be permanent once applied and would come from quests/items found in the field/dropped off pokemon/treasure chests. Each boost would be relatively small, and worth a number of points, and there would be a cap on points like with EVs, this cap could be shared with the EV-replacing system cap. If I was feeling exceptionally generous, I may even make it possible to reset a pokemon to its base stats and "re-train".

Hmm you say "pokeball enhancements". Does this include seals?

No. Seals does not boost your pokemon in any way.

Seals are for show. Nothing else.
(This is not saying that we WILL add seals ingame).

i like your idea to reset the pokemon lvl to 1 with its base stats, but keeping all the special boosts (EV, quest, vitamins, etc.)

critical hit ratio and accuracy depends of the move not the pokemon im dont think that change this is a good idea

maybe there could be an item that adds 5% of critical hit or accuracy to a move only usable once per move

There is a hold item that increases critical hits. Accuracy is modifyable by moves, no reason not to give it a bonus too. I didn't mean reset to level 1, I meant wipe all the special bonuses so you could make a new "build".


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