Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Making your Pokemon unique

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WOuld the stat "rebuild" be transferred to traded pokemon? or would it reset to the base?

Some players might have realized they screwed up a pokemon's stats (or even sabotage stats) and dump the pokemon on an unsuspecting player.

You will be able to check the full stats of a Pokemon before trading. Both players will select their Pokemon to be traded, it will come up on each others' screens, then both people will have to hit "confirm".

Would there be variables that affect the stat "build" and "caps"?

Like a Female Poliwhirl may have a higher cap at accuracy and a lower cap on strength or critical hit than a male Poliwhirl.

Or a pokemon located in a common area may have a lower cap than a poke located in a rare area?

Could/Would something like this be done?

Sounds overly complicated to me. I saw it as one cap on the total number of EV-style points, and one cap (variable by level) on special skill points.


EV-type stat points as normal

255 in Sp. Attack
255 in Speed
= capped at 510 points

New special skill points like:

+10% accuracy on water moves .......................................... 10 points
+1 turn rain-weather .......................................................... 5 points
+30% electric-type resistance ............................................. 20 points
10-power water-type damage on moves which make contact .. 20 points
auto-regeneration of 10hp every turn ................................... 25 points
auto-regeneration of 30hp every turn while raining ................ 10 points
= capped at 90 points (level 90 pokemon)

you dont want to equip pokemon, ok. but what about trainer-equipping? like shoes who give all of your pokemon +10 agility ? or such a thing? those items could be win at tournaments or through quests?


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