Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Making your Pokemon unique

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Counter Bug:

--- Quote from: Alais on January 31, 2010, 01:16:13 AM ---
255 in Sp. Attack
255 in Speed
= capped at 510 points

--- End quote ---

You forgot the last 6 EVs, which are one extra point  :P


--- Quote from: Counter Bug on February 04, 2010, 07:46:33 PM ---You forgot the last 6 EVs, which are one extra point  :P

--- End quote ---

Not that it is even remotely relevant when we're not going to use EVs. It was an example of how caps work, not an EV walkthrough. >_>

i think it would be cool just to make certain parts of your pokemon a different color. Such as a fist or arm of a pokemon could be red and the rest of it's body would be the original color.


--- Quote from: KshaudM on February 04, 2010, 11:14:02 PM ---i think it would be cool just to make certain parts of your pokemon a different color. Such as a fist or arm of a pokemon could be red and the rest of it's body would be the original color.

--- End quote ---

And who is going to make all these sprites?

Maybe there could be another paper-doll system introduced for the Pokemon? Just like the ones for the trainers. Except for colors, maybe add a bandanna around their neck or forehead, or maybe a necklace. Or an arm band with your insignia on it?
Seems like a pretty good idea to me. : ).


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