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Author Topic: [RP] Dohion Region  (Read 119352 times)

Offline aqua999amazing

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[RP] Dohion Region
« on: April 27, 2011, 01:15:40 AM »
ok so this is a RP of my new thing that im doing...Dohion Region!
so first you need to fill out this form and send it to this thread http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,3003.0.html
The Dohion Region is a region were you can find pokemon in kanto, johnto, hoenn, sinnoh, and unova! there are even new pokemon in the dohion region but they are very rare (they are basically the negatives (colour inverted) of pokemon). So, challenge other trainers, gym leaders, and the elite 4 to become the champion, fight the evils of team shadow, and catch them all!

Characters Name:
Starter Pokemon:
Character Picture:

so heres my example of the form

Characters Name: Aqua
Gender: Boy
Starter pokemon: Squirtle
Bio:Aqua is a cheerful boy who has always wanted to be a pokemon master. his mom always says that hes too young to go out on a pokemon journey. when he turned 10, he went to the professors lab to obtain his beloved pokemon...Squirtle! His mom still wouldnt let him go because she thought that he was going to be in danger, so one night, Aqua took his squirtle and ran away from home. he knows that he will have a great journey and meet lots of new pokemon.
character picture

now, it is possible to be an elite four or gym leader, or even the champion, just fill out this form below.

Characters Name:
Pokemon Team:
Character Picture:

oh, and here are the cities and towns.

Drioh Town, Crinzon City, Sondor City (Gym), Grison Town, Frendle City (Gym), Mt. Kriston, Dron Town, Marser City (Gym), Sharfoam City (Gym), Sunshine City (Gym),  Crono Town, Rockyroad City (Gym), Cricor Town, Riverfoam City (Gym), Flion Town, Windmill City (Gym), Victory Road, Elite Four

Gym Leaders:
Sondor City:mamameisje
Frendle City:
Marser City:
Sharfoam City:
Sunshine City:
Rockyroad City:
Riverfoam City:Chad29
Windmill City:

Elite Four:
2:Meowth 2126

Team Shadow is the same as the character bio, just change the starter pokemon to pokemon team.

someone requested to be a pokemon so ill do that to, because im nice ^_^

Character Name:
Picture (just if your pokemon is special):

JerryEdit: RP Approved
« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 08:00:14 PM by aqua999amazing »

you know you love it ^_^

Offline aqua999amazing

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 09:51:44 PM »
Aqua wakes up from his comfy bed and realizes, its his birthday he can finally become a pokemon trainer! he gets out of bed and rushes to the professors lab.
good morning professor!
good morning Aqua. hopefully your mother will let you on you pokemon adventure, because then i dont know how you could meet new pokemon.
your right, and ive waited my whole life to see negative pokemon!
well, dont get your hopes up too high, now, which of these pokemon would you like?
ill take squirtle!

after he got his pokemon, he went to his mom to show her his new pokemon.
Mom! Look! i got my very own squirtle!
i told you already, your not leaving this house. its too dangerous to go outside.
but mom, i already have my pokemon...
i dont care, my mind is made up

that night, Aqua snuck out of the house while his mom was sleeping. His journey began now

you know you love it ^_^

Offline mamameisje

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2011, 10:30:56 PM »
Yuki wakes up in a strange bed. Where is she? And where is her beloved Oshawott? She stood up and walked around the room. Where should she look first for her powerfull pokemon AND her true love? She stepped outside and felt the wind blowing. At the corner was a handsome man standing.

Heey, do you maybe know where my pokemon are?

How should I know? Get away from here?

She walked towards and saw a little boy walking in the night. He was like 11 years old and he seems to be very happy.

Offline aqua999amazing

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2011, 10:32:49 PM »
Aqua saw this girl walking towards him. he came up to her, hey girl over there, did you loose something, i think i can help you find it

you know you love it ^_^

Offline mamameisje

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2011, 10:36:21 PM »
Ehmmm, yes you can help me if you want. Im looking for my lost Oshawott and my other pokemon. Do you know where they are? And by the way Im Yuki. And you are? and how old are you?

She walked toward the boy, and saw that he was actually to young to be a trainer. Maybe he just dont know ANYTHING about pokemon. So stupid that she had asked him.

Offline aqua999amazing

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2011, 10:41:52 PM »
im aqua, and im 10 years old, just turned 10 this morning actually. and for some reason i saw this pokeball rolling around here.
Aqua threw out the pokeball and out came an oshawott.
is this the pokemon you were looking for?

you know you love it ^_^

Offline mamameisje

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2011, 10:50:08 PM »
Ohhh Oshawott, Im so happy to see you. Where have you been? And where are the others? Oh I guess I should thank you. Maybe 5000 poké will do? If you want I can train you? Really i owe my life to you. You can just call me.

Yuki picked something out of her pocket and gives it to Aqua. It was a paper with some things on it.

Yuki Kross
ex-gymleader and pokemonbreeder.
Phonenumber 78683767597

Then she walked away in the dark. In her quest fot the missing pokemon and to find someone to love and marry with.

Offline aqua999amazing

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2011, 10:57:19 PM »
Aqua saw the paper and put it in his pocket. he went out in the wilderness but then saw a russle in the bushes. it was a shadow pokemon. it looked like a squirtle but he wasnt sure so he ran to find yuki.
he then saw her
is it ok if i stay with you for a little bit? I saw a shadow pokemon and it looked like it was after me...please?

you know you love it ^_^

Offline mamameisje

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« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2011, 11:05:39 PM »
Come with me? Why not. But does yout mother know that you are out this late? When you tell her you are with me im sure she will let you go. Because i know your mother, we are friends. And that pokemon you saw, it coulld be a demon.

She saw that Aqua was afraid of her words and she walked towards the pokecenter.

You know, i gonna heal my Oshawott and then i go to route 345. I hope i can find my other pokemon back and maybe someone to live with. But that is not neccesairy for you. You can come with me. And if there is something on your mind, just ask it.

Offline aqua999amazing

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2011, 11:12:45 PM »
ok thank you Yuki. and also it wasnt a demon, i remember that i read a book about 4 kinds of pokemon in the Dohion Region.
Aqua Grabbed the book from his backpack and read it.
there are 4 types of pokemon. there are normal pokemon like ours, Rainbow pokemon, like saying there the colors of the rainbow, Negative pokemon, there like the opposite color of a real pokemon, and a shadow pokemon, the kind i just saw. Its all in this book.
Aqua gave the book to Yuki to read

you know you love it ^_^

Offline mamameisje

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2011, 11:24:13 PM »
well there are also demons Aqua, they are like shadow pokemon but have a really dark aura around them.

Yuki saw something lying under a tree and picked it up. It seems to be a pokeball. She throws it and a Staravia came out.

Oohhhh Staravia you're back too. Now we can fly to route 345 instead of walking. And you are the only one to tell this. But you know, im was just to young te be a gymleader. Im 18 now and i was 16 then. But it doesnt matter lets go to route 345.

When Yuki said that, she saw a boy with brown hair and green eyes. He walked towards her and began to talk to her.

Heey, i know you, you are that young gymleader. Im Matthew. And like to go with you on adventures. What do you think?

Ehmmm okay,(I think he's kind of cute) you can come with us. (he's really cute and nice, i think im in love)

Yuki used her Staravia to fly to route 345. And when they arrived there they went to the park to search fot Yuki's pokemon.

Offline aqua999amazing

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2011, 11:32:41 PM »
Aqua Got onto the staravia but then notice, he forgot his book.
Shoot, i forgot my book, be right back
after he got his book he got onto Staravia and took off
so exactly which pokemon gym are you from? i would like to challenge you when we get there.
there was a chill on Aqua's Back and he turned around. Nothing was there but he heard the words, Are you scared aqua, are you terrified of me? Aqua just sat like a rock terrified.

you know you love it ^_^

Offline Bing

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2011, 11:43:57 PM »
Clyde was taking a late night stroll around the park on route 345, when he spotted two people walking in the distance.  They seemed to be looking for something.

Haunter, how about we have some fun with the people over there?

Haun, Huanter!

Good, Chandelure, Shuppet, come on out.

Chandelure and Shuppet popped out of their pokeballs.

Ok, Haunter, use scary face and pop out of the bushes next to them, Chandelure use flamethrower and create pillars of fire behind haunter.  Shuppet use shadow ball and create an explosion with the flamethrower, once they have gotten a good look at haunter.  Use the cover of the explosion to make a break for it back here and hide in your pokeballs.  Except you haunter, just return to me.

Clyde's pokemon silently approached the unsuspecting people.

Offline aqua999amazing

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2011, 11:49:22 PM »
Aqua was walking with Yuki when a Haunter came out and scared Aqua to death and then an explosion happened behind the haunter. the 3 pokemon dissapeared. Aqua saw a boy in the distance laughing.
whats your damage, you could have given me a heart attack!
then the voice came back
go ahead Aqua, hurt him. you know you want to.
Aqua turned around, but nothing was there. Aqua then fell asleep for no reason

you know you love it ^_^

Offline Mr. Fox

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Re: [RP] Dohion Region
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2011, 12:26:08 AM »
I used Night Burst on the trainer's pokemon fainting it with ease. I ran off into the woods before he could try to use a pokeball. I ran till I couldn't smell him any more. I looked around, I was next to the first gym. I wanted to show tame pokemon they don't need humans to be strong, so I was beating the gyms with no human. I walked in not knowing what to expect...