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Author Topic: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism  (Read 90190 times)

Offline Frenchfry

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[RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« on: April 28, 2011, 01:45:55 AM »
Frenchfry has never opened an RP before, so please just bear with me. I needed to be the one to propose this because I will not trust anyone else to do the actual game justice.

Disgaea PoF take place in - surprise - the Disgaea Universe. A few fans of the series might know where "Presence of Favoritism" came from. Disgaea is populated by many alternate worlds, known as Netherworlds, populated by beings - human-resemblant or otherwise - called Demons. Each Netherworld is unique, and each has an Overlord, the most powerful demon in said Netherworld and their leader. Technically, there is also Celestia and the Human world, but we don't care about them right now.

In general, Demons are not nice people. Most of them are selfish and violent, which is viewed by the "Dark Assembly" - A Netherworld's government body, as a good thing. Regardless, there are still very many heroic demons, several of them even being Overlords.

You are a demon in the Netherworld known as Sanctum, a slightly-less-heartless than usual world. Sanctum's Overlord Yuiska has recently left to challenge Supreme Overlord Baal, rather absentmindedly forgetting to leave a vassal in charge during her absence. And, seeing as Baal is the single most powerful being in the universe, she'll be busy for a while.

In the meantime, a Demon Lord by the name of Lloyd has taken over, and, unlike Yuiska, he is a particularly iron-handed ruler, as well as extremely greedy. Mister Lloyd must die, and WE have to make that happen, because all the Unique characters are off being lazy.

All players must have their character be one of these classes. Don't worry, you have a lot of choices, not all of which are human. Dragons and dragon-based monsters (With the exception of Holy Dragons), Rifle Demons, Wood Giants and Majins are not allowed, due to them being overpowered.
In the games, disgaea is Turn-based, with Stats and Levels, which would be needlessly complex for an RP. The action here will be standard, not turn-based or stat-based by any means, though classes will still have their advantages and disadvantages. However, we can safely assume there is still HP involved, which is why you won't be killed just from being hit once, unless you're a healer being hit by a buffed-up Rifle Demon.
If you DO die? Sucks for you, because the Dark Hospital is on vacation right now. If you die, you stay dead. So don't die.
Everyone will be starting in a village called Knavesmire. Fitting might it be, that's a legit town name.

Skeletons, skeletons, Skeletons...
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« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 08:56:11 PM by Jerry »

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2011, 01:35:06 AM »
RP Start

Cedric had virtually no proficiency with a sword. Or any weapon besides his pistol, for that matter. For most people, that would be a problem. Not for Cedric. In fact, his uselessness with a sword was a boon. It meant he could plunge one into his heart, qualifications for a critical hit, and not even remove all of his health.

Taking up a cheap, dull sword coated in rust, Cedric put the blade to his chest, grinning madly and slipping the blade between his ribs, relishing the pain as it ripped through his body. When the tip of the sword had extended a good foot out of his back, Cedric tapped his heart, triggering the appearance of a small, mostly black bar directly above his head. His HP bar. out of twenty Hit points, he had four remaining.

"Hehehe... cutting it pretty close, but damn... feels good."

Cedric turned around, looking for someone he hadn't scared with his own addiction to pain yet. He enjoyed making people scream from his near-fatal injuries almost as much as he enjoyed getting them.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2011, 05:00:41 AM by Frenchfry »

Offline Monzta

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 05:33:46 AM »
I watch as Cedric creepily enjoys his pain. I show no expression of fear or disgust, as I was taught, but I can't resist squinting a little as he impales his heart. I quickly make myself look tall. Nothing scares me. I hope.

"Now.. what was that all about?"

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 05:39:18 AM »
Cedric faced the source of the voice. A ninja.
"Heeeeeey, backstabber. You wouldn't happen to have any napkins, wouldja? Blood doesn't mix well with the pants, ya know?"

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2011, 09:56:52 PM »
~^\ Alora /^~

In Knaveville, I wandered about, looking for somebody.
Seeing as none of my memories remained, I didn't know as to whom.

Then, it happened. I came upon a scrappy young lad, with poor sword proficiency, apparently.
He had taken his blade, and shoved it through his heart.

Just the sight of blood mixing with rust made me cringe, but the aroma was ghastly. I had to cover my face, and look away, in order to stomach the gruesomeness.

"You, swordsman. Are you so poor with that sword that you can't properly execute a decent blow, even when your blade hits a vital area?"
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2011, 01:15:21 AM »
Cedric redirected his gaze again, meeting yet another new face. What was a Celestian doing in the netherworld?
"Swordsman? What are you talkin' about, hun?"
He drew his pistol, firing a round into the dirt beneath the Angel.
"I'm a gunner. Name's Cedric."

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2011, 01:26:27 AM »
You have got to be kidding me dood!
No I told you and that's what I need you to do.
Why do you always pick me dood?
Because you are the only one who knows how to use their weapon.
Well okay dood.
I go out the front door Why me dood?
I see a kid with a gun, and sword sticking out of his chest There he is dood.

I jump behind a bush and start watching the kid
Why was I supposed to make sure no one kills him dood?

Then I heard a voice in his head say Because I don't want him to die! I almost jumped.
Don't do that dood!
Just reminding you.
So I'm supposed to stop/kill anyone that wants to kill him dood?
Unfortunately mission under stood dood.

In my head I'm saying If he sees me he is gonna kill me dood.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 12:59:57 PM by Jerry »

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2011, 01:47:03 AM »
"A Gunner? No wonder you are terrible with a sword. My name is Alora, nice to meet you Cedric, I think.."
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Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2011, 01:54:49 AM »
"Hehe... What's Celestian doing in the Netherworld? You aren't an assassin, are ya? 'Cause if you are, sucks for you. Yuiska's off fighting Baal right now. And... you probably couldn't put a scratch on her anyway."

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2011, 03:49:19 AM »
"An Assassin? No... well maybe... I don't know, I woke up here, in the Netherworld. I can't remember anything before that."
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2011, 04:48:41 AM »
Cedric tipped his hat, revealing for a moment his Evil Eye, the inherent trait that makes Gunners so accurate.
"Welcome to the Netherworld, Angel. Name's Cedric. Out'a curiosity, what do you plan on doing now? You don't know how to get back to Celestia, do you?"

Offline Monzta

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2011, 06:13:56 AM »
I get surprised by our little group starting to form. I lock eyes with Alora, and listen to her little conversation with Cedric to gather as much information as I can.

Offline Frenchfry

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2011, 06:21:40 AM »
Cedric snapped back and forth between looking at the Angel and the Ninja.
"Really, guys? I have a goddamn sword going through my heart! Can I at least get an astounded gasp?"

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2011, 10:55:46 AM »
Someone's hurt! Only 4HP remain! My senses alert me, but his aura was... enojoying it. I sighed, knowing much to well, who is the only person around to hurt himself for fun. Sheesh, every time I come across that guy, he has his old, rusty sword sticking out of him.

I make my towards him, and suddenly stop in my tracks. Angel! Despite my blind eyes, her aura was like a spark in middle of deep darkness. The celestial girl didn't seem to be offensive, rather confused. I managed to overhear some of their conversation, before I got to the group.
"Hey, masohistic gunner! Having fun again are we?" I complained.
But's my duty to heal anoyne that suffered damage, no matter if they liked it. "Stay still, you don't want to lose your remaining HP before I pull this rusty thing out of you." Casting a healing spell, I slowly pull the sword out, wound closing up. Finally, I stand there, before the mad gunner with the cheap weapon in my hands, his wound closed, but his clothes still covered in blood.

Turning my attention back to this 'lost celestian', I examine her aura carefully. Tch, Angel auras are annoying above all. It makes it harder to accuretly indentify other deamons around. Like having a flashlight shine in your eyes while trying to see something in the darknes.
My siggy just got attacked by zubat.

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: [RP] Disgaea - Presence of Favoritism
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2011, 01:19:26 PM »
"Since I can't remember What Celestia is like, I'm not sure if I wanna go back... and I Know you have a sword going through your heart! It's really sickening me!."

Then a healer walked up to us, and pulled the sword out, healing as she did so.

"Thank you, Healer. That was really starting to make me uneasy."
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.