Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots
Quest Idea
To be a quest writer you need to speak very good english, right?
That's something that would definitively give someone an edge on another who doesn't.
english engrish who cares if you can some what make out what hes trying to say speaking perfect english isn;t a necessary qualification.
--- Quote from: Wire on May 02, 2011, 09:34:11 PM ---english engrish who cares if you can some what make out what hes trying to say speaking perfect english isn;t a necessary qualification.
--- End quote ---
He didnt say it was a qualification, he said it would give them an edge over people who dont, which is perfectly accurate.
Ye, sry about that , English is not my first language. I try my best to make the quest make sense and to get my point across.
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