Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions
Safari Zone
Whats the deal with Safaris in PU? is there exclusive SZ pkmn? Is there even a SZ? Is it less difficult?
There will be a safari "zone".
Exclusive SZ Pokémon: Yes
Less/More difficult? No idea
It would be kinda cool if there were two SZs
One (the first) would be for regular poke's that vary in types lvls and etc (like a normal safari zone)
while the second would be an entire "safari island"
It would be home to much stronger poke's and would be ideal for upper lvl players and would be basically the ideal training area.
on the North part of the island, it could house varying types of ice pokes
On the South end of the island, There would be an abundance of water types.
The east and/or west could house insects, random plant/grass types
There could be a cave in the center of the island that leads downward instead of upward.
And the futher down you get, the stronger the poke's you encounter and on the last floor, the player is more likely to come across lava/fire type poke's
I had a couple other ideas earlier but cant remember them. but this is something i thought about earlier.
WOuld something like this be do~able?
--- Quote from: ghostman50 on February 01, 2010, 08:12:33 PM ---It would be home to much stronger poke's and would be ideal for upper lvl players and would be basically the ideal training area.
--- End quote ---
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that you didn't battle in the safari zone? So do you mean the ideal training area for player levels??
Also will the lmited balls and steps be used? These always used to annoy me when I was searching for a particular pokemon.
Also will the limited balls and steps be used?
- No idea, we don't have anything concrete yet.
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