Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

[Quest] Extincion due Drought

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Yume Tsuki:
You'll start this quest in a desert near a exhumation by talking to an archeologist.

Oh hello there, you seem like a decent Pokémon Trainer. Would you mind helping me out with something?

> Sure, why not?
> Sorry, I'm busy...

Thank you! We just made an amazing discovery. But before we can continue investigating we need some information. You see, we just found out is that this desert was once a large forest. We can prove it with the plant fossils we found containing prints of plants which can't possibly survive in a arid place like this. Now we need some examples from the jungle near the desert to continue our research. But the Pokémon there are very territorial, and nobody in our camp has strong Pokémon that can protect us from any attacks. So would you mind being my bodygaurd?

> Why not? I would like to help out.
> I have to make some preparations first.

If you say the green line the Man will follow you, If you go somewhere else than the way to the forest the guy will say:

Oh, you still have some preparations to make? I'll be waiting at the camp, talk to me when you're ready.

And walks back to the camp.
If you say the red line he will say the same staying in place.

When you make your way into the Jungle you'll have to look for three places for the guy to get some samples for the fossils they found. You'll find a lot of wild Pokémon here and the three places you'll get a sample contain strong wild Pokémon you have to defeat after each defeated Pokémon the guy wil walk forward and take some plant samples with him. These are the three texts the guy will say:

Ah, there's a perfect sample.
I need two more samples.

Oh, that sample looks perfect.
I need one more sample and then we can leave.

There it is! The last sample I needed.

Thanks to you I could gather all samples. You'll deserve a good reward.

After this you'll lead him out of the jungle back to the camp. He goes into his tent, then he comes back out of his tent.

I don't really have much I can reward you with, but I hope this will do. It's a Skull Fossil. Don't worry, we've found a lot of these around here. It's probably a Pokémon from ancient times that lived in the jungle that was once here.

Here you'll recieve a fossil containing Cranidos. I based the quest upon the pokédex entry where was said it lived in the jungle.

Best one I've heard  and I don't normally say that.

This quest has been thought out and you put in a lot of detail.Its ready to be put in game.Oo I've been noticing a lot of quests about fossils lately.At least this quest is heading in a different direction.

The grammar could use a good brushing up, but overall it's a good quest.
Though, for rare pokemon, such as the "extinct" brand, there should be a good sized chain of quests you must complete before getting the fossil and/or egg.

Yume Tsuki:
Fixed up the grammar a bit. ~


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