Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

[Quest] Frosty Illusion

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Location: Icy, Frozen cave
Requirements: Strength

It starts off in this cold, icy cave.You walk along and you see a sad looking guy in a corner of the cave, guarding a cavern entrance.When you approach him he starts off:
Excuse me young trainer, my name is (place_name_here) and my job is to map the various caverns in this cave.While i was working, i came upon a dire situation.Would you be willing to help me with this situation?
> Whats the problem?
> Are you talking to me?
Well while i was mapping a secluded part of the cave, I trainer tells me that there is an enraged Froslass up ahead and that he barely escaped with the help of his pokemon. The froslass is causing all the pokemon and people that come across it to halusinate and think that they are inside a nice, warm, cabin.Please stop the froslass so that i can continue mapping.I will reward you with something special that I found while on the job
> Sure, I'd be happy to help
> I'm sorry, but im just to cold
Really, you will? Thank you so much.Now hurry up and tame the angry pokemon.

He lets you pass and go on to the entrance of the cavern where he is guarding.Inside you will need a pokemon that knows strength to push the bolders out of the path.Its pretty easy to find the froslass but when you approach it, the area turns in to a warm cabin.(of course this is a hallucination and all the trainers, floors are fake, but you still earn exp.)There are two trainers on the first floor and an exit that wont budge open.The first trainer has a swinub and sneazel.The 2nd trainer has the same but just a little stronger.On the second floor there is two more trainers that each have a weavile and piloswine.After that walk up to the pokeball on the stool, the froslass appears and everything is back to normal.After that it will run and you will have to chase it to a cavern to the west.Once inside that cavern you will find the froslass at the other end but you will have to go through an ice puzzle on the floor to reach it.(Thanks to Jerry for suggesting that part.) Battle it,it will run (you can't catch it) and then go back to (place_name_here)
You did it! You stopped the angry pokemon.Here, as i promised, your reward.
He gives you a snorunt pokemon egg.That way you can evolve it in to a glalie if you want

Good quest,  and this is first quest i read that is not include fossil as a reward @@ except for the quest i made

Thats actually a rather good quest idea. Haha but you dont have to copy Yukimenoko's way of writing. As long as there is animation/art for the transformation to the cabin, it sounds like a good quest. Also a couple grammatical errors but not too bad. Another thing is, maybe as the reward you would be given a dawn stone, which is necessary to evolve a snorunt into a froslass, instead of the actual snorunt.

Yume Tsuki:
Hmmm, I remember this story,
Oh yea, It's the exact same story as the anime..

The episode is called 'Froslass in a Blizzard'

Angry froslass... -u-
Warm Cabin

The only thing you changed is the fact that a poacher stole her precious Snorunt.

I like it, but we'd rather not copy any storylines from the games or anime.


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