Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots
Thrawting Team (insert here)'s evil plans!!
Crazy Prophet:
Just joined by the way, this project looks awesome :)
Assuming there WILL be an evil business empire or criminal gang (which is a staple of all major pokemon games) trying to do dastardly things like stealing electric mice from a 10 year-old kid, perhaps there could be a series of quests in the future devoted entirely to infiltating their base(s) and shutting down their operations. The MMO format might change things around, but the climax of pretty much every game involved kicking the criminal leader's arse, with each scheme getting bigger and nastier with each gen. On the other hand, the evil corporation could take more of a background role in the overall plot, understandable, as implementing a story like this would be quite challlenging.
My master-draw is that instead of attempting to translate the single-player affair into a multiplayer one, the players on an entire server could ALL contribute to the downfall of Team (whatever). Basically instead of the story dependant on each indivdual player to advance, TVs could update regularly server-wide on the progress of the free-people's fight against this almost Shinra-like corp. Its maybe a little far-fetched, but I thought it was an interesting thought for future updates.
EDIT: So basically, there could be a rewards system for contributing in fighting goons, and with each victory, may it be against a petty grunt or some pokemon mecha destroyed (all I could think of) we go one step closer to liberty of all pokemon...and then another evil group comes in and trashes the party.
I understand that this isn't in any sense detailed, but I'd like some feedback one what meagre thoughts I've put down if I'm going to pursue this any further;
-is it realisitc?
-does it fit with the culture of the game?
-does it interest anyone? Does it give rise to that sacred word...meh?
Yume Tsuki:
I like the idea, but I just don't know about the progress stuff yet. If the team gets beaten after a long quest where everyone in the entire world that plays PU there might be some newcomers whom feel left out because they also wanted to do de quest.
Crazy Prophet:
--- Quote from: Yukimenoko on May 16, 2011, 07:24:48 AM ---I like the idea, but I just don't know about the progress stuff yet. If the team gets beaten after a long quest where everyone in the entire world that plays PU there might be some newcomers whom feel left out because they also wanted to do de quest.
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Very true, that. As generic as it may sound, a flashback system could be utilised for quests so that material can be re-used. There doesn't necessarily need to be any meaningful reward for it, just for those wanting to play the quest. Such a feature could be unlocked at a certain stage in the game (either on a player-by player basis or once the time in which one can partake in the quest normally has expired).
Actually, there will be more than one evil team (think at least 4), and yes, there will be options to try and bring them down. As nice as it would be for you to work in a group, I don't find it very practical. For instance, would it be server wide? In which case what would happen once it was eventually beaten? Would new trainers have nothing to do? For these reasons, co-operating with more than one person seems to be a little unworkable.
Crazy Prophet:
--- Quote from: Declan_23 on May 16, 2011, 11:31:42 AM ---Actually, there will be more than one evil team (think at least 4), and yes, there will be options to try and bring them down. As nice as it would be for you to work in a group, I don't find it very practical. For instance, would it be server wide? In which case what would happen once it was eventually beaten? Would new trainers have nothing to do? For these reasons, co-operating with more than one person seems to be a little unworkable.
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Point taken, but I'm not talking necessarily about groups of people physically working together, but rather the collective efforts of indivduals questing solo (a little difficult to explain). So yes, there would be a server-wide effect from each person's exploits.
An example would be: "Player defeats X Grunt. 3 points were added to the server's total of 4567 pwnage points against Team X"
Or something of greater scale: "Player has found Team Y's plans for global domination! 80 points were added to the server's total of 2367 pwnage points against Team Y"
Points earned can additionally be used by those who help attain them to purchase special items and/or moves, increasing the incentive for players to do so. This is vitally important, as otherwise players would ask "What's in it for me?"
Any set figure of points required to oust a crim syndicate can be applied, and new ones can be creatively introduced by questers/story writers when others fall. Supporting up to four teams at once would be brilliant, but obviously care should be made in ensuring they are different enough so that their existance is meaningful. Overly ambitious? Perhaps. But such a system would add a great deal more depth to gameplay.
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