Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

Thrawting Team (insert here)'s evil plans!!

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--- Quote from: white kaj on May 18, 2011, 09:25:48 PM ---i have an idea! so if we dont want to be unfair because the grunts could steal pokemon, they could only steal npcs (not all of them) after defeating them and it would be unfair if they kept it right?then instead of keeping them they could give them to their bosses for instance.
what do u think about that.
this idea came from ur objectie of stealing the eggs and giving to the boss/team(something).

--- End quote ---
But I still thinks grunts should be able to get pokemon from their bosses if they complete missions.
It wouldn't be fair either if trainers can get pokemon from missions and grunts can't. Maybe grunts are able to steal eggs and pokemon from the professors.


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