Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions
Survival minigame
I believe that the idea of mini-games was brought up a few weeks back.
I was just thinking if maybe the PU team could implement some sort of Survival mode mini-game.
Like in all "combat related games" (eg. tekken, Capcom Vs., etc) there is a survival mode in which a player chooses a character and battles every character in the game until he/she has defeated them. After completing Survival mode, the player is given a reward or has unlocked something cool.
I was thinking that maybe this can be done in PU as well. ( I know the PU team is annoyed by all of the sggestions that are ripped straight out of other games but I think that this would be interesting, if implemented)
I understand that nothing has been established but implementing something like this would be great (imho)
Here's how it would go:
A player enters the mini-game area and challenges the unknown NPC. The player is only limited to the 6 poke's and whatever potions that he/she has in the inventory.
The player must go through the entire arsenal of poke's that the unknown NPC has (about 20-25; maybe more). Defeating the unknown NPC would be rewarded by experience, maybe a poke' ball or two, a fishing rod (perhaps), or even potions.
Its very simple and it would be a ton of fun.
Once the 2 vs 2 battle system is up and running, a 2v2 survival mode would be cool as well.
Just throwing it out there.
i think they had something like this in the TCG (which i loved btw.) if i remember correctly, you were to face 7 opponents at a time that were randomly selected from the game, when you beat them, you are given a break, and the game keeps a record of how many in a row you won. i think this could be implemented, but would only be made available after beating a large portion of the game, and the opponents would be randomly selected, not from every NPC, but from the gym leaders, and other high level people as well.
....actually, now i think about it, maybe not, since all the NPC's in this event would have to be modified to all be at the same level, the reason this worked in the TCG was that you didn't need to be a certain level to face anyone.
so yeah, while this could work, i think it is too much work to develop any time soon
this could work
like an infinite battle tower (pokemon crystal)
it isnt that hard to develop
just select a random npc, random name, random pokemon
as for the level you could make like in crystal that goes 10 on 10, but your pokemon must be all on that level
This could also work with normal players. Just like a tournament but you can't heal your Pokemon between matches.
I can see it now cursing at the game because you made it to like the 30th challenger and he slaughters you,because your pokemon are all like one hit from death.... ;D
The only problem about the using actual people is the last person would be able to easily level up his pokemon.I mean if a really high level charzard has been fighting like 15 poeple and another player send out a level 5 sandshrew and kill the charzard that's going to tick some people off,and make one guy really happy
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