Name: Glalie
Number: 362
Type: Ice
Abilities: Inner Focus, Ice Body, Solid Rock
Base Stats:85 / 95 / 115 / 85 / 85 / 80
Level Up Move Edits:None
Move Tutor Move Edits:Its current learnable Gen V TMs
Its current learnable Gen V Tutor Moves
Icicle Crash
Iron Head
Super Fang
Egg Move Edits: None
Example SetTank Glalie @ Leftovers
252 HP / 64 Atk / 192 Def
Solid Rock, Impish
- Ice Shard
- Spikes
- Icicle Crash / Toxic
- Explosion
Explanation of SetGlalie is a beast. He'll take any hit he's faced with, but - unfortunately he lacks recovery, and good resistances. Still, with access to Spikes, Explosion, and an amazing STAB Priority in Ice Shard - Glalie can be a valuable physical Wall - capable of saving you from many Dragon, Flying, and Grass threats.
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