Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions
Non npc trainers on the routes and a real live pokemon champion
I think it would be awesome if some of the people in between city's that you can fight will be real people. I know this would probably make the game lag but you've got to admit it would be cool,and this would open up new possibility's.. For example real players could be gym leaders or like have that current league champion be fight able after the brutal five.I figure this was one of the first thoughts when creating PU but was shot down for pretty obvious reasons but you have to try this out even just a sucky rough draft would work just a way to have some poke authority over some of the other players it proves to be a much better source of motivation....I am just spit balling here so don't just shoot it down like all my other ideas this one has a lot of room for alteration and will be difficult to work into the game but would definitely be worth it.
I am pretty sure that, correct me if I'm wrong, you can already fight people whenever you want. I'm sure if you want to stand on a certain route and wait for people to challenge, that is fine. As for the real player gym leaders, I beleive that would be extremely hard considering the amount of people who would want to partcipate in being a gym leader. I'm sure you will still be able to be the champion of touraments and things of tha sort but I'm not sure that real players will take the place of gym leaders.
The Fireball Kid:
Where to start.....
--- Quote ---I think it would be awesome if some of the people in between city's that you can fight will be real people.
--- End quote ---
You're allowed to challenge anybody probably anywhere.
--- Quote ---For example real players could be gym leaders or like have that current league champion be fight able after the brutal five
--- End quote ---
This would not work. We need someone that can be available to battle 24/7. Thats what npc are for.
--- Quote ---I am just spit balling here so don't just shoot it down like all my other ideas this one has a lot of room for alteration and will be difficult to work into the game but would definitely be worth it.
--- End quote ---
And you wonder why people shoot it down so easily. You just "spitball" it without giving it much thought. Try to think of an idea and do a pros and cons of it. That way, you'll have a better chance of people agreeing with you instead of rejecting your idea.
here's the thing, the last two comments are spot on. there will be battles with both NPC's and real people, but for several reasons (including but not limited to the two already given), human characters will not be gym leaders. yes tournaments will exist, and who knows, champions could be the final person to be matched (it really depends how the tournament is set up).
also, don't be too discouraged, yes this idea was not well developed, but the fact that your trying to come up with something, and the fact that you have an opinion on what you like is a great start. my recommendation is to not try so hard, next time your hanging out with a friend, and you guys talk about something you wish was in the games, "spitball" back and forth and try to determine whether this would already have been discussed, or if you actually have a genuine new idea.
thanks spirit really encouraging I guess your right ,I am working to hard I really want to have a well excepted idea ,and I am just tired of my ideas being shot down by the first post I mean I have only been here for like 2 days each day I have tried a different idea and each day I learned it was already done or cant be done so maybe I should be more practical.
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