Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

[Quest] Mew encounter

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i had the idea of make a cave like the cerulean cave in R/B/Y that you only can access after you beat the brutal five or after get the 8th badge

on the entrance there could be a scientist/photographer that assumes that he saw mew inside the cave

on the mid there could be a strong npc (maybe one of the brutal five) thats challenge you because he wants get mew first

once you beat him when you get to the deepest part of the cave you see mew and battle it

if you try throw a pokeball he flees automaticly (making it uncatchable)

but if you beat him he will escape and drop something

this will add the pokedex page and that works as a proof that mew exists on the island, so the scientist/photographer rewards you for it

also after some updates this the pokedex mew's area could receive strange signals where some events happens
like if you add a zapdos/moltres/articuno event mew's area could locate where they are

meh, not bad. ....not really a whole lot i can say about this, as it is not so elaborate (which is not a bad thing, sometimes simple is best). im pleased you made it so you can't catch mew, and i am all for some sort of event ability of some kind....... the only thing is, this may or may not be the first time you encounter mew..... i suppose that doesn't really matter though.

no, this is one of the first quest ideas people on this site (aside from established, recognized members) that i actually kind of like. thing is, this is more for the map makers than quest designers. still..... you get my *thumbs up*

I like this idea, however, I think it has been stated already that you will not be able to catch legendaries. I'm sure that you can incorporate them into these quests, you just wont be able to catch them as your own.


--- Quote from: Impwadman on February 02, 2010, 08:40:29 PM ---I like this idea, however, I think it has been stated already that you will not be able to catch legendaries. I'm sure that you can incorporate them into these quests, you just wont be able to catch them as your own.

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--- Quote ---if you try throw a pokeball he flees automaticly (making it uncatchable)

--- End quote ---

Sorry, I misread. I thought he said somewhere that later in the game it will show you the location where you can catch mew and other legendaries.


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