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Author Topic: Become a Balance Tester!  (Read 24954 times)

Offline Level5Pidgey

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Become a Balance Tester!
« on: May 24, 2011, 10:33:22 AM »

Okay guys!
I've been teasing at this a while now, we are going to be letting 10 PU members to help us test!
As you saw recently, the PU team has implemented 34% of the fully evolved Pokemon in the game - this means that testing is becoming quite a handful for us, as the number of permutations is astounding. As we usually try to focus on the Pokemon that we most recently implement - it becomes hard to tell if a team combining Swampert and Dragonite is fun, or a team with Volcarona and Pidgeot is overpowered.

So as stated, we're bringing 10 of you in.
You will be expected to battle against members of the team and other testers - but most importantly, report on any balance issues you find.
Report a Pokemon if it seems too strong, or too weak.
Explore the Pokemon as much as you can - we might have overlooked combos that Liepard can pull off, we want you to find them and make sure they're not overpowered.

Now, here's where I'd say "But most of all! Have fun!"
But, really... we need you to be responsible and reliable when reporting balance issues.
1. Report Balance issues.
3. Kick Shadowfred's butt for me.

And as an extra bonus,
If you do your job well, you may be let into the PU Beta when we get close to release!

So how do I apply?
Fill out this form:

Code: [Select]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]

[b]Favourite Pokemon:[/b]
[b]How much competitive battling experience do you have?[/b]
[b]How much do you know of each Pokemon?[/b]
Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.
[b]How's your maths?[/b]
Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam.

[b]Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?[/b]
Why do you think we should pick you?
[b]What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?[/b]
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here!

Don't let the little quiz scare you.
It'll still be a blast.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 12:23:04 PM by Level5Pidgey »
Read my Game Design Blog!

And that one, lone, distressed flying Krabby went on to become the most powerful being in the Universe.

Offline Monzta

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 01:37:12 PM »
Age: 14, 15 in two months if that matters.

Favourite Pokemon:  Battle-wise: Spiritomb. Overall: Ninetales.
How much competitive battling experience do you have?Not very much, almost none.
How much do you know of each Pokemon? I'm not that experienced with Gen5 Pokes, but am extremely familiar with all others and their types and some of their main moves.
Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.
How's your maths? It's pretty good, but I second the below.
Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame? I think i'd be useful because I won't just do it "for fun", I could provide some good critics when it comes to srs buisness like this. I've been a member for quite a long time, and the majority know i'm not one of those stupid, immature people.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?I hate how people always go for the OU Pokemon while battling (such as Scizor or Dragonite), and I think those tiers need to be wiped out by balancing them (which is what you guys are kind of trying to do anyway) so we'd get battles with all types of Pokemon with different strategies.
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here!
 I hate Giga Drain and Spores in standard battles, it just wastes time when your pokemon are much more powerful :\
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 01:04:04 PM by Monzta »

Offline genbor

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 02:15:52 PM »
Name: -> Magyar, Viktor (Genbor)

Age: -> 18

Favourite Pokemon: -> Nidoking

How much competitive battling experience do you have? -> I have done my share of battling on the Pokemon Online simulator, and on the old cable connect option

How much do you know of each Pokemon? -> To be completely honest... I only know Generation 1 and 2, but I'm sure I can do some research on the rest.
Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets. -> Like I already said, I can do some research on them if that is what's asked of me.

How's your maths? -> Neutral; Algebra shouldn't be too troublesome ( I hate Geometry though...)
Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam. -> You got me there :)

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame? -> I wan't to contribute something to the community; I might not be the most active, but what is required of me I will do it as best as I can.
Why do you think we should pick you? -> I don't. I know there are lots of people who have been here before me, and that they might be more suited for the job. Also I'm in my exam period right now, so my free time is limited, BUT: I would like to contribute something to the community, and I would be serious about it (After exams, I practically have unlimited free time)

What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame? -> I don't like how the old generation Pokémon are starting to be pushed into the background by the newer ones. I understand that some of the newer ones might be more exotic, but that doesn't mean they are the only option anymore. I rarely see an old generation Pokémon in fights.
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here! -> a) The only problem I had with standard Pokémon, was the EV system. Although it represents the way how you train your Pokémon ( just like how you would train your biceps, triceps) and there are different ways, I still found it annoying that I had to spend hours on training a Pokémon that could be used for competitions between players.
b) No, I do not hate Stealth Rock, Since all it comes down to are Tactics. Most people go with Brawn and try to K.O. their opponents in the fewest hits possible, some people like to drain their opponents strength slowly, since they focus more on Defense than Attack. Either way, it is a part of the game to which a player must adapt to.

                                                                 Cheers, Genbor
It's ghost dammit, GHOST!

Offline Desbear

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2011, 06:08:11 PM »
Age? 11 hope my age doesn't matter.

Name? Solomon. (or on pu meowth)

Favorite pokemon? Gardevoir.

How much experience in competitive battling do you have? I battle on pokemon online battle simulator, I have had a lot if battles.

How much do you know all about the pokemon?I have memorized each pokemon from gen one to four, I can look up gen five, and I know most of the stats and moves.

What's your maths? Average fith grader.

How do you think you can Be useful in testing the pu meta games?I can give good critics since o have played every pokemon game,I have lots of free time so I can do most of the stuff you need me to.

What Changes do you think should be made to the current meta games?
All the older pokemon are being pushed to the back,I think all the pokemon should be o the same ground,I meen sure all the new pokemon are nice but I want a balanced team which needs pokemon from most gens

Have a ballence complaint? Hate stealth rock? Come tell us here! I Hate stealth rock


Offline Posterodie

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 07:48:21 PM »
Name:   Mirko(posterodie)
Age:   21

Favourite Pokemon:Butterfree
How much competitive battling experience do you have?enough
How much do you know of each Pokemon? so much
Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.
How's your maths? Latin
Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam. *me too

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
Why do you think we should pick you? Because i kwon very well the pokemon world, i'm a great fun  from i was 13(from 8 ages) , i kwon kind,gender ability and weakness. I can be very usefull for this cause.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here!
I know mor mmporg i think that the first step is developin' very well the comunication above the player. I belive also is very important updating the database of pokemon  whit each the pokemons of 5 generations with each move and evolution. I think an other important step is developin' the game also pokemon black and withe with the seasons, as well as to change the appearance of Pokémon Deerling Sawsbuck and will allow you to capture Pokémon in certain periods of the year. I think that  stealthrock is a very great attack and  there is different way for disable it.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 09:55:49 AM by Posterodie »


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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2011, 08:27:16 PM »
Name: Ponge (Niels)

Age: 17

Country (for timezone issues): Belgium

Favourite Pokemon: Lucario

How much competitive battling experience do you have?
I have some experience with the Pokémon Online simulator, but now I'm almost on PO daily to improve my mono-fighting, so I'm getting lots of experience now.

How much do you know of each Pokemon?
I know most pokémon movesets and stats , and I'm alot on bulbapedia to check improvements for movesets I use. I don't know the movesets or stats of all UU/NU or gen 5 pokémon, but I don't mind to look them up and learn from them.

How's your maths?
Decent enough, I hope. I study sciences and maths (so alot of maths) and I always have around 70%.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
Because I want to help the team. I'm a member for some time now, I'm motivated and I can spend alot of time (after my exams, which will start in 2 weeks and end at the first of juli) for balancing.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
Some types (Poison and bug as examples) should be improved so they can be more competitive. Most UU/NU pokémon from the early generations (blastoise, absol, umbreon,...) just need some balancing with some stats or moves to make them able to be a force in OU. Gamefreak tries to do this (ditto, bidoof,...) but they forget alot of pokémon. I think the removal of stealth rocks was a good idea. It will make PU more diverse, since not every pokémon will have a stealth rock lead like swampert.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 09:21:37 PM by Ponge »

Offline Robinson3938

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2011, 08:52:14 PM »

Favourite Pokemon: Gyrados
How much competitive battling experience do you have?
I beat Pokemon Yellow, Firered, and am over halfway through, Crystal and Emerald.
How much do you know of each Pokemon?
I can give you the name and type of almost any Pokemon third gen, and back, I also know, (or am capable of looking up), there moves.
How's your math?
I have an A+ in my math class.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
I report glitches, I'm knowledgeable of Pokemon, I have alot of free time, and have tons of experience in mmorpgs.

What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
I agree with some of the people that posted before, it seem that the late generations are becoming more powerful than the previous generations.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 08:53:59 PM by Robinson3938 »
Click on my Pokemon.

Offline YannQc

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2011, 09:35:08 PM »
Name: Yannick LeBlanc a.k.a YannQc
Age: 18

Favourite Pokemon: Heracross
How much competitive battling experience do you have? I've been playing pokemon since im a young guys, played every games
How much do you know of each Pokemon?
I know pretty much everything from all series
How's your maths?
Im pretty good in maths, been to CEGEP, in quebec, maths are pretty easy for me.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
there's no absolute reason why you should pick me, i just wanna help you improve the game, and maybe play a bit while im here ;)
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
haven't played at the moments, so can'T really say what i like/hate from this game!

Offline MastarD

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2011, 09:36:16 PM »
Name: MastarD
Age: 14

Favourite Pokemon: Garchomp
How much competitive battling experience do you have? I play in Pokemon Online simulator alot.
How much do you know of each Pokemon? I know alot about every pokemon(still learning about some of the 5th gen ones)
Do you know names and types? I can match up every pokemons name and their type, and I also know movesets of most pokemon.
How's your maths?I am making a A in accelerated math

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?I will report every underpowered and overpowered pokemon. I will be on alot to help with the game.
Why do you think we should pick you? I am a pretty good pokemon player and I would love to help with this game to make it good.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame? 1)The new generation pokemons seem like they are getting stronger.
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Some pokemon are overpowered why other are underpowered. It depends how the stealth rocks are used to if i hate them, if they are using like a shedinja with focus sash and its one of the only ways to kill it,it would help, but if they used stealth rocks with roar or whirlwind I would hate it alot.

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2011, 09:59:10 PM »
Name: Fantom
Age: 15

Favourite Pokemon: Snorlax
How much competitive battling experience do you have? Play a lot of Pokemon Online simulator
How much do you know of each Pokemon? I know every pokemon except the one in 5th regions.
Do you know names and types? Ye, but some of them i usually messed up with the counter type.
How's your math? Straight A+ in math.
Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame? I'm really active so I can find a lot of glitches and balance issues.
Why do you think we should pick you? I just want to help perhaps
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame? I think it good as it is.
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock?
There is lots of weak pokemon but they trade it off with their rareness. I don't use stealth rock and I don't like people that use them it kinda annoying me. But I don't mind facing someone using stealth rock.

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2011, 10:26:00 PM »
Name: yasser
Age: 18

Favourite Pokemon: dracoloss
How much competitive battling experience do you have? i palyed all version in gba.nds.n64
How much do you know of each Pokemon? i know all kinds .there weakness and powerful points all attacks and stats
Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.
How's your maths? great
Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame? because im an expert
Why do you think we should pick you?
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame? i have to test it to answer that
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here!
yea there is and that the beauty of pokemone  every pokemon have a weakness
and about the stealth rock i dont  see a probleme they are a rare powerful types but they are not undefeatable
im french so im sorry for the grammar mistakes i did my best
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 11:16:14 PM by Kamaran »

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2011, 12:06:29 AM »
Name: Frenchfry (Assuming you meant account name x.x)
Age: 15

Favourite Pokemon: Hitmonlee
How much competitive battling experience do you have? 0.5
How much do you know of each Pokemon?  Names and types lol. I don't know every single move and stat of every single pokemon, but I get the idea for most of them.
How's your maths?
I'm pretty good at math. That doesn't mean I haven't had my head explode from seeing a big as formula before.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
Because I said please?
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
I'm pretty sure stealth rock is a given. Wiping out half the health of a pokemon just because it ENTERS THE BATTLE isn't okay. Aside from that, I think steel could use a bit of nerfing, either with additional weaknesses or with lowered defense. And Blissey, what with its insane amounts of health and all. Also, it strikes me as pointless to have a pokemon like Tropius, who is *okay* in special attack as well as attack, when you could get an Alakazam, who is aweshum in Special Attack, and a Machamp, who is Aweshum in Attack.

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2011, 12:30:52 AM »
Name: PU:Silver PO: aWizzarddidit
Age: 17

Favourite Pokemon: Kingdra
How much competitive battling experience do you have? Competitive? A few battles. I play PO from time to time.
How much do you know of each Pokemon?Basic memorisation of typings, secondary effects, abilities, but not as far as IV calculation or movepool memorization. I can point out common competitive sets; ie. Rapid spin Cloyster, Toxic vaporeon, etc
How's your maths? Grade 12 advanced functions and physics.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
Active on forums for over a year, active in irc, competitive personality, completionist, tired of the current metagame.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
Im tired of having battles become a formula. Its no longer about strategising, but memorising plays and responses to your oppnents plays. I want the game to let you play a rogue party, and have a good chance of winning, and rebalancing the pokes is a step in that direction.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 02:22:28 AM by Silver »
The thrill in playing a game does not come from our chances of winning. It is the weight and pressure of losing that fuels our fascination. It is why people challenge, why they gamble and why they compete. The adrenaline that comes from defying defeat is what motivates us.

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2011, 12:44:45 AM »
Name: eddiedelta8
Favorite Pokemon: tepig

How much competitive battling experience do you have? if you mean game wise Pokemon pearl,diamond, platinum,heart gold,soul silver,black,ruby,red,blue,leaf green, Pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue, Pokemon mystery dungeons explorers of darkness, Pokemon Xd gale of darkness,yellow. if you meant against real people not that much i cant connect to wifi and if you meant in game battle then i guess well....i don't really know

How much do you know of each Pokemon?
move pools not so much except basic stuff like squirtle learns water gun and such like bronzor learns gyro ball
i know most type macthups and every Pokemon except Pokemon from Pokemon from black and white

How's your maths?
pretty good i am the so far the best in my class. but i am in 6th grade learning integers for the end of the year stuff. but i am getting into avid (most of you probably don't know what it is) so i will be learning 7th,8th,and i think 9th grade stuff so i am smarts with math.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
to suggest some weaknesses and advantages to some Pokemon i guess (or whatever it is with type macthups and stuff)

What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
i have know idea i have never played or tested it before(or whatever)

if it is only a certain age and up i would understand that but i wont be on all the time because of school and family stuff(A.K.A at my grandmas where there is no internet or when summer vacation comes and i go to my aunts for most of it and stuff like that)
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 01:27:21 AM by eddiedelta8 »
"The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." -Mewtwo (Pokemon - The First Movie)

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2011, 01:21:06 AM »
Mr Pokemon (Eric in real life)


Favourite Pokemon:
Vespiquen, but I feel she deserves to be stronger

How much competitive battling experience do you have?
I played PokeLab for a while, then not much after that, but I know of basic strategies, and have experimented with my own, having some success.

How much do you know of each Pokemon?
Like many others, I have a small amount of experience with Gen V Pokemon. However, I know quite a bit about the other generations.

-Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.
In response to this, I do know some of the highly used movesets of some OU Pokemon and a few others

How's your maths?
I'm in 8th grade, and I am taking Geometry (honors). Currently we are working with volume and surface area of solids, which is probably one of the easiest things we've done all year. I know formulas and theorems and all that jazz. Overall, math comes easy to me.

-Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam.
I did, and, not to brag, but I haven't gotten anything lower than an A in any math class so far.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
Why do you think we should pick you?
Like I've said before, I have experience in competitive play, and with multiple Pokemon. I wouldn't mind doing some testing, and would love to help with the game.

What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon?
Ninjask is one of my least favorite Pokemon to come up against. It is predictable, but may be slightly overpowered. The main thing is its ability to outspeed every Pokemon. If its speed were slightly reduced so that some Pokemon could get a first hit on it, I believe it could be balanced out to where it could still be very useful, but not a Pokemon that would be used on nearly every team.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 03:00:25 AM by Mr Pokemon »