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Author Topic: Become a Balance Tester!  (Read 24621 times)

Offline shadowbt

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2011, 02:11:03 AM »
Name: Shadowbt(Mario)
Age: 14

Favourite Pokemon:Pikachu
How much competitive battling experience do you have?I have played pokemon ds games with other people either using WiFi or old school cable to connect with someone else. I have also played PO before, so yes I have battled many other players. 
How much do you know of each Pokemon? I have have seen almost every episode in the anime and I remember clearly every basic moves of most Pokemon. I know almost all the moves of each of my favorite Pokemon.
Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets. I know a lot of the moves of many Pokemon, but also I know witch type of pokemon those moves are most/least effective on.
How's your maths? Grade 8, I have an A in math and even though its not my most favorite subject, its one of my best. I think algebra is pretty easy while geometry on the other hand is complicated.
Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam. My wish was granted. :)

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame? Well, I can suggest what I think about a move, if its to over powered or to weak. I can give my opinion about a pokemon, if it has to much HP/ to little.
Why do you think we should pick you? School is almost out and i'm going to have more free time than I used to. I also just want to help out because I want to contribute to the development of the game some how.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame? Older generations of Pokemon are being forgotten(except the classic favorites) and people want some new generation Pokemon.There should be a way to keep them balanced or at least given the same appreciation.As people have already said, newer gen. Pokemon seem to be getting stronger than older gen.If a new trainer picks a Tepig as there starter, while another picks a Charmander and they battle, there should be a balance kept between those two same level/type Pokemon or people will just want the new generation Pokemon.
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here! I don't think there are big balance concerns in Pokemon, maybe some minors. Yes, I do hate stealth rock. It can be very annoying and dangerous especially when its used with certain other moves like roar. There are some pokemon that are clearly overpowered, but if they are already in PU, i'm sure that they have already been noticed and balanced out.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 02:13:11 AM by shadowbt »
All things come in good time.

Offline hotman713

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2011, 02:35:07 AM »
Name: hotman713
Age: 14

Favorite Pokemon: Tyranitar
How much competitive battle experience do you have?: other online pokemon MMORPG plus wifi and trading cards since i was a little kid (no im not still a little kid :P).
How much do you know of each pokemon: I know a lot about each pokemon. once again, I have been playing for 10 years now I think. I even know gen 5 because I played through the game about 10 times xD. I know all the names and types and i'm pretty good with movepools.
How's your maths? Straight A's all the time. Easiest subject in my opinion. Oh, and i did pass my last exam... passed with flying colors.
Why do you think you will be useful when testing the PU metagame? Well i do know a lot of things to do with pokemon. Played every game of the series and I still watch the series so i pretty much know how the pokemon should be like. Plus I have the passion for Pokemon and games in general. To be honest, I haven't been active on forums but I do keep an eye out for news so i'm always around and I will respond more if necessary.
What changes do you think should be made to the current meta game? I agree with everyone on this when they say that the older pokemon are being pushed back. I don't hate stealth rock but it may get annoying some times. It's a move for a reason and some people need to learn how to combat it in order to be sucessful.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 02:37:36 AM by hotman713 »

Offline sleepyKid

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2011, 07:12:41 AM »
Name: sleepyKid(real name Alex )

Favourite Pokemon: ditto
How much competitive battling experience do you have? i play on ds with freinds i win 9 out of 10 times i just use a move to make them sleep then attack them:)
How much do you know of each Pokemon? not much but i know a lot of names and types but not moves
How's your maths? ok for my age i did pass it but i have'nt had one this year but my teacher says it ok
Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame? i maybe be useful but i don't think i will be much help
Why do you think we should pick you? i don't know but i am bored
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? do u mean old pokemon and new pokemon yea big difference but u can understand why old pokemon is being pushed back by new one to keep younger veiwers and player in interested but the should keep the old ones on, stealth rock is a move so why hate it?

Offline kensche

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2011, 07:20:15 AM »
Name: Feyan
Age: 19

Favourite Pokemon: Charmander
How much competitive battling experience do you have? -Well I have played all the pokemon game & filled pokedex in yellow; emerald & redfire (had to well type of hack..)
How much do you know of each Pokemon? pretty well.
Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.
How's your maths? you dont wanna know. but i passed
Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame? hopefully i will be a-bit of help in anyway
Why do you think we should pick you? i have no reasoning in this question.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame? well first i will have to play the game.
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon?-yes. Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here!
-i have no clue there is sth as "Stealth Rock" in the game?

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #19 on: May 25, 2011, 08:39:31 AM »
Name: Joe
Age: 14

Favourite Pokemon: Dragonite

How much competitive battling experience do you have?: I have played all pokemon games, completed the pokedex on emerald, pearl and am just waiting for the remaining event pokemon on white, completed the elite four too many times and have even entered some wifi tournaments and won some.

How much do you know of each pokemon?: if somebody showed me a pokemon id be able to name it (english name) and say its type. I also know type move sets and type matches.

How's your maths?: Apparently im quite good. Im top set at school and top of the class. Predicted A/A* in my GCSE's.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?: Well ive seen all different pokemon battle and with different type of pokemon so i should know how powerful they are. I love pokemon games so i wouldn't give up testing for you. Also, as I mentioned, I have had a lot of experience in pokemon battles and collecting.

What changes should be made to the current metgame?: I think that pokemon from the previous generations should be focused on a bit more becase now people only really care about getting 5th generation pokemon and i HATE stealth rock.

Hope I can be a tester :)

Offline Sunk

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #20 on: May 25, 2011, 09:09:58 AM »
Name: Ismael
Age: 22

Favourite Pokemon: Charlizard
How much competitive battling experience do you have? Well i played PWO & most of the GB games
How much do you know of each Pokemon? TBH i dont know that much about each pokemon other than their name and type except for the few that i had actually caught and used in battle, otherwise i just tend to just look it up in an online pokedex and see what moves it has and what's their effect.
How's your maths? loflololol oh boy, well calculus 101.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
i'm bored and i just finished college so i have nothing better to do that sit around and fight with pokemons, heck i'd play that sucky ass PWO all day if the server stayed up long enough, also i pay great attention to details, i tend to use support moves as well, and combine moves as much as possible, like one major imballance in PWO is ratata, yes you heard that right, next time you come across a lvl 4 ratata and you have a lvl 8 starter pokemon you better run, because if you get a tail whip and a tackle directly after you're dead.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
yeah actually there are a lot of balance issues in standard pokemon games, most of the time you catch a few good battle pokemons the rest are just for keeping or adding to your pokedex. so i hope with this balance project you'll put an end to that.

Offline snowylove29

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #21 on: May 25, 2011, 10:50:30 AM »
Name: snowylove (real:Christie)
Age: 15

Favourite Pokemon: I can't say, I love all of em.... but if I had to choose, It would be between ninetails, mightyena, haunter and abra or one of the Evee series
How much competitive battling experience do you have?
I would say I have enough, I have played the Pokemon Soul Silver, platinum, black, pearl and diamond versions.
How much do you know of each Pokemon?
I know most their basic resistance and weaknesses, I can also guess their skills based on their generation and body type.

Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.

How's your maths?
Well, I'm still a learning sprout. I'm taking advanced stage 2 math. (2c.2d) in year 11

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
Why do you think we should pick you? I've always loved the Pokemon series and I would love to help build an online community for Pokemon lovers like me! I also have a sharp eye for details and come in a package of endless ideas and observations.

What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
I've always thought that the Pokemon games did have slight balance issues, especially in Emerald for some reason. The issue where Pokemon get too strong or comparing the exp gain rate to the WildPokemon difficulty also became a problem to me at some point in a few series. These may not be very appropriate, but hearing that you'd liek to improve on the pOkemon state.. I just want to help you in that journey....

Offline Lumillis

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #22 on: May 25, 2011, 06:01:07 PM »
Name: Lumillis, Alex Clements
Age: 17

Favourite Pokemon: Scyther or Typhlosian
How much competitive battling experience do you have? None what so ever
How much do you know of each Pokemon? I know nothing what so ever about competative pokemon battling because i stopped playing back in Emerald before the whole online feature came out, i don't even own a DS.
How's your maths? Currently doing Advanced Mathamatics/Engineering studies and Physics at High School

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
I will represent the clear majority of players who will most likely be coming here to start out just collecting pokemon and later getting into the late game such as battling competativly against other players or just friendly battles with there mates...Also i didn't lie on this application and im Australian, also im quite active in the PU Chatroom when im not busy doing school work.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
why hydropump kill my fire pokemanz so fast?

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2011, 08:04:50 PM »
Name: Morariu Armand Angel
Age: 16

Favourite Pokemon: Arceus
How much competitive battling experience do you have? A LOT!!!
How much do you know of each Pokemon? I know enough: Evolving level, skills learning level and description of it.
Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.
How's your maths?
Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam.
:)) good :))

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
Why do you think we should pick you?
Because I am 14 hours/a day at the PC
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here!
More decorations, for more players.

Offline LeoReborn

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #24 on: May 25, 2011, 10:14:14 PM »
Name: LeoReborn

Age: 17

Favourite Pokemon: Anything Eevee-wise, specifically, Leafeon.

How much competitive battling experience do you have? Little, considering I have had few opportunities for competitve battling.

How much do you know of each Pokemon? Not much, but that's what Bulbapedia is for.. I'm also willing to put in the effort to learn them.

How's your maths? As long as it's just numbers, sharp as a razor. I'm proficient with Algebra as well.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
I want to help in any way possible, I figured I may have some hidden potential, so I just have to find it.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
Some say Dragon-types need to be nerfed, but, I say just their weakness to Ice is their downfall. Beyond that, there are still others that are ridiculously Overpowered as well, Garchomp, Salamence, Wobbuffet.

The Dragons are a stat-issue, so it's fixable. Wobbuffet is the fact that it can learn several moves that are gamebreakers:

Destiny Bond, Counter, Mirror Coat... those are the culprits..

I'd adjust it so that it can only have one of those three in its set moves.

(Note: I have PO now, so I'm going to plenty of experience in that regard.)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 01:25:35 PM by LeoReborn »
By loving so many, I have touched their lives and helped them rebirth as well. To be strong is to instill strength in another.

Offline Leonard102

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2011, 07:11:20 AM »
Name: (real)Leon, (nickname)Leonard102

Favourite Pokemon:

How much competitive battling experience do you have?
I've been playing pokemon
- on my gba for 13 years now
- 2 years on pokemonworldonline.

How much do you know of each Pokemon?
- I know all pokemon, evolving lvls, attacks, types... of Kanto,Jotho, Hoën and Sinnoh
Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.
How's your maths?
I like to make combo's with pikachu's thunder wave and victrebel's wrap. Doesn't matter how strong the opponent is, they just can't attack anymore.

Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam.
Yeah, then I got something to do:D

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?

Why do you think we should pick you?
- I know every statistic of more then 600 pokemon by my head.
- I got a lot of experience in pokemonworldonline which was a little bit the same like this.
- I'm very dedicated if i get a task.
- I got a lot of experience with servers(I know what's possible and what not)

What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here!
- gaining lvls with pokemon should be much harder
- introducing "fishing lvl" would be awsome(so it takes a lot of time to get rare pokemon by fishing)

Offline boyben10

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2011, 02:16:29 PM »
Name: boyben10 (Ben is my Irl name)
Age: 14, 15 on August 6th

Favourite Pokemon: Slowking
How much competitive battling experience do you have? Been Playing Pokemon Online for a while, been using UU pokemon effectively in higher tiers.
How much do you know of each Pokemon? I know their name, typings, and some stats, also can think of some possibly useable sets for many pokemon.
Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.
How's your maths? I'll be taking Algebra II Honors (11th Grade level Math) in 10th Grade, I'm pretty good at math.
Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame? I've been Playing a while, and I know how each pokemon should work.
Why do you think we should pick you? I've been here a while, and I know my Pokemon well.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame? I think some pokemon need some nerfing, mainly the gen V ones, most of the rest are underpowered, with few useable ones, many with useable stats have terrible movepools, ones with Movepools that are nice have horrible stats.
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here! I do think there are big balance concerns with pokemon, Primarily the Gen V ones. Conkeldurr and Hydreigon are two good examples of Pokemon that are largely overpowered. Conkeldurr has Moves to abuse his abilities, Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, and Mach Punch, all with a massive 140 attack stat and Iron Fist, with Huge bulk of 105/95/65, with it's only weak stat being it's Special Defense, but it's still hard to Knock it out, even with super effective Psychic attacks. Hydreigon Has Bulk, Attack, and a Useful moveset of Powerful Stab attacks, both physical and special.
I like slowpoke.

Offline bako_neko_tokyo

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2011, 06:45:27 PM »
Name: Lana
Age: 19

Favourite Pokemon:
  • I like all pokemon so no favourite
How much competitive battling experience do you have?
  • I have been playing all the pokemon games including the card game since the first generation came out when i was 7 years old, so i have a lot of experience

How much do you know of each Pokemon?
  • I know all pokemon types and type match-ups i know the best move sets for battling and all pokemon natures and abilities, I also know each pokemon's movepool incluiding which tm/hm's they can learn, I also know of each improvement made to pokemon throughout each generation and the not so good ideas game freak incorperated into each game

Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets.
How's your maths?
  • My maths is fine as long im not having to do any algebra

Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
  • I feel, I'd be useful when testing the PU game because I have so much experience and so much data at hand, and i also know what idea have worked in previous games and what ideas havn't

Why do you think we should pick you?
  • You should pick me because I have a passion for pokemon and i want to share my love of pokemon with the whole pokemon community, i know what makes a great pokemon game and being a world of warcraft player i also know what makes a great mmorpg and i feel that putting my knowledge to good use will help make this a very popular game for the pokemon community

What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
  • I think there have been balance concerns ever since pokemon abilites were introduced, in the first and second gen pokemon games (red/blue/yellow/gold/silver/crystal) no player had an advantage over the other, you had to win battles using pure knowledge and skill, personally i think that should be bought back and if like me you have had to try a stupid amount of moves against shedinja to see which one worked maybe you agree

Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here!
  • Again yes i think most blance concerns come with pokemon abilities

Offline Trainer Douglas

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #28 on: May 26, 2011, 08:01:23 PM »
Name: Douglas
Age: 22

Favourite Pokemon: Blaziken
How much competitive battling experience do you have? not a whole lot, but still a good bit. I've been playing since i was a kid, but only recently had the ability to play against other people. Its absolutely a blast.

How much do you know of each Pokemon? a little here, a little there. But I'm always doing research on Smogon and Bulbapedia, along with experience through guess and test experiments.

Do you know names and types? Cool! But it'd be better if you knew their movepool and competitive sets. (I know some of there movepools and stats, but I haven't memorized everything) And I know a little of there competitive sets, but I usually like to try out my own ideas.

How's your maths? Its ok. Its my favorite subject though, So if i don't know something, i can learn it.
Bet you're wishing you passed that last exam.

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?I love to play over Wi-Fi And have some experience in battling other players. I like to win without using Legendaries, and battle with the pokemon I love to use. I'd be able to test often, though not always. (lol I do have a life) And it would give me a chance to gain experience as well, allowing me to be an even better asset.

Why do you think we should pick you? Because I'd enjoy it, and you would have a dedicated tester.

What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame?
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here! hhhmmmm.....I feel that despite how good it is, Drizzle+Swift Swim shouldn't be banned to uber play. (Though Kyogre is definitely Uber) So if Politoad had its DW ability Drizzle, and Kabutops with Swift Swim was on your team, it shouldn't be Uber. Even Kingdra with Swift Swim.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 08:19:05 PM by Trainer Douglas »

Offline Swiush

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Re: Become a Balance Tester!
« Reply #29 on: May 27, 2011, 09:15:57 AM »
Name: Simon
Age: 17

Favourite Pokemon: Mudkip
How much competitive battling experience do you have? Played alot PWO before it got closed by Nintendo. I've also started playing there after it reopened also.
How much do you know of each Pokemon? I know about every attack in the red/blue/green games.
Do you know names and types? I dont know that lot of the later generations.
How's your maths? B+

Why do you think you would be useful when testing the PU metagame?
Why do you think we should pick you? Because I am a really dedicated gamer. And I do not screw you over. I play wow at a competetive stage and am dedicated to whatever i sign up for.
What changes do you think should be made to the current metagame? idk yet.
Do you think there are big balance concerns in standard Pokemon? Do you hate Stealth Rock? Tell us here! :D