Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots
Just one quest? Thinking bigger: The pokémon courier service.
Damn good to have you back. I've had a good read again. I really like your ideas, but would like to insert a few things too.
I think it would make sense to have a quest to make amends with the tribes if you were gathering the vines and other items that you need for the quests by defeating the the members of the tribes instead of trading. So what I suggest is this: Not every Pokémon belongs to a certain tribe, and when you battle one, maybe have a little pixel art change on the Tribes. So like you said the Grovyle seem to wear those white vines as bracelets, so the Tribe Sprites all have minor changes indicating they belong somewhere, and set them apart from the other Pokémon in the Jungle. So the Trainer has the Option to Fight or Flee, consciously knowing whether he is attacking a Tribe member, or not. If he so chooses to get the vines easier by Fighting, he will have to complete some kind of quest(s) to appease the Tribe. Obviously they won't trade with you if you have been attacking their members.
I really like the Trading option, mainly because it's a nice twist from all the fighting. I hope there will be some kind of puzzles/mazes/etc to solve while working on some of the quests (the one with Lara comes in mind) so there is some else to make it longer and enjoyable/evil. Keep up the good work. :)
Cheers, Genbor
Okay, I'm short of time and read the first part only :-[
But it's all coming good up to now and genbor seems to have gotten some ideas, which is a good sign (haven't read anything past the first part ;) )
I'll read it tomorrow for sure and give better feedback :)
Okay, done with the second part. And no, you're not an evil quest writer lol! It's just the kind of quest that I think I'll complete as soon as possible in-game :P Pity though that I already got to know the things 'behind the scenes' :P
In other words, good work! I'm sure that if you apply, you'll get a place in the team sometime :)
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