Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

Just one quest? Thinking bigger: The pokémon courier service.

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Oooh, I think your ideas will blend quite nicely with what I've got here and what Declan has got in the works for the postal quests genbor. The post offices would become not only a place for trading between players, but a quest hub and a twist on the auction house with the PC jobs board.

Some limiting factors I'd suggest off the top of my head are a timeout on the PC jobs, so a job could be listed for say 48 hours but you only have 4-6 to complete it once you accept it, or a limit on how many PC jobs you can be on at a time, or maybe both, to keep a single player from sniping all the jobs and thus all the rewards. You might want to cross-post the NPC guild and PC jobs board ideas to the main ideas and suggestions board to get some more feedback from the community. *strikes nice guy pose*

I especially like the idea of having a harder bunch of NPC quests for each office, and to make it even better if like you said you could only be linked to one office and get their harder quests, one could have the more eccentric rewards be unique to each office and potentially thematically linked to it. For example the combee hives quest reward could only be accessible from the office in the city with the bug type gym...

I now have far too many interesting idea seeds based on that train of thought...I'll be back in a while with another chain, maybe for another thread, maybe for this one. Ok this one ran away with me...it's kinda massive, read at your own peril...or come back to it when you have plenty of time...

The big thing I tried to do here was basically two quest chains that influenced each other such that doing them together makes them easier. The first has a built in bypass, the third is a multi-pronged trade with an interesting mini-story and mechanic in it, read that one if you're actually looking for gold, the fourth gives a useful area that's hard to get to, and the fifth and sixth are an intertwined finale that gives a useful area that's just as hard to get to

One thing I thought of while thinking up some type themed quests...much to my chagrin...is that postal quests would be a great place to insert random jokes of varying levels of funny, as these are the quests people do when not looking for big stories and epic stuff.

Enter this abomination of a quest chain. And horrible, horrible series of jokes. I apologize in advance.

This is a double quest chain, both parts come back together before the end and both the last quests have hard to get to areas in them that the knowledge of is part of the reward.

Sheep for Wood?

"I can't believe it, someone is actually trading a Sudowoodo. I've been looking for one for far too long now. But where am I going to get a Mareep? I have a collection of rare stones that I'd also be willing to give up one of as a reward for promptness." (Obtain a Mareep to trade for Sudowoodo, additional reward of a weather enhancing rock, or may find someone to trade a weather enhancing rock for the Mareep.)

If you obtain your own mareep then the next quest is added to your quests rotation, the post office worker will point you at this questgiver which will trade a damp rock for a Mareep as part of the previous quest if you ask.

Operation Sky and Storm!

"Every rocker knows that the source of your amps changes your sound, and for the best sound you've got to have poké-power! Havin' a super cool mini generator to rock along on my shoulder would also make my performance tight as can be! Find me an Emolga and I'll throw in this poké-battery that charges when hit by an electric type attack for your trouble!" (Simple trade, interesting reward, I havn't used the battery before so don't know its in depth mechanics.)

Ore for Wheat for Brick? (best of this bunch)

"I've gotten lucky again (trainer). But I have to request someone I know for this one, I don't want to stall my training, but this item and pokémon are too valuable to me to take a chance on with someone I don't know. Meet me in the basement of {some deep trecerous mountain} to get the item and the details."

When you go see him, he'll give you a TM94 Rock Smash as a key item (can't be used) and a key item pokéball containing his Rhyperior. He'll tell you about a trainer that will trade the TM for her tropius, if you can best her in battle with his Rhyperior. He's faced her twice before, the first time was a very close win, and the second was an extremely decisive loss. He'll send you along with a note (if you read it it says 'I want our next battle to be as amazing as you, so I sent (trainer) in my steed so I could continue training for it, he has my Rhyperior with him to battle you per our agreement. One on one, if (he/she) wins then you make the trade, if (he/she) looses then I'll just have to find another way then won't I?') Win, and move on to the next part of the trade, lose and you'll have to go catch a Tropius for him.

Continue on and trade the Tropius for a Roggenrola, but not just any Roggenrola. This Roggenrola has been partnered with not just one person, but part of a triple battle team. (which you can come back and battle later if you want to, they will have Tropius on their team, naturally.)

When you go back to the quest giver with Roggenrola, he will tell you that a Roggenrola or Boldore will only evolve if it has worked with many trainers. So a Roggenrola that was part of a triple battle team will certainly evolve into a Gigalith.

This next quest only shows up after doing the last two, and takes you back to the bottom of that forsaken mountain...this had better be worth it. (it will be)

We Will, We Will..

"The best rock comes from the purest source, and for the purest source you need all electric that won't ground out on you. Emolga's great for power metal, but what I really need for the purest of rock is an Eelektross! I hear that Tynamo perfer deep caverns with undergound pools and rivers, but don't know where to go looking for them. Find one and you'll be hansomly rewarded. I'll also give you something else to light your day!" (Additional reward: Absorb Bulb)

The Tynamo in question are way in the back of a stupid deep cavern past the questgiver from the last quest, if you get lost down there he'll give you directions out of gratitude for your help. That's one rare pokémon spot you'll find useful, considering Eelektross has no weaknesses due to levitate, even better if that cavern will evolve Magneon and Nosepass.

While on this quest the guy in the cave will give you another. If you don't pick it up while on this quest it'll show up at the post office eventually.

Seafaring Gold

"Some say the strongest rocks are polished by the sea. I'm inclined to agree with them. Find a Relicanth for me, but not just any Relicanth, I need one that is Sturdy beond any other seagoing stone. Relicanth tend to perfer either deep sea trenches, or when they're not in the deepest parts of the ocean they swim in corsola reafs. I wish I could help you more, but I'm not a seafarer myself..maybe I should expand my horizons."

The answer to this quest isn't obvious, until you get the quest from the electric rocker, which will show up shortly after this one.

I've paid my dues. :(

"The soulful guitar solo, the epitome of the rockers art. Many can do it well, but the best are remembered throughout the ages. And like all things rock it must start with talent. But the best tools, and the best pokémon, can help. I need to speak with you in person and give you something to help you find my new partner in rock!"

When you go talk to him..

"Stupid map! What is the point of having a map to the ultimate rocking partner when you can't get through the blasted desert. Ground types really fry my day. So here, take the map to Pink Pirates Reaf and come back with a chinchou for my rockin' team, and you'll be handsomly rewarded."

The map does take you through a desert, and well hidden in it is the enternace to a sandy cove created protected from the crashing waves by a corsola reaf, complete with Relicanth.

 In regards to your posts... To be honest I like reading longer posts as long as they are thought out well enough, so no worries there. :)

 -I second your ideas, they sound good. I am mostly a "Quester", not a "Quest Writer" and like in regards with reading longer posts, the same applies to Quests. The longer, more complex/intertwined and fun quests are especially my favorites. So if there are quests that relate back to older quests are especially nice if there's a bigger picture at the end. Like piecing together a puzzle.
 -And now that I mentioned puzzle, I love quests that involve solving them. A puzzle with guiding currents to make it flow towards the wanted destination, or having to go through a maze. It would be nice if there was a quest with a dungeon that involves all of them, puzzle solving, avoiding traps, finding the right route, battling "obstacle" trainers, all that kind of things. Maybe the CO (Courier Office) could have a Dungeon like that underneath, and if you solve it, you could find an easy shortcut between the CO's city and another city with a Courier Office. Or why not connect all of them? It would be an underground dungeon that could connect the cities that have a CO together.

 - So let's say we have 8 COs in 8 cities. The starting point could be your own CO that you joined. You solve the maze that leads to the Center of the dungeon. From there, you can solve 7 different mazes, that lead to 7 different cities. Once you solved a maze, it would be just a simple corridor to you, as opposed to having to redo the maze once more. So it would be worth it for players to solve since: 1. Makes traveling faster (you don't have to cross all those routes, forests, etc) and 2. Would be quite fun in my opinion.

 - The quest could be started in the CO library, where you find a book on the layout and construction plans of the CO building, and you find a secret passage leading down to somewhere. The quest's name could be "Underground Pass" or some such.

 Well since I like solving them more than writing them I'll stop here. Tell me what you think about it.

PS: The other type of quests I like are the witty ones, with Puns for their names and such. I liked your "Sheep for Wood" quest name :D
                                                          Cheers, Genbor

Trust me when I say that the puns and jokes i've incorporated are much much worse than anything I've seen here :P


--- Quote from: Declan_23 on May 31, 2011, 07:30:43 PM ---Trust me when I say that the puns and jokes i've incorporated are much much worse than anything I've seen here :P

--- End quote ---

We didn't doubt about that, Declan. ;)

I hope so... I love 'em! :P


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