Name: Crobat
Number: 169
Type: Poison / Flying
Abilities: Inner Focus, Infiltrator
Base Stats:85/100/80/70/80/130
Level Up Move Edits:None.
Move Tutor Move Edits:No changes have been made.
Egg Move Edits: None.
Example Set Crobat @ Leftovers
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 232 HP / 56 Def / 76 SpD / 144 Spe
- Taunt
- Roost
- Super Fang
- Brave Bird / U-turn
Explanation of SetNicknamed "Stallbreaker" for a reason, this set demolishes practically anything that wants to set up and stall you out for a prolonged match. Taunt prevents spikes from going up, along with any healing or set up moves. Roost allows you to heal off any damage you have received during the match (Be watchful of Earthquake). Super Fang and Brave Bird are the two attacking options, with U-Turn offering some utility in the set, with Super Fang breaking down anything with a huge HP stat and Brave Bird providing some very powerful STAB.
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