Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions
HM Slot
I think it would be pretty cool if each pokemon could have one HM spot. What I mean is aside from the four moves it may learn, it should have one slot only for HM's. The HM could not be removed or changed once placed in there and could only be used outside of battle. If you want to give a pokemon two HM's then you would have to sacrifice one of regular four move slots for the seond HM and this one could be used in battle.
I'm sure pesky HM's have ruined some great storyline teams and when you're toward the end of the storyline, an HM slave sacrifices a slot for powerful team of six.
Just a suggestion...
great idea ive always thought they should do that ;)
It should be two and it should be replaceable I mean my flygon had fly and cut so just one wouldn't cut it (pun intended)
--- Quote from: Draagn on February 03, 2010, 11:45:37 PM ---It should be two and it should be replaceable I mean my flygon had fly and cut so just one wouldn't cut it (pun intended)
--- End quote ---
This kind of defeats the purpose of HM's though... they should be somewhat demanding with the one slot being just enough to cut the cost a little bit
And I like the pun ;)
I know the pun is awesome but I am still standing firm with my take on your idea
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