Entertainment > Other Entertainment

Abridged Project

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So for now we have as members:
- Nidrax (Founder/Dubber)
- Yukimenoko (Dubber)
- genbor (Dubber)
- Annafu (Dubber)
- Silver (Plot consultant/Dubber) [I didn't receive a reply, but I suppose you won't say 'no', as you found the mic]

And still not confirmed via pm members:
- DarkknighT

Yeah I'm doing this.

So, after thinking it few times I finally get to the conclusion we should try to make the FMA:B abridged serie. Look, I even made the logo:

 Very neat  ;D

Looks good.. too bad I won't be a contributor to it... (as of voicing)
I could spread the word around it being abridged once you guys are working on it. :) (if that's what you won't mind) Other than that.. I'll be your first FAN of it. ^^
Or aka.. moral support.


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