Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

Quest line for pokemon

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I think i saw something about being able to level your character up somewhat?

Anyways i was thinking

Every couple of levels ( if they are implemented) you go to prof oak type npc and he gives you a little say 3-5 quest (quest line and once you finish all those quests be it capturing pokemon for him or getting items or even just something as simple as defeating someone in a pokemon battle) and at the end of those quests you get a rare-ish pokemon ( poke's could vary in how long each quest took you to finish or in maybe even having multi choice quests for different outcomes of pokemon and items). Also you can only do those little questlines once so whichever pokemon/items you get from it are there to say unless ofcourse you trade them away.

My second idea is

Having quests that turn up everytime you level up like allot of mmorpg games and also being able to wander into the wilderness and finding random npc's with quests to find other people/pokemon for them which can then turn into more quests. Another think could be being able to complete them with other people say one of your friends cant complete the quest on his/her own caus its to difficult so once you get to that quest you can team up in a little team/party type way and both help eachother to complete the different quests ( also this could be implemented into only a couple of quests not all of them, to stop people teaming up 24/7 to complete every quest before you can bring them into place) .


Quests will already be implented.

Hm... I think that with the current ideas, there will be plenty enough of quests. For the time being, there will be like a notice board where quests are put daily/hourly (not decided yet when they are renewed/changed). But it's not a bad idea :)

The second one is not bad either but what do you actually mean by "turn up everytime you level up". I know I would be bugged if there was some kind of notice thing always prompting me that I have quests unlocked. Because for example, I might be planning to get to a gym and get a badge when I get a quest and as soon as I finish it, another quest and so on and so forth, if you see where I'm getting at. At the end, I'd be left with many quests done but without the badge I planned to get.

yeah as for that part you just mentioned with the badges and the quests i was thinking like secondary quest type things that didnt need to be done but could be whenever you fancied doing something other than just searching for pokemon or doing gym battles and stuff :) but yeah i understand what your gettin at with it.



--- Quote from: Spenna on July 07, 2011, 04:15:39 PM ---yeah as for that part you just mentioned with the badges and the quests i was thinking like secondary quest type things that didnt need to be done but could be whenever you fancied doing something other than just searching for pokemon or doing gym battles and stuff :) but yeah i understand what your gettin at with it.


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In other words.. you talking about "optional side quests" that can be done anytime you want. :) They're the quests that does not link with the main story quest. Am I right?


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